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Program from Ner Tamid's Yom Hashoah commemoration, May 1, 2011



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    'Lo Tirzakh: The Sixth Commandment in Hebrew - Thou Shalt Not Murder," by Samuel Bak, Survivor of the Vilna Ghetto. (His first exhibition was as a child in the Vilna Ghetto). Yad Vashem Art Museum (1996). WE MUST NEVER FORGET: YOM HAS HO AH COMMEMORATION Sunday, May 1,2011 6:00 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid Henderson, Nevada Sponsored by: Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada, Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Governor's Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust, Holocaust Survivors Group of Southern Nevada, King David Mortuary - 1 - We must remind ourselves that the Holocaust was six million. It was one, plus one, plus one. - Judith Miller, in her book "One by One by One " (1990) IN ADDITION TO THE SIX MILLION JEWS REFERRED TO ABOVE, WE MUST ALSO REMEMBER THE FIVE MILLION NON-JEWS WHO WERE KILLED. TONIGHT, WE REMEMBER THEM AS WELL. Program created and typeset by Rabbi Cookie Olshein and Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Unless otherwise credited, all photographs and creative readings by Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein. Edited by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad, and Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein. Procession of Survivors "We Will Always Remember" Composed and performed by: Sasha Semenoff, a survivor Welcome by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Congregation Ner Tamid and Chair of the Yom Hashoah Observance "Cattle Car - Memorial to the Deportees," (on a track to nowhere) by Moshe Safdie, installed at Yad Vashem, Israel (1995). "Needing to be Heard" Reader: , Child of a Survivor Imprisoned in a Ukrainian concentration camp for several years, Don Pagis escaped in 1944 and moved to Israel in 1946. He taught Medieval Hebrew Literature at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and became one of Israel's most famous poets. Tonight, we begin with one of Mr. Pagis' poems, written after the Holocaust, entitled "Written in Pencil in a Sealed Box Car": nrrr r\\bv)m -|K| Here in this transport mn 'IK i Eve ^nn dv with Abel my son Vrnn m mc\t\ dk if you should see my older son DiK Tj? Cain son of man my ib m n tell him that I Each of us has something in us we still need to say us that still needs to be heard. -Don Pagis, 1930-1986 1 . each of us has something in (1) Poem from "The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself: A New and Updated Edition," page 221. - 1 - "Eili Eili" Music: David Zahavi Text: Hannah Szenesh 2 Performed by: Hazzan Daniel Friedman, Temple Beth Sholom T : .. - . v ? ?? ? ?? . d i k h n^Dn ^ n t f n pnn t t t - ? : ? - T - I -: O God, my God, 1 pray that these things never end: The sand and the sea, The rush of the waters, The crash of the heavens, The prayer of the heart. "The Numbers that Survived ...," by Max Bueno de Mesquita,3 Beit Lohamei Haghetaot - The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum (1972). (2) Hannah Szenesh was bom in Budapest in 1921. Even though her family was assimilated, she became involved in Zionist activities and left Budapest at the age of eighteen for Israel, where she studied agriculture and wrote poems, a play, and her diary, all published after her death. She joined the British Army in 1943 and volunteered to be parachuted into Europe to contact resistance fighters in an effort to aid Jewish communities. She parachuted into Yugoslavia and spent three months there; in 1944, at the height of the deportation of Hungarian Jews, she crossed the border into Hungary and was taken into custody by Hungarian police. After months of torture, she refused to be blindfolded when she was executed by a firing squad. Ms. Szenesh was re-interred at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Israel, in 1950. Source: (3) Max (Meir) Bueno de Mesquita, who was tattooed with the number 123709, was captured after thirteen months in hiding and sent to work as slave labor at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943. He was later sent to several other camps, Koloshov, Swientochlowice, Mauthausen and Gusen, from which he was liberated in April 1945. After he was liberated, he returned to Amsterdam in November 1945. He lived in France and Italy for a few years before moving to Israel,' where he fought in the War of Independence. In 1948, he returned to Holland where he lived until his death in 2001. Source: - 2 - "Sharing Stories of Survivors" - Reader: , a Survivor Can I ever share my story with you so that you truly understand? To lose my family, to lose all that 1 knew as "my life," to lose everything. Can you really ever understand? Can you understand what it means to lose your family? The hole, the