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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 03, 2000






Includes meeting minutes and agenda. CSUN Session 30 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001017. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK STUDENT SENATE MEETING 30-16 Monday, April 3 2000 MSU 201, 6:00PM Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Monica Moradkhan Student Development Brady Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Paul Moradkhan Sciences Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs Joseph Cordone •isiness srian Murphy Hotel Administration Jennifer Hale Business Shaun Schoener Liberal Arts Trad Cornelison Health Sciences Brooke Bohlke Liberal Arts Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Tye Brown Fine Arts Sarah Bowers Business Stephanie Gonzales Health Sciences Karin Humphrey Student Development Robert Faust Engineering I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports Nevada Student Affairs-DIRECTOR NYSTROM Elections Board-ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ROTH CSUN Student Services-DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR GLANCZ Office of Student Information-DIRECTOR SMYLIE D. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of up to three (3) Students to serve on the CSUN Judicial Council; VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending $1,200.00 to Cozymels for the CSUN banquet to be held on April 25t h at 7:00 p.m. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (office) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending $1,500.00 to Mahoney's Pro Music for backline rental for the "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Bridge Engineering Club in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Concrete Canoe Club in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Lambda Chi Alpha in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Gay Straight Freedom Alliance in the amount of $150.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STEPH DAVY STUDENT SENATE MEETING MINUTES 30-15 Monday, March 27, 2000 MSU 201,6:00 p.m. Stephanie Gonzales Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences Monica Moradkhan Education Sheridan Green Engineering Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Joseph Cordone Business Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Sarah Bowers Business Karin Humphrey Student Development 1 my Soldano Business Collin Dick Sciences Chris Powell Education Eric Woodson Student Development Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Clay Peister Hotel Administration Kelley Debelak Education I. Call to Order SENATE PRESIDENT FISK called the Student Senate Meeting 30-15 to order at 6:08p.m. II. Roll Call PRESENT Johnny Anzalone Brooke Bohlke Sarah Bowers Amanda Brink Tye Brown Joesph Cordone Traci Cornelison Stephanie Davy Samra Dayani Robert Faust Stephanie Gonzales Sheridan Green Jennifer Hale Jennifer Hamby Kathleen Holbron Karin Humphrey Brady Knapp Marion McLaughlin Monica Moradkhan Paul Moradkhan Brian Murphy Faiza Qureshi Shaun Schoener Gil Glancz Eric Nystrom Shawn Roth Jason Smylie Holly Wainscott ABSENT III. Announcements SENATE PRESIDENT FISK yields the floor to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK introduces the UNLV Cheer and Dance Team Representatives. The Representatives are looking for support and money from Student Government. There is an explanation of what the money will be used for and why they came to Student Government. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY requested to move out of the order of the day to Action Item B, seconded by SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 IV. Approval of Minutes SENATOR BOWERS moved to approve minutes 30-12 and 30-13, seconded by SENATOR DAVY. SENATOR HUMPHREY noted that she was not listed under roll call on minutes 30-13. Move into a vote. Motion passes (with corrections) 23-0-0. V. Board and Committee Reports A. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR KNAPP stated that all three items passed committee. Item F, W, and M were amended. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports There were none. C. Director Reports Nevada Student Affairs-DIRECTOR NYSTROM-The Candidate Forum will be on April 4t h . UNLVino is coming and the cost is $25 at the door. The Board of Regents will be meeting on April 6th at 7:30. ICC-NCAA and UNLV allegations situation: not violations university has to respond using and approving allegations there is an infractions mtg. in June recruiting infractions and other allegations. President is going through a review she is suppose to give a self review he has it and if you would like to make comments to the chancellor more information just ask me. Election Board-ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ROTH- on Monday April 3r d the election board will have its next meeting. There will be pizza given out during elections, please invite constitutes out for the candidate forum Tuesday April 4th 11:30 to 12:30. Also, looking for more homecoming information, if anyone is interested he has more information in the office. CSUN Student Services-DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT-Preparing the student organizations information for the next CSUN Student Services Director. She also is preparing for the end of the year CSUN banquet, which will be on Tuesday, April 25t h at Cozymels or Old Spaghetti Factory. Would like to here feedback from everyone on there preference. Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR GLANCZ-Rebelpalooza contracts being sent back to us. Tickets from ticketmasters, there will be no reentry for non students. And all of the money is done funding. The time will be from 7pm to 11pm. Office of Student Information-DIRECTOR SMYLIE-OSI page finished. Working on PR for Rebelpalooza. D. Business Manager Report stated the weekly expenditures: $124.47, $146.42, $408.00, $450.00, $281.00, $18.25, $343.17, $90.00, $164.66, and $61.04. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of allocating $1,500.00 to cover the cost of Artemus Ham Hall for the 3rd Annual Step Show sponsored by the Office of Campus Community Development's Department of Greek Life. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-Discretionary) FY 00 Account; SENATE PRESIDENT FISK ruled this item out of order. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of 1,948.75 to "We Serve" for security and barricade for "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account; SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN moved to insert a $ sign before the amount, seconded by SENATOR BROWN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. B. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one (1) student to serve on the CSUN Judicial Council; SENATOR DAVY moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN. SENATOR DAVY moved to amend and approve Nomination/Approval of up to three (3) students to serve on the CSUN Judicial Council, seconded by SENATOR P. MORADKHAN. There was discussion from SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR HOLBRON, STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK, and SENATE PRESIDENT FISK. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 23-0-0. SENATOR DAVY moved to nominate three students, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. SENATOR DAVY moved to table, seconded by SENATOR P. MORADKHAN. Move into a vote on tabling the item. Motion passes 23-0-0. C. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one (1) senator to serve on the Elections Board for the remainder of the Spring 2000 semester; SENATOR CORDONE moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BRINK. SENATOR DAVY moved to nominate SENATOR MURPHY, seconded by SENATOR HALE. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK closed nominations. There were questions from SENATOR DAYANI and SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote. Motion fails 0-4-19. (SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR MURPHY opposed. SENATOR ANZALONE, SENATOR BOHLKE, SENATOR BOWERS, SENATOR BRINK, SENATOR BROWN, SENATOR CORDONE, SENATOR CORNELISON, SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR DAYANI, SENATOR FAUST, SENATOR GONZALES, SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR HALE, SENATOR HAMBY, SENATOR HOLBRON, SENATOR HUMPHREY, SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN, SENATOR QURESHI, and SENATOR SCHOENER abstain.) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Rebel Christian Fellowship in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; SENATOR BOWERS moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Phi Alpha Delta in the amount of $175.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; SENATOR BOWERS moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-1. (SENATOR HOLBRON abstains.) F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request for Phi Alpha Delta $307.60, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; SENATOR KNAPP moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BOHLKE. SENATOR KNAPP moved to amend to read $57.60, seconded by SENATOR DAYANI. There was discussion from SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR HOLBRON, SENATOR DAVY, and DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 22-0-1. (SENATOR HOLBRON abstains.) Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 20-1-2. (SENATOR DAVY opposed. SENATOR ANZALONE and SENATOR HOLBRON abstained.) VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S.241.020 (2)(c)(3)} Marissa Yamamona- The residence halls are looking for RA's for 2000-2001. She also attending a lecture in Boulder Colorado. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK addresses concerns about the liaisons. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA- She is still looking for faculty senate awards, please get them to her by 12 noon on Wednesday. Also, looking for suggestions from packet during elections. Don't forget that Wednesday and Thursday are voting days. The Student Teaching Scholarship is due April 11t h. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK-stated that student government was given 8 tickets to pass out, fill our an index card if you would like a ticket. The Public Safety Advisory Board Committee has openings, the committee meets on a weekly basis. Interested Senators included Senator Knapp. If you need help filling out the forms for room reservations, let her know, April 2n d will start the first day for the fall semester. The library tour is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th 3:15 - 8:00 guided through building, you will need to wear hard hats. On Thursday afternoon CSUN Services Director needs suggestions for goals for next year. Director Nystrom talked about Dr. Harter's review of herself and STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA will be addressing the Chancellor. Any questions about the scholarships and internet access please speak with STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK. Any applications that you see in the office should be directed to her box. Also, LEAD Team application will be out in the next week so apply. Student funding for KUNV funding update. There will be publicity through the banner. Director Nystrom will be at the Board of Regents meeting for the entire time. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK stated that he received a letter from Sunny Martin. The Interactive Dinner Theater for the Women's Center is coming, the office will be helping to sell tickets. Looking for more people to participate in the AIDS walk. There are two submissions for the Bylaws committee to review at there next meeting. Vote for end of the year banquet to be at Cozymel's. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR GONZALES stated that she went to the faculty meeting with her college. She also hand delivered applications for the Leadership Scholarship. No preference for the banquet dinner. SENATOR CORNELISON stated she would like the banquet at Old Spaghetti Factory. SENATOR HUMPHREY stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR BOWERS stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR BOHLKE stated she would like the banquet at Old Spaghetti Factory. She has also been talking to the County Commissioners Office. SENATOR CORDONE stated that he will be meeting with the dean next week. SENATOR KNAPP announced the Blood Drive and voted for Cozymel's.. SENATOR HALE stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR SCHOENER stated that the President of the United States will be here on Sunday avoid going out. He also would like the banquet a Old Spaghetti Factory. SENATOR ANZALONE had no comment. SENATOR FAUST had no comment. SENATOR GREEN stated that he would like the banquet at Cozymel's. Also, requesting support for the Engineering College at the Engineering Conference. SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR DAYANI stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR HAMBY stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR P. MORADKHAN stated he would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR HOLBRON stated that she would like to thank DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT for her work on the banquet. SENATOR BROWN stated that there have been some corrections on the posters downstairs for the Interactive Dinner Theater. He would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR QURESHI stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR BRINK stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's. SENATOR MURPHY stated she would like the banquet at Cozymel's SENATOR DAVY stated that pictures will be next Monday before the meeting. Likes the name Rebel Rodeo. She would like to see the banquet at Cozymel's. XL ADJOURNMENT SENATOR DAVY moved to adjourn, seconded by SENATOR ANZALONE. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK adjourned the meeting at 7:10p.m. Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. Approved by: Prepared by. SENATE PRESIDENT STEPH DAVY SENATE SECRETARY CARRIE DE SOUZA