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Congregation Ner Tamid newsletter, March 2000



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    CONGREGATION NER TAMID REFORM JEWISH SYNAGOGUE OF LAS VEGAS ...A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG MARCH 2000 - VOL. XIV NO. 6 SANFORD D . AKSELRAD Rabbi BELLA FELDMAN Cantorial Soloist DREW LEVY President NEAL SCHUSTER Student Rabbi 24 ADAR I - 24 Adar II 5760 MONTY E. WILLEY Executive Director JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director Lois BERGMAN Preschool Director MELANIE GORMAN Program Director Shabbat Across America and Music for a New Century "-.Something Truly WonderfuL" is the way one prominent reviewer describes the Music For a New Century service scheduled for March 31,2000. Under the direction of our Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, the service is part of a nationwide program celebrating the beauty of the Sabbath. It will feature the childrens and adult choirs singing a new work by Michael Isaacson. Bella was chosen to sing the title track of Isaacson's CD, L'Majseih V'reisheet, which features cantors from throughout the Unit-ed States. The CD is currently on sale at CNT for $15. CNT will also participate in Shabbat Across America that evening. It is a national pro-gram in which newcomers are invited to participate in a traditional Shabbat dinner and service. All of us know someone who we think would enjoy coming to a Friday evening service. As members we often forget how much temple has to offer. The vast majority of our members join because they were asked. Wouldn't it be great if someone you know could enjoy our tem-ple's advantages? This program is a won-derful opportunity to let your friends know what a special place CNT is to belong. There will be a potluck dairy dinner before the service at 6:15pm. If you plan to attend, please RSVP, 733-6292, and bring a dairy dish that will serve 10 people, in a dispos-able container. Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 School News / CNT Preschool 4-5 March B'nai Mitzvah 6 New Member Welcome 6 Executive Director's Spotlight 7 Auxiliaries/Committees 8 Golf Tournament 10 Goldn Chai 11 Board Beat 12 Torah Study Opportunities 12 Birthdays/Anniversaries 13 Tributes 14 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 16 (the Bulletin is published monthly) Weese Not*: CNT is testing out some new looks for The Bulefin and would Bee your input! Each month for the next 4-5 months, The Buletin w! be printed on deferent papers to test out new images. Please give us your opinion - cal Minay at 873-1968 or Montu at the Temple at 733-6292. c/l Special ^Plaee Q"<% ^Belong. PURIM CARNIVAL 2000 PreseMedb^?. Congregation Ner Tamid's M.B. Dalitz Religious School \ Mar<Al$thL2QOO . J 11am to 2pm Bring family ah&Friends for a fun filled time - The Best Yetl Games, Prizes,Haffles,Lots of s* fun arid Food- PURIM FAMILY SERVICE March 17^2000/7:30pm Rabbi and our Rabbinical Intembill conduct a Special Service Bella and the Junior Choir will entertain - Wewill all sing! ^ ? y ^ > Rabbi will grvegifts to all \ $$hildren who come in costume. Following the noisy, but wonderful service of prayer, stories, songs and groggers, Sisterhood will serve lots of Hummantashen at the Oneg. Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman MARCH 3 PRESCHOOL SHABBAT 7:30PM BABY NAMING FOR CARA ANN PARENTS: MICHAEL & BELLA FELDMAN ONEG SPONSORED BY THE FELDMAN FAMILY MARCH 4 TORAH STUDY 10:00AM MARCH 10 BABY NAMING FOR RACHEL BETH PARENTS: SHARON & BRIAN SIEGEL GUEST SPEAKER ISRAEL EMISSARY MICHAEL NITZANI IN LIEU OF RABBI'S SERMON ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SIEGEL FAMILY MARCH 17 PURIM FAMILY SERVICE W/JR. CHOIR 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD MARCH 18 TORAH STUDY 10:00AM MARCH 24 CASEY CORNETT BAT MITZVAH 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE CORNETT FAMILY MARCH 31 SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA DINNER 6:15PM CHILDREN'S SERVICE FOR A NEW CENTURY W/JR. & ADULT CHOIR 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD Rabbi's Message "This year in Jerusalem' A s I w r i t e t h i s c o l u m n , i t is h a r d t o believe t h a t in j u s t a f e w s h o r t weeks I will be o f f t o J e r u s a l em once a g a i n . For t h e f i r s t t i m e , o u r C o n g r e g a t i o n is j o i n i n g t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e J e w i s h F e d e r a t i o n of L a s Vegas in a " j o i n t m i s s i o n " of visi-t a t i o n a n d f a m i l i a r i z a t i o n of our a n c e s t r i a l home. For s o m e i t will be a " o n c e in a life t i m e " experi-ence; a n d f o r o t h e r s like m y s e l f , i t will be a c h a n c e t o see I s r a e l once a g a i n a n d renew o u r love a f f a i r w i t h a l a n d t h a t is s o i n t e g r a l t o o u r f a i t h a n d c u l t u r e . V i s i t i n g I s r a e l h a s a l w a y s been f o r me a w o n d e r f u l e x p e r i e n c e . No m a t t e r how m a n y t i m e s I t o u r M a s s a d a , I a m a m a z e d a t t h e o d d s f a c e d by o u r people a g a i n s t t h e R o m a n s ? t h e i r c o u r a g e and t h e i r b r a v e r y . No m a t t e r how m a n y t i m e s I go t o t h e Golan H e i g h t s , my u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e d i f f i c u l t i e s in making peace w i t h S y r i a a n d Lebannon is r e f r e s h e d . And no matter how many times I go to Jerusalem, I never stop feel-ing a sense of holiness. To stand at the Wall, to pray, to leave a little prayer... it always feels as if I am leaving a little bit of myself behind along with the heartfelt wishes of millions of others who have gone before me...and those yet to stand in that hallowed place. Together we form a unique chain of tradition that affirms our commitment to the State and People of Israel. As of this writing, we have nearly fifty people going on this mission. Though we leave March 2fi>th (and ruturn April 5th), I would venture to say that there is still room for "one more". Call me or Melanie at the Jewish Federation - 732-0556 - to sign up. Think about it, come with me for a trip of a lifetime. If not this year, then when? tRoBBi ftj^eCrad Interested in Israel, but have to miss the 2000 Mission? Curious about planning a trip for the future? Join Rabbi Akselrad to hear all about the Mission to Israel April 14, 2000 at the Temple during services ISRAEL CONQREQARION NER TAMI(J MARch 2000 DREW LEVY President STEWART BLUMENFELD VP Administration SCOTT STOLBERG VP Ways & Means HOWARD LAYFER VP Membership IRA SPECTOR VP Religious Activities JUDY CORNET VP Education & Youth LYNN SASSO VP Member Activities SYLVIA BELLER VP Social Action DAVID STAHL Treasurer RUTH URBAN Secretary MEL HALLERMAN Trustee RTTA GOLDSTEIN Trustee FRANCES KLAMIAN Trustee JACKY ROSEN Trustee-Membership LEON MARCO Trustee JERE' DAVIS Trustee ESTHER SALTZMAN Trustee-Youth SHARNA BLUMENFELD Trustee-Library MINDY UNGER-WADKINS Trustee-Bulletin SANDY STOLBERG Sisterhood STEVE JOSEPH Brotherhood STUART KALLICK NTTY T B D TNT SANDY PITTLE Golden Choi BOB UNGER Past President JERRY GORDON Past President CAL LEWIS Past President EILEEN KOLLINS Past President KENNETH SCHNITZER Past President DR. DAVID WASSERMAN Past President DR. STEVE KOLLINS Past President MICHAEL CHERRY Past President DR. BERNARD FARROW Past President EUGENE KJRSHBAUM* Past President RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD EX Officio ?Deceased CNT 1 oi A p p a r e l op PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! X P0L09 AND 8WEAT0HIRT8 IN BLUE op T-8HIRT8 IN BLUE AND A, WHITE Y op POLOQ - $ 2 0 A ADULT 8WEAT8HIRT - $15 Y ADULT T-SHIRT - $10 <F> YOUTH 8WEAT8HIRT - $12 YOUTH T-SHIRT - $8 CALL THE TEMPLE OFFICE AT 7 3 3 - 6 2 9 2 Douglass C. Eadie, once wrote, "Volunteering time is a great Amer-ican tradition that results from a strong need to "pay back" that which cannot be entirely satisfied by opening one's checkbook." Our temple can provide a very unique opportunity to serve while also satisfying less altruistic needs, such as satisfaction, net-working and recognition. Volun-teers can expierence the intense satisfaction that comes from having a powerful impact on the organization they care about. Because of their efforts as volun-teers events, programs and services are enhanced and produc-tivity is improved. Volunteers know they can make a difference and that the investment of their time and energy yields a handeome return. Other than the clergy and hired staff, all other functions of the temple are handled by volunteers and lay leaders. Planning events, maintaining the gift shop, oversee-ing the religious school and pre-school, ushering and maintain-ing the kitchen are all the respon-sibility of temple members who volunteer their time and effort for the good of the whole congrega-tion. As a long-time member of the Board of Trustees and a volunteer, I have watched over the years how just a small group of members have continually volun-teered, because they felt they had to so the work would get done. There are many committees, plan-ning groups and even the board that need more members willing to get involved. Personally, I have experienced a wonderful feeling in my heart to be a volunteer a t CNT. "Giving back" to my temple a little of what my temple has given to me and my family. WE NEED YOUR. HELP! A couple of our committees are committees of one right now, such as Out-reach or Education or Youth. One does not even have a chairperson. As we continue to grow as a congregation and our members continue to demand a return for their membership dollars, good well-thought out and planned events, study sessions, and socials are a must. And these things cannot happen without a team of volunteers working together giving their time to schedule, plan, prepare for and attend them. I am asking you to look into your heart and pereonai schedules. See where you have some time to "give back" to the temple. Call our pro-gram director, Melanie Gorman, or myself and see where we need your help and where we can match that need with your interest(s) or special skill(s). Give us some time and give yourself some satisfac-tion. The temple truly appreciates it and you will not regret it. What better way to profoundly influence a temple's directions and to produce significant social good than to participate in its events, fashioning its strategies and plan-ning its future. Drew MAM* 2000 cJt Special rpiaet v7W "Belong X j Michael Nitzani, Israeli Emissary to Speak at CNT At Shabbat Services on March 10, there will be a special guest speaker. Micha-el Nitzani, the Jewish Nation-al Fund s Israeli Emissary for the Western United States, will speak about current eco-logical issues in Israel. He wul discuss: the water crisis in Israel and ways of solving it, water agreements with our neighbors and the peace process, Israel s population growth and density and resulting problems, and the Jewish National Fund's Development of the Negev Going Grocery Shopping? Traveling? Buying Clothes or Gifts? Don't forget the new Scrip program! You've now received the information in the mail - have you signed up yet? Raley's COSTCO Smith's Albertsons American Airlines Eddie Bauer Spiegel The Sharper Image Vons Timberiand Payless Shoes and Much More! Desert. Religious school stu-dents at CNT were given Tzedakah Blue Boxes for JNF of Mitzvah Day in February. Students are to bring their Blue Boxes to services on March 10th to present to Michael Nitzani. Students should arrive by 7:15 to be a part of the group photo with Mr. Nitzani. All students who are therefor the picture will receive their own copy. This will be an exciting and informative evening that you won't want to miss! Hope to see you there! GtfuW Winter Conclave 2000 Mas a fantastic sac-cess!!!! HTTY would like to specifically thank the following people for all of their help and support: GHT Sisterhood, GHT Board, Oactae Meekop, Esther saltzrian, Rabbi A selrad, all of the par-ents and host families, Maintenance Grew, instant Replay, Ra leys, Manhattan B a g e l s , and Einstein Ba gels. HTTY hosted 210 teenagers from all over the southwest and pulled off the best regional e v e n t ever!!! 4 CONQREQA TiON NER TAMLD w MARch 2000 mm CNT PRESCHOOL mm Top LEH: BREAUNA is IMMA foR SHABBAT Top Riqhi: EATIRNQ PASTA FROM T^E OliVE CARdEN LEIT & Above: ENjoy OUR Tu B' SIIEVAT SEDER MARCH 2000 No School Holidays this month APRIL 2000 Monday, April 17-21 No School Spring Break Thursday, April 27 No School Passover (last day) MAY 2000 Monday, May 29 No School Memorial Day JUNE 2000 Friday, June 2 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL MARch 2000 Special cpiaee TJo rfielony 2 0 0 0 C N T PRESCHOOL CALENDAR February was another fast paced month nere at the Preschool. We celebrated Tu B' Shevat (the Jew-ish Arbor Day) by the planting of seeds and having our own Tu B' Shevat Seder. It was a joy to watch our little ones get their hands in the soil and get back to nature. We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog's shadow (which he really did see and so did the chil-dren). On the fifteenth of the month we all enjoued our field trip to the Cultures of the Southwest (we sure learned a great deal about different types of people). The chil-dren celebrated tne Chinese New Year (the Year of The Dragon). Of course we all learned about Presi-dents Lincoln and Washington. We even baked our own Challah to enhance our Sabbath experience. We all enjoyed our thank-you din-ner from the Olive Garden Res-turant. What delicious pasta and salad. A big Todah Rabah to Miguel. Martha and the nice folks at the Flamingo location. Jennifer, our Library Lady, was here to read us a story and bring us books to read for the rest of the month. This month of March will also be an active one here at our school. On Friday, March 3"1 our students will display their talents at the Fri-day evening service at 7:30pm. On Tuesday March 21"t we will be celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim. The youngsters are work-ing very hara to learn about all of the Purim characters (Vashti, Mor-dechi, The King, Haman and Es-ther). Our classes will be making Hamentashen and exchanging Sha-loch Manot Baskets with their friends and the Golden Chai as well. Next month, April will bring the Holiday Of Passover an(T our annual Preschool Seder, will be the highlight of our month. The boys and girls will do some Pass-over cleaning and cooking and of course learn the traditional songs and prayers associated with this Spring Festival of Freedom. We are continuing our preparations for our Kindergarten program that will fake place next year. Every day brings us a step closer to our goal. Look for exciting news in the next few weeks about our program. We are also gearing up for our sum-mer program for youngsters 2 Vi- 9. It looks like tnis year will offer a fun filled summer for our youngsters here at Ner Tamid. Lois ^Bergman Preschool Director (Maze((Tov t o O u r M a r c h ( B a t M i t z v a f i Hello, my name is Casey Cornett. I am in eighth grade at Becker Middle School in Summerlin. I enjoy playin basketball, volleyball, an swimming in the summer. I have two brothers, McKen-zie (16), and Kellen (15), and two of the most loving parents in the world. My fam-ily and I would be honored if you would join us in this special occasion when I am called to the torah as a Bat MHzvah on March 24, 2000. T KwwwwuuuuuuummnTTTT I I 111 [ U i f / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ^YAY^WAUUUUU Vi UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUI4 \ CNT HOLDS SP6CMI PROGRAM FOR T??NS AND PARCNTS On March 12th, CNT will hold a special program, for teens and their parents, entitled Teen Tools. Teen Tools uuill take place From 1:00-4:30 pm and is open to all teens in 8^-12th grades and their parents. The program is co-sponsored by BBVO, JCC, Hebrew Hi an, and Midbar Kodesh USY. This uuill be a workshop to help teach teens and their parents how to deal with sex, drugs, anger, and violence. Qualified professionals will lead a frank and open panel discussion in which teens and parents will participate. Teen Tools presents an excellent opportunity for teens and parents to learn about these sometimes "hard to discuss" issues in a structured forum. The program is free of charge, but RSVP is reauirea Please call the Temple office, 733-6292 for your reservation. AAA < x x x x X * Welcome to the Neighborhood Ool and Hannah (HankJ Bloom were our first members of the new century! They have lived in Las Vegas since the 1970's and surely can fill us in on much of the history of this city. The Blooms are retired so we hope to see them at many services and functions, and perhaps even at Golden Chai. Welcome, 80I and Hank! Taml and Matt Qhulman, along with Mloaala, 3, and Loula, almost 2, joined CNT iust one day after the Blooms. The 8hul-mans have been married for 6 ears and are related to Barbara ulman (Matt's mother), already art of our CNT family! Tami is a memaker and Matt is a market-ing executive here in Las Vegas. We are so happy to welcome the Shulmans and hope they will find an extended family here at CNT as their children grow with us and become an active part of our Tem-ple community. Tell and Kvell Mazel Tov to Barbara Shulman on the birth of her new granddaughter, Lauren Danielle Cantor, born January 25th. Proud parents are Neil and Karen. ye< 8h pai noi COSQREQA llON NER TAMld MARCM 2 0 0 0 Txecutive 'Director's f i n * * ' ' ! Several significant events are on the hori-zon the next couple of months. The B'nai Mitz-vah Parents meeting scheduled for March 9 for those with a dote in the year 2001. This is a very informative meeting and is a MUST for those fami-lies. Also, the Sister-hood is sponsoring the Simcha Fair this year and it will also be held on March 9 at 7pm. This is a good opportunity for those of you with a Sim-cha to attend to see some of the wonderful par-ty vendors in town, fit the end of the month, Bella is hosting the Music for the Century program on March 31. This will be in conjunc-tion with the Shabbat Across America program. Hope to see you there. The Annual Passover Seder is scheduled for April 19 at the temple again this year. UUe will have limited seat-ing so it is a MUST to get your reservations in early. There are more details in this Bulletin on page 10 and a flyer was mailed out the middle of February. This has been a very popular and enjoyable event for us, so please plan to attend. There continues to be some slow payments for membership fees. If you are one of them, and you have a financial is-sue that needs to be dis-cussed, please give me a call. UUe never turn people away due to a financial problem, but it must be worked out with the office in advance. Monty WAVURAW MEWS There is a new Havurah manual out to give each group some guidelines and tips. One member of each Havurah has been sent the manual and they were asked to share it with their group. We hope this will be of value to each of you! Also, I stil have a list of people interested in joining or forming a Havurah W e have al ages, some famlies w i t h children, angles, couples, e t c If you w a J d be wiling t o cal some of the people on this fst and try t o form a group, or ask them t o join your existing group, it would be great! Give me a cal and I give you names and phone lumbers. S h a r n a B i J r e n f e l d / 2 5 4 - 9 2 1 E-MAIL HAVURAH The CNT E-Mail Havurah is cur-rently at about 150 mem- bers. This communications v medium is used to both pass along Rabbi's impor-tant messages and interesting Jewish-ori-ented Internet sites (usually one message per month). There are many congrega-tion members who have E-mail address-es but are not yet in the E-mail Havurah. It is easy to join and there are no meet-ings. Just send an E-mail