emptiness, the sorrow. Dealing with my memories is so hard . .. always trying to move forward, yet forcing myself to remember. How can I share my story with you? What do I need you to hear? What do 1 need to say? What do 1 need you to do? You can help me remember. You can help us all remember. Help me. Help us. Help us find a way to bring meaning to our losses. Help us. Help us turn our pain into something greater. So easily we say, "Never forget." Help us remember all that are gone. So that none are forgotten ... and so that our tragedy truly happens "never again." Candle-Lighting by Survivors and their Descendants Survivors and their loved ones light six candles in memory of the 6 million Jews lost in the Holocaust "Ashrei Hagafroor" ("Blessed is the Match") Composed by: Lawrence Avery Text: Hannah Szenesh 4 Performed by: Cantorial Intern Philip Goldstein, Congregation Ner Tamid Translation: Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart's secret places. Blessed is the heart with the strength to stop its beating for honor's sake. Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. "Portraits of Women in the Ghetto," (of the Warsaw Ghetto), by Halina Olomucki,5 Beit Lohamei Haghetaot - The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum (1943). "Finding Meaning" - Reader: Harold Blitzer, a Survivor Even when humanity was inhumane, there was a need to see some beauty that could be appreciated. We listen to the words of Viktor Frankl, on living while being a prisoner: One evening, when we were already resting on the floor of our hut, dead tired, soup bowls in hand, a fellow prisoner rushed in and asked us to run out to the assembly grounds and see the wonderful sunset. Standing outside, we saw sinister clouds glowing in the west and the whole sky alive with clouds of ever-changing shapes and colors, from (4) "Ashrei Hagafroor" was written during the three months Hannah Szenesh spent in Yugoslavia before going to Hungary where she was captured, tortured, and killed. (5) Born to a non-religious family in 1919, artist Halina Olomucki was held prisoner at Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ravensbruck, and Neustadt, before her liberation by the Allies in 1945. She currently lives in Ashkelon, Israel. Source: - 4 - steel blue to blood red. The desolate grey mud huts provided a sharp contrast, while the puddles on the muddy ground reflected the glowing sky. Then, after minutes of moving silence, one prisoner said to another, "How beautiful the world could be!" - Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning (1963) "Shema Elohai" Music: Shmuel Elbaz Lyrics: Yossi Gispan and Arlet Tzfadia Performed by: Cantor Andres Kornworcel, Midbar Kodesh Temple Accompanied by: Lillian Kollar, Congregation Ner Tamid "Catholics, Too," by David Olere.6 Inscription in French: "Yes, you may say your last prayer," On permanent loan to Beit Lohamei Haghetaot - The Ghetto Fighter's House Museum from Serge and Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, Paris-New York (1945). (6) Born in 1902 in Warsaw, David Olere was living in France at the time of the war. He was imprisoned at Drancy, Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Melk, and Ebensee Camps before he was liberated in 1945. His artistic skill allowed him to document his assignment to work in the gas chambers and crematoria, with his work later used as legal evidence to prove the existence of gas chambers in the Irving-Lipstadt trial. He died in 1985. Source:: - 5 - "Speaking Out" - Reader: , a Survivor It is not only us who asked, "Where was everyone?" The Reverend Martin Niemoeller, a pastor in the German Confessing Church, spent seven years in a concentration camp. He wrote the following words: First they came for the communists, and 1 did not speak out - because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the labor leaders, and I did not speak out - because I was not a labor leader. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because 1 was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.7 (7) Born in 1892 in Westphalia, Martin Niemoeller was a submarine commander during WWI. Later a Pastor, Niemoeller was imprisoned by Hitler two different times for giving "rebellious sermons," the first time for seven months and the second time for seven years (in "protective custody"). He died in Wiesbaden, Germany, on March 6, 1984. Source: "Many Others Also Suffered" - Reader: , Grandchild of a Survivor Over time in the camps and "protective custody centers," different colored triangles were sewn onto prisoners' uniforms to identify the different designations within the Nazi schema: Yellow for Jews Red for political prisoners Green for criminals Pink for homosexuals Black for anti-socials Purple for Jehovah's Witnesses Blue for emigrants Brown for gypsies 8 We remember the additional five million lost who were not Jewish by lighting candles of remembrance for them. Lighting of five candles to remember the 5 million others who were also lost These candles will be lit by: Reverend Gard Jameson President, Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada Member, Governor's Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust Reverend Monsignor Pat Leary Roman Catholic Church Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Ms. Aleda Nelson Baha'i Faith "The Theme from 'Schindler's List'" Composed by: John Williams Performed by: Sasha Semenoff, a Survivor (8) Source: - 7 - "Righteous Among the Nations", by Yehuda Bacon, from the Collection of the Yad Vashem Art Museum. "Righteousness Could Be Found" - Readers: David Berkovits and Ben Lesser, Survivors In a small village in south-central France, many Jewish adults and children were kept hidden from the Nazis during the war. That village, Le Chambon, has become a symbol of human decency in the midst of corruption and despair. The words of Magda Trocme, who with her husband, Pastor Andre Trocme, helped Jews hide in and around the village of Le Chambon: Why did they come to us? Because we were in the mountains, because it was a Protestant place, because someone had spoken, perhaps, of a minister who at that time had funny ideas, who was a conscientious objector. You could not know how people knew that they might have a good place in our town. I can tell you what happened in our house, but I cannot tell you what happened in other houses, although 1 know that little by little there were Jews all over the place. - 8 - It is important ... to know that we were a bunch of people together. This was not a handicap, but a help. If you have to fight it alone, it is more difficult. But we had the support of people we knew, of people who understood without knowing precisely all that they were doing or would be called to do. None of us thought that we were heroes. We were just people trying to do our best. ... I want [people] to know that I tried to open my door. I tried to tell people, "Come in, come in." ... I would like to say to people, "Remember that in your life there will be lots of circumstances that will need a kind of courage, a kind of decision of your own, not about other people, but about yourself." I would not say more. - Magda Trocme In 1963, Yad Vashem embarked upon a worldwide project to grant the title of Righteous Among the Nations to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. To this end, Yad Vashem set up a public committee headed by a retired Supreme Court justice, which is responsible for granting the title. This project is the only one of its kind in the world that honors, using set criteria, the actions of those individuals who rescued Jews during the war. As of January 2007, 21,758 people have been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations. On January 5, 1971, Magda Trocme and her husband, Pastor Andre Trocme were awarded the title: "Righteous Among the Nations."9 "Fighting Back" - Reader: , a Survivor After hearing news of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Hirsh Glick, a twenty-year-old poet and partisan living in the Vilna ghetto, wrote "Zog Nit Keyn Mol" ("Never Say"). Glick's poem, set to music by Soviet composer, Dimitri Porkass, quickly became the hymn of Jewish resistance in Eastern Europe and assumed international importance after its subsequent translation into several languages. Today, "Zog Nit Kayn Mol" is the song most frequently associated with Jewish resistance. (9) See for more information about the Righteous Among the Nations. - 9 - "Zog Nit Keyn Mol" Performed by: Cantorial Soloist Lola Rivera Accompanied by: Irv Weinberger "Partisan," by Alexander Bogen (himself a partisan fighter who rescued Jews from the Vilna Ghetto), Yad Vashem Art Museum (1943). Translation: Never say that you are going your last way, Though lead-filled skies above blot out the blue of day, The hour for which we long will certainly appear, The earth shall thunder 'neath our tread that we are here! (10) U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Remembering the Voices that Were Silenced. Page 122. From the "National Civic Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance" for the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust, held on May 2, 1989, in the United States Capitol Rotunda. Translation of "Zog Nit Keyn Mol" by Elliot Palevsky. Resistance to the Nazis assumed many forms. Partisan sabotage activity and armed rebellions in the ghettos and camps were accompanied by widespread acts of cultural and spiritual resistance. Under the most adverse and dangerous circumstances, Jews defied the efforts of their oppressors to dehumanize them. They studied and prayed, they recorded their experiences with determination, they perpetuated organizations and political parties, they planned concerts and plays, they ran underground