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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 183 C.S. R E G IST E R E D IN Jena m . ’. 1924 1924 DISTRIBUTIQ^g! L|.^ ?j 959 Seat Feta'll dtroctf ( T0------ir»9 Aneoloe, C alifo rn ia,! DEPT. No.. AU D IT No.. 7-824 152 A One For n il labor n-ayfoynad and nf in;, an ia had «*6 inoludlag la y 31, 1924, covering drillin g* o f -a ll at Las Vegas, Hovada, as par oentraot* Audit So .4396, dated Saeejshar 8, 1923, being1 f u l l paynaat o f a l l olein s and demands That soever, eith er d ire c tly or in­d ire c tly a risin g or origin atin g from said contrast or &T& otipulation thereof fo r the porfonaans© o f norte thereunder* iSstlmata BO, 4 « F in a l! fe ta l c la s s ifie d arosfe as par statement Loss previous portion to Toucher 7-561 « 7-877 * 7-774 - ~-¥' • Loss 63 ft 12” #10 Cteg© Casing not used Amount of fiM a Hstliaate 370.DO 3490.29 Jtgffoa, too.®! / V/ *nd i ’our hundred th irty -fo u r.4 28/100#- - 1651.0D 216.7^ §647.9!) 3996.9! > v L43*i 1434.28 ,2§#« CHARGEABLE TO AC CT. No. v U v h ' 7 * } * / r f6 j T IT L E OF ACCO UNT AD BIWS1C. Ac$eun ting, Los Angelse s U iv lx la * v<. . . 4 ? - rt4 H l l G - % DISTRIBUTION CORRECT : t HEREBY CERTIFY TH A T T H E ABOVE ACCOUNT IS CORRECT : EXAMINED BY: 4 4 J 3 . j -J.& EXAMINED, FOUND CORRECT, AND REGISTERED: