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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS LAND m> WATER COMPANY * 1953 Budget Item Ho* 1 Location * Las Vegas, Nevada Description of Works Nessity for Work? Construct 1030 lineal feat of 8” east iron water sain to serve Block 11 anti south half of Block 10, Ladd's Addition. To provide adequate water service to con­sumers In this immediate area, which is rapidly developing, and due to complaints from, present consumers of inadequate water pressure during periods of peak demand* Consumers are now supplied water toy the Water Company - through miscellaneous privately owned 3/4* end 3* service connections that are in poor state of repair, which results in water leaks undermining street paving, causing numerous demands toy City authorities to mats© repairs. These service lines now connect to existing mains of the Water Company in the north half of Block 10 and south half of Block IS. Estimated Cost? investment Account #4,620 Recom mended toys W c ^ ‘l¥6e$j8en1f