schools, health facilities and food kitchens. Countless individuals smuggled food, worked as couriers and hid endangered friends and relatives.10 - 1 0 - Translation (continued): From lands of green palm trees to lands all white with snow, We are coming with our pain and with our woe, And where'er a spurt of our blood did drop, Our courage will again sprout from that spot. For us morning sun will radiate the day. And the enemy and past will fade away, But should the dawn delay or sunrise wait too long, Then let all future generations sing this song. This song was written with our blood and not with lead, This is no song of free birds flying overhead, But a people amid crumbling walls did stand, They stood and sang this song with rifles held in hand. "When to Believe" - Reader: , a Survivor These words were found on the walls of a cellar in Cologne, Germany, where Jews hid from the Nazis11: I believe, I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when feeling it not. 1 believe in God even when God is silent. (11) Source unknown. - 11 - "Ani Ma'amin" ("I Believe") Text: Unknown 12 Performed by: Accompanied by: Lillian Kollar, Congregation Ner Tamid n x m nn1 ? ^ n j i n ^ "pmtt ^K ^ by .K'nw n i i - ^ n f ? r m K n j - ^ n y 1 believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even if he be delayed, I will await him each day for his coming. We read responsively: We remember them all; the six million and the five million ... In the rising of the sun and in its going down, we remember them. In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. In the opening buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them. In the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer, we remember them. In the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of the autumn, we remember them. In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. (12) This popular version of unknown authorship is based on Maimonides' commentary to the Mishnah as an introduction to his discussion on Sanhedrin 10. - 12- When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them. When we are lost and sick of heart, we remember them. When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them. So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us, We remember them. 13 "Taleskoten," by Zinovii Tolkatchev, Yad Vashem Art Museum (1944). (13) Rabbi Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Reimer. - 13 - EL MALAY RACHAMIM Sung by: Alex Kuechel, a Survivor nnp rnlru n m p Kran i r n h m piu/ o m >69 ^k rrtautt riK D'Tnra ^ p n -into n n i ? n ^ n p n i ^ m . n r ^ n . n p ^ n n u j n i n n t p a u h T Q W t t h u n n j u ; n ^ D ^ K b K ^ W ^ h i nnon Dn>non rannn byz ksk .nnrop -?nn n v i n n t o n m n ,nrbm w n ? .nnm^ riK D^nn n r a n T -m .n^t7ivc7 T : it: T T - T: T T s ? v . ? - . . . T . ? l ^ K n m i ) m i v n b y O God, full of compassion, You who dwell on high! Grant perfect rest in Your sheltering presence to the souls of our loved ones, men, women and children of the House of Israel who were killed, slaughtered, burned, and strangled. May their memory endure forever. Lord of mercy, bring them into Your presence and let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life. God is their inheritance. May they rest in peace, and let us say: Amen. The Mourner's Kaddish: Kaddish Yatom So many have died that we might have the opportunity to walk inside sacred spaces such as these and express our Judaism. We honor our history, our heritage, our families, and God when we remember them by reciting Kaddish Yatom, the Mourner's Kaddish. At this time, we remember those perished at the hands of evil, as well as those who perished fighting evil. (Led by the members of the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada.) - 1 4 - J O " ! T\12\U ^ j p n 1 ! ^ " U r P Yeet-gah-dahl v'-yeet-dah-dahsh sh-may rah-bah. Aushwitz B'-ahl-mah dee v'-rah cheer-oo-tay, Lodz r r ' n u ^ "tllC7P''1 V'-yahm-leech mahl-choo-tayh Ponar b t r p l r r a b l l " n n i p D ^ I n i p D ^ n n B'-chai-yay-chohn oogv-yoh-may-chohn Babi Yar oo-v'-chai-yay d'-chohl bayt Yees-rah-ayl, ,]12K :T1QK1 , 3 ' H p l ^ p l K^AJ73 B'-ah-gah-lah oo-veez-mahn kah-reev. v'-ee-m'-roo: Maidanek Ah-mayn. Let the glory of God be extolled, and God's great name be hallowed in the world whose creation God willed. May God rule in our own day, in our own lives, and in the life of all Israel, and let us say: Amen. T p n p K i l l KPP Y'-hay sh'may rah-bah m'-voh-rahch W lTl -b :y T I f ?t?b : yTb :^ v b-y Tb : l'-oh-lahm ool-ahl-may ahl-mei-yah. Let God's great name be blessed for ever and ever. "^""GrP Yee-bah-rahch v'-yeesh-tah-bahch, Kovno D ^ i i n 1 ! " i K S n p V'-yeet-pah-ahr v-yeet-roh-mahm v'-yeet-nah-say, Janowska b b r i m n ' p y n 1 ! T i n n 1 " ! V'-yeet-hah-dahr v'-yeet-ah-leh v'-yeet-hah-lahl Theresienstadt Sh'-may d'-koo-d'-shah, b'-reech Hoo, Buchenