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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I Act Inks ! Bio-Film Contract The days of baggy - pants comedy are said to be fast re- turning and with increasing pop- ularity of the solid style of hu- mor, two of the finest exponents of the funny face and fast hat change appear destined to be the most sought after. A1 Fisher and Lou Marks (Fisher and Marks), now ap- pearing in the Celebrity Thea- tre of the Sands Hotel, grew up together in South Philadel- phia. After high school, the two went their separate ways, Fish- er planning to enter the priest- hood and Marks going into military service. Soon Fisher was also called into service and after being discharged four years later, be- gan in the entertainment busi- ness* When Marks left the Army, he wandered for awhile and finally found a job as a waiter at the Latin Casino. One night, Marks glanced up on stage and there stood his old friend, A1 Fisher. So when the show began, Lou began to heckle and before long the audi- ence was roaring approval of the two. A few nights later, Lou M?.rks joined the group and from there the team was developed. Since that time, nearly twenty years ago, the tall, handsome Fisher and short round Marks have played the finest niteries in the nation ?╟÷ Copacafoama in New York, 500 Club in Atlan- tic City, Eden Roc in Miami, The Surf in Boston, Palladium in London and a host of other places. They have also worked on television both in the United States and Europe and in 1960 were awarded the commenda- tion as the best comedy act in England. The two appeared on both television channels in Britain, BBC and ITV, and have been in- vited back repeatedly. At home, they appeared on the ?╟úTonight Show?╟Ñ and held a long standing contract with Columbia Broad- casting System for summer re- SANDS LOUNGE STARS ?╟÷ A1 Fisher and Lou Marks (Fisher and Marks) are currently present- ing their baggy-pants antics in the Sands Lounge, and have been signed to do the movie of the life story of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. placement work. ?╟úActually, we 1 i k e playing different clubs and feel the ex- posure is wonderful,?╟Ñ Marks said. ?╟úWe have been in five pictures for Paramount and have several cither things in the fire along that line, but it's great working before a live au- dience.?╟Ñ Fisher reminded that the two have also cut two albums, ?╟úRome on the Range?╟Ñ and ?╟úIt?╟╓s a Beafcle World?╟Ñ, both of which are tops in humor starting with the outside cover. ?╟úOne thing about picture work and cutting albums is that we have more time with our fam- ilies,?╟Ñ Fisher said. ?╟úBoth of us are married ?╟÷ Lou has four kids and I have two?╟÷ and you kind of miss them when you travel constantly.?╟Ñ On the topic of material, the two agreed that it was often the key to success. ?╟úSure a good entertainier can help a poor sketch look better, but for a consistently good show that flows smoothly and doesn?╟╓t make the artist kill himself, the material is the key,?╟Ñ Marks ex- plained. The two said they write some of the skits, but freely admitted (hey don?╟╓t hesitate to call for help. But whether the material were the best or the worst, one thing wouldn?╟╓t change, the two physically knock themselves out during every show. Especially Marks, who wears out four tuxedos to Fisher?╟╓s one and nee d s a fresh shirt for every show. ?╟úThis guy is mur- der on clothes?╟Ñ, Fisher says of Marks. ?╟úThis guy?╟╓s jokes are murder?╟Ñ, snaps Lou with a wide - eyed look of innocence. The two have come a long way since their boyhood days in Philadelphia, but you get the distinct impression they haven?╟╓t changed much. Really. Both are pretty simple down- to-earth types who aren?╟╓t ?╟úon?╟Ñ all the time. They?╟╓re profes- sional in every sense of the word and their style of humor conveys the impression of a couple of nice guys at work. Both credit much of their suc- cess to another person they grew up with, Joey Bishop, who has been one of their closest friends and biggest supporters. But whatever the past has brought or the present is bring- ing, the future holds the great- est challenge of all. The two recently signed to do the life story of Bud Abbott and Lou Costd-lo. . . and the two fit their roles perfectly. Filming is expected to start in the near future.