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    The Roadrunner November, 1989 The President's Pen____________________________________ Grab your checkbook! The annual Calico Cactus Bazaar will be here on November 4. The Bazaar committee has been busy preparing for this fund raiser. Let?╟╓s show them our support. Many people have complimented the "new and improved" Roadrunner newsletter. All of the credit and recognition goes to Pat DuLaney, editor, and Sue Warden, circulation manager, for their outstanding work. Thanks Pat and Sue! Membership has shown a real interest in our special activities this year and we are now in full swing. Arrangements have been made for the various groups and many have begun their activities. A special thanks to Lisa Mastny for a job well done at the September function. The next coffee will be on November 8, at 7:00 p.m., hosted by the 37th TFW/DO Wives. A fashion show is scheduled for the evening entertainment and will give us some ideas for the holidays. Make plans now to attend. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Ways & Means Hurry with those Tupperware orders! October 28 is the very last day you can turn your order in to: Liz Koenig.................643-8228 Joanne Ramm................641 -8289 Ann Maskel from Discovery Toys will be at the November Coffee. This is an excellent opportunity for you to shop for the children on your Christmas list. dames Jewelers will be at the Officers' Club on December 6. (What an excellent opportunity for your husband to complete his Christmas shopping for you! And so convenient - no trip to the mall!) They will be here from 11:00 a.m. (just before you meet him at the club for lunch so you can choose something you really like) until 7:00 p.m. (late enough for him to stop by after work). Please remember that the OWC Charitable Fund benefits from all of the purchases that you make through Ways & Means sales. The fund has received 1051 from the Country Peddler, and will be receiving 1555 from Tupperware sales, and 1055 from the sales of Discovery Toys and from James Jewelers. A Note for all Elected & Appointed Officers Have you ever heard the saying ?╟úThere were a...lot of things they didn?╟╓t tell me when I hired on with this outfit"? Don?╟╓t let this become the motto of the person that takes your place. Review your job description. If you find that it does not appropriately describe your duties, let us know what needs to be changed, deleted, or added. If necessary, please rewrite your description and submit it as soon as possible to Debbie Koerner, parliamentarian, or Kim Dodson, president. Your help is greatly appreciated! ?╟÷ CMI?½@ Cac&ms Saturday, November 4, 9:30 A.n. -5:00 P.n. FlobiXtty Hancjer, Nettis AFB OPEN to the PUBLIC ! Eor more irvjor motion, contact Paula Russell, 454-1331 ^__________;__________________________J Help Wanted ________________________________________ OWC Calico Cactus Bazaar: Baked goods are needed for the Bake Shop. Any type of homemade item, such as cupcakes, pies, cookies, cakes, bread..., will be appreciated. Please wrap and label items, then deliver them to the Officers?╟╓ Club on Friday, November 3, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pricing will be done by the committee. Questions? Call Carol Voel lger: 644-0818. Thanks for your support! People to help man the bake sale and Ways & Means food booths! We are hoping to be very successful in these areas, particularly since the bazaar is open to the public. If you are able to help, please call: Joanne Ramm, Ways & Means food booth.641-8289 Carol Voellger, bake sales...............644-0818 Paula Russell,bazaar....................454-1331 Kellie Sink, bazaar......................459-2252 Thrift Shop: The Thrift Shop is the primary financial support of the Nellis OWC. At present, we are in serious need of volunteers. If you have as little as ONE hour a month, please contact Edie Brady, 459-6943. Special Activities ____________________________________.___________ This month starts off with quite a few activities to select from: - Our golf group has started and will be meeting on Thursdays. We will be meeting on Thursday and have a set tee-time. Please be there at 12:30 p.m. Golf lessons will be available on Saturdays starting November 4,10-11 a.m. - The Crafts group will be meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 10:00 a.m., to make padded baskets. If you are interested, call Carol Voellger, 644-0818. Special Activities (cont )__________________________________________ - The Lunch Bunch will meet on November 15, at 11:30 a.m. Call Lisa Mastny, 438-3144, for further details. - There will be a silent tour of the Mormon Temple on November 21. If you are interested please call Lisa Mastny. A tour of The Mirage, hotel and casino, is in the works. - Our Gourmet Group is meeting on November 29, for a cookie exchange. Please call Deena Mills at 454-3077 for further information. I would like to take a moment to thank Cindy Ostermann for all her work for the Gourmet Group. She started a great group and we will surely miss her. Maybe we can con her into to coming over from Edwards AFB to selebrate with us. Cindy, thanks so much!!! Our thanks to Deena Mills for stepping into take Cindy's place as chairman. Activity Chairmen are: Bowling Eloise McDaniel 459-1797 Couples Gourmet B.J. Buttell 658-1065 Family Services .Carmen Conley 652-607! Family Support .Sue Robinson 652-3327 Golf... Robin Bledsoe 452-7398 Gourmet Deena Mills 454-3077 Red Cross Linda Hanes Thrift Shop Edie Brady 459-6943 Crafts} Lunch Bunch} Tours} Lisa Mastny 438-3144 If you have an interest in Bridge. Skylarks, or Mah Jonoa. Please get in contact with me and we will see if we can get them going. Remember to take extra time for yourselves. - Lisa Mastny, Special Activities from the Editor & Membership Chairman This issue has one item missing, Membership: Additions and Changes, because you will soon be receiving the '89-'90 OWC Membership Roster. If you have changed your address within the past month - particularly those of you who have been in the TLQ?╟╓s - or have a new address and/or phone number, or if you know someone in any of the aforementioned categories - CALL US IMMEDIATELY ! Lisa Field is desperately trying to compile an accurate roster. She is using every resource at her command to do so. A simple phone call from you can eliminate cross-checking three to four lists and one or two phone calls. You can call her or me: Lisa Field, Membership............452-9383 Pat DuLaney, Roadrunner:...........451-9732 I am trying to help her out. We can make last minute changes, but the final trip to the printer will be very soon! Please be aware that the next issue of The Roadrunner is a combined December/January edition. The copy deadline is Monday, Navember 6, 5:00 p.m. If you cannot make the deadline, call me. I have a turkey to cook, holictey shopping to complete, and Christmas cards to get out, so I will be assembling that issue as soon as I can. Your help is greatly appreciated! Have a Happy Turkey Day!