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I agree.June 29, 1942 Union P a c if ic R a ilroa d Company 422 West Sixth. S treet Los A ngeles, C a lifo r n ia A tten tion : Mr. Frank Strong SUBJECT: Las Vegas Water W ells Gentlemen: On June 25, 1942, the H all-B aker E xp loration Co. sent you an in v o ice in the sum o f $1 2 , 4 6 0 . 6 1 , rep resen tin g the amount due at th is time f o r the d r illin g o f the Las Vegas water w e lls . The |1,029.38 which was b ille d as delay tim e, as provided fo r under S ection 3, Paragraph 4-C in Agreement dated February 25, 1942, and the $1,708.00 b ille d as perform ing oth er work as provided f o r under S ection 3, Paragraph 4~B> were n ecessita ted by the segregation o f two low er zones which re su lte d in three C.P. jo b s , t e s tin g , washing p e r fo r a tio n s , e tc . This i s a f in a l statem ent, su b ject on ly to a d d itio n a l items such as mud, mud c o n d itio n m a te ria ls, cement, b it s , e t c ., which we may have furnished fo r your account but as yet have not receiv ed in v o ice s from the vendors. fo u rs very tru ly H&LL-BASER EXPLORaTIOE CO JIM: da c o p y