to: Have the subject line read "New Member," and list your E-mail Address. MARCL< 2 0 0 0 I Special rpiaer Belong \ l A U X I L I A R I E S & I HAVE TO START THIS MONTHS ARTiclE WiTh A CREAT JOB TO DONNA Willsy ANC) MARSHA ColdbERq foR A FANTASTIC PRO-QRAM. MAYOR OSCAR GOOCIMAN WAS A QREAT SpEAkER. WiTh OVER 150 pEOplE iN AnENdANCE, ThiS llAd TO bE ONE of OUR biqqEST EVENTS YET. ANd OUR delicious dEs- SERTS ThAT folloWEd WERE AlMOST AS biQ of A hiT AS MAYOR CoodMAN WAS. OUR NEXT PROQRAM, ThuRsdAy MARCIH is RAbbi's book REVIEW. "KEEpiNq FAITIH" by Jodi Picoulp, wiTh A luNch CATEREd by MACARONi C R i l l will follow. PIEASE look rrrrr The Men's Club Is on the Tee How good is your imagination? Close your eyes and picture yourself in a lush green s e t t i n g of well manicured fairways and closely cropped putting surfaces. You're w i t h three friends, t h e best ball is already on t h e green; however, it's t h i r t y f e e t away f r om t h e Hole. You and your teammates put their balls down and you have t h e f i r s t p u t t . You don't play t h a t often because work and f a m i l y c o m m i t - ments have t o come f i r s t , but today you tell t h a t little white ball and t h a t d u s t y p u t t e r not t o let you down. You address t h e ball, you slowly swing your p u t t e r back and s t a r t your for-ward motion and you make c o n t a c t w i t h t h e ball. Your follow through is p e r f e c t ! The ball s t a r t s i t s travel over t h e small mounds and dips t h a t lead up t o t h e hole and hits t h e right side of t h e hole going round and round t h e outer edge and drops into t h e cup. There is a roar of congratula-t i o n s f r om your teammates f o r you j u s t sunk a lucky t h i r t y f o o t e r and t h e r e is no need f o r t h em t o p u t t . Later in t h e Club House, t h e r e s t of your friends are all around you listen-ing t o t h e s t o r y of how you sunk t h a t long unsinkable p u t t . Sisterhood Xews foR TIHE flyER iNcludsd iN This BUIIETIN foR MORE iNfORMATiON. TuEsdAy ApRil is TIHE dATE foR TNE ANNUAI All WOMEN'S SsdER. The SEdER will beqiN AT 6:00pM. TUE COST is $18.00 foR SiSTERhood MEMbERS, $ 2 4 . 0 0 fOR NON MEMbERS ANd $10.00 dollARS foR QIRIS 12 ANd uNdER. OUR SERVICE will bs IEACI by BEIIA FEWMAN, OUR CANTORIAI SoloisT, ANd MAxiNE MoliNsky who is iN chARQE of SiSTERhoods REliqious AcriviTiES. PIEASE look foR ENCloSEd flyER foR RESERVATION iNfORMATiON. You can be p a r t of all t h i s fun and excitement by joining us on Sunday, April 2 . 2 0 0 0 , f o r t h e Men's Club Open Golf Classic. The tournament will be held a t t h e beautiful Sun City Sum-merlin Highland Falls Golf Course with check-in a t 7 : 0 0 am and a s t a r t i n g t i m e a t 6:00am. This tournament is open t o EVERYONE, good golfers, occasional golfers and most impor-t a n t , you beginners - f o r t h i s is a "Scramble". What is a Scramble? A Scramble is when you and your t e a m m a t e s each hit a ball and you d e t e r m i n e which is t h e " B e s t Ball" t h e n everyone h i t s from t h a t spot. That is done each t i m e you and your t e a m m a t e s hit t h e ball t h e r e b y taking into consideration everyone's a b i l i t y and t h a t lucky s h o t . This makes f o r a fun t o u r n a m e n t where golfers of all abilities have a chance t o be in t h e winner's circle. You can make up your own four person teams or we can do i t for you. We will s t a r t you o f f with a Continental Breakfast a t which t i m e you will have t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o purchase a "Mulligan" or t w o and a bag of s t r i n g t o help you w i t h t h o s e near miss p u t t s . After t h e tournament, a B u f f e t Lunch will be served and prizes awarded. This is an o p p o r t u n i t y t o get o u t with friends As I WRiTE This ARTiclE, I'M Also QETTiNQ TOQEThER ThE NOMiNATiNQ COMMiTTEE. If you would like TO becoME iNvolvEd, ThERE is NO bETTER WAy ThAN holdiNQ A pOSiTiON ON ThE SiSTERhood boARd. If you would likE TO NOMINATE SOMEONE of hAVE ANy OUESTiONS AboUT ANy of ThE pOSiTiONS AVAikblE, plEASE CONTACT ME AT 228'6865. THE SIATE of NOMINATED offic- ERS will BE posTEd IN ApRil's BUIIETIN ANd ELECRIONS will BE HELD ON WSDNESDAY, May 17*. ShAlOM, Sandy rrrrr and renew old acquaintances. The fee f o r t h i s action packed t o u r - nament is $ 1 0 0 per person, which includes your Round of Golf, a Cart, Continental Breakfast. B u f f e t Lunch, Awards and Prizes. The fun p a r t is Priceless! In addition, you and or your company can have t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o Sponsor a Hole f o r $150 and a sign will be placed a t t h a t hole advertis-ing your support. All entries must be received on or before, March 17, 2 0 0 0 , in order t o make all t h e necessary ar-rangements f o r a successful tourna-ment. If you have any questions, c o n t a c t Stephen Joseph a t 7 0 2 - 656-9963 or Gary Gilman, VP of So-cial A c t i v i t i e s a t 702-360-3211. If you have misplaced your Tourna-ment a p p l i c a t i o n t h e r e is one en-closed in t h i s bulletin or you may call M o n t y a t t h e Temple office and he will send you a new one. Don't miss out, as t h e r e is not a lot of t i m e re-maining t o sign up. Take t h i s oppor-t u n i t y t o show your support and get out and have some fun. We'll see you in t h e Club House. Stephen Joseph Men's Club President CONQREQATION NER TAMICJ MARch 2 0 0 0 Simcha Fair Calling all photographers, caterers, and party planners. and anyone else who mahes a living helping others celebrate that special dayl (3{T,Sisterhood is planning the 3rd annual Simcha Fair, a convention ol sorts Tor Iamilies plan-ning a simcha. whether it be a Bar/Bat fflitzvah. a wedding or a bris. these Iamilies will need your help. 3! you would lihe ^ to receive information about securing a booth at the ^-s-ffy** Simcha lair, scheduled lor Thursday evening. march 9th. please call Sandy Stolberg at 222-6863. Anyone who has used an exceptional vendor and thinh they should be included in the Simcha Fair, please let us know. JT you are planning a simcha. please plan to attend! When was the last time you let yourself go and had some fun? Well, the April 1 * social event will be just the opportunity you have been waiting for. On April 1 (April Fools Day), the CNT Member Activities committee will put on an old fashion scavenger hunt and Mexican Fiesta dinner. (Did I mention its April Fools Day)? There will be surprises and prizes, good food and lots of fun and laughs. We will meet in the Temple parking lot at 5:00pm to begin the scavenger hunt. Information ana instructions will be provided at that time. You may have up to four people in one car and the cost is only $15.00 per person. What could be better? Young Couples Club, Golden Chai and Havurahs, make this your April event and join us in a wonderful evening of fun, food and surprises.... Oh, did I mention ifs April Fools Day? See you there, Lynn MARC* 2 0 0 0 c/l Special r()laee <dfo rJielomj O T R A D I T I O N A L P A S S O V C R SC D C R Congregation Ner Tamid Social Hall April 19, 2000 6pm , , . Seating is limited to 200 people. Menu Seder Plate Matzo*Wine Gefilte fish*Matzo Ball Soup Roasted Chicken*Brisket*Kishke Tzmisses Dessert* Coffee *Tea Members-Rdults $50 Children under 12 $20 Non-Members $65 Temple members will have first priority to make reservations. The deadline for members to make reservations is Rpril 1, 2000. Rfter this date, we will allow non-members to make reservations until the cut-off date of Rpril 12, 2000. Vour check is your reservation - no money is accepted at the door. tfeCBQOaKjSGQS All golfers are invited to play in the CNT Golf Classic, Sunday, April 2nd, & am a t Sun City Highland Falls Golf Course. The "Shot Gun Best Ball Tournament" is $100 per player and is open to golfers of all skill levels. "A good time is the objective of this tournament. Whether your a duffer or an 'A' player you have a chance to win. We will be presenting tons of prizes and serving a luncheon buffet," explains Gary Gilman, event chairman. 'You can make your own 'Four Person Scramble Teams' or have the Mens Club assign you. This is an opportunity to meet new friends or spend time with existing friends or business associates." After everyone finishes playing, we will handicap the scores. Prizes will be given to the first three teams and the last place team. Prizes can also be won by hitting the straightest drive and accomplishing various 'serious' and 'goofy' shots' Golfers who hit a bad shot can buy a 'mulligan'. Those who are worried about putting can buy string which you can use for those close putts you might just miss. Businesses are supporting the tournament by sponsoring holes and providing the prizes. J J X 0 A , CONQREQATIOH NER TAMM MARCII 2 0 0 0 BLOOD DRIVE On March 19, 2000, during the Purim Carnival, United Blood Services will have a Mobile Unit in our parking lot from 10AM to 3PM for those who wish to donate. Please be sure to eat one (1) small box of raisins and drink two (2) 8 oz. glasses of orange juice at least three weeks before donating blood. This will greatly increase your iron level. We need as many people as >ossible to help in lis very important event. Please contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 to make an appointment. S I - H E B R E W M A R A T H O N LEARN HEBREW IN ONE DAYI Why learn Hebrew? You are visiting Israel. Your child is studying for Bar or Bat Mitzvah. You have always wanted to learn. You forgot the Hebrew you were taught as a child. You know Hebrew but you want to review. When: Sunday, March 26, 2000 What time: 10:30am - 3:00pm Where: Congregation Ner Tamid - Classroom 12 Cost: $36.00 includes materials and lunch The course will be taught by Melissa Roth and is open to all! You do not need to know a thing about Hebrew to attend! Pizza will be provided for lunch. For More information or to register please call the temple office at 733-6292. A Golden W Choi Oolden Chai's trip to Mesquite was a refreshing change. We had a "Do It Ourselves" entertainment meeting and we were surprised at how much talent there is in our group. We plan to go again soon. We have fabulous entertainment planned for March, plus Purim is coming with Hamantashen and groggers and we will be preparing for Passover which is coming up. We are planning a discussion with Rabbi Alcselrad and attending his "Prayer for Dummies" program. Please come and give Oolden Chai a try. We know you will enjoy our party the first and third Thurs-day of each month at 11:00am. On April 6, our speaker will be Mayor Oscar Goodman and we invite the entire congregation. If you would like brunch, please call 655-8603 for reservations. Shalom, Sandy TittCe The Most Incredible Summer of Your Life! ? Challenging Personal Growth ? Magnificent Sights of Ancient ana Modern Israel ? Jewish Pride and Self Esteem ? Superior Programs Designed Especially for Reform Jewish Youth ? Great Fun and Friendship Israel nnwnviwrt nmipiim P.O. Box 443, Warwick, NY 10990 (914) 987-6300, Fax: (914) 986-7183 E-mail: MAM* 2 0 0 0 cA Spjteial rPlaer CJfl rfielong X11 NTTY. 8to and I'll te not print Well, for those of you who were wondering, I did survive the 11 teenage girls at my house for three nights while they attended the con-clave hosted by CNT's youth group me sometime at CNT I you the things I can-print here. Anyway, back to the CNT Board news. The February meeting was abnor-mally short as we had few press-ing issues and an unusually light turnout of Board members. Tne Board discussed the proposed change in Melanie Gorman's posi-tion after she gives birth to her first child, expected in July. Mela-nie would like to only work part-time. Ironically, this plan coincides with the announced departure of Mindy Unger-Wadkins as our (Do you have, a famiCy member or friend who is hospitaCized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family me