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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I*aa Tegas - Febitary 8, 194* « 3-1 Health Canter Second and Stewart Streets Las Yegaa, Hevada Attentions Dr. Morgan Bear Sirs The bill for water service furni shad the Health Center was submitted to County authorities with our other County bills but they advised the Health Center should be billed direct. Detail charges are as follows? Office Building-1at 10 rooms. . .#2.00 Bert 1* # IS* each. . . . . . . . 3.10 S public toilets, . . . . . . . . 3.50 TOTAL. . . ,105' As the lovember, December, and January bills are now due will you kindly forward Toucher the amount of $19.30, and place a memo in your recurring bills so that Touchers may be mailed us shortly after the first of each month as water is sold on a flat rate basis and wa do not render monthly bills. Sincerely yours, I fAjtfSR R. BHACXEH Svo, Ho. 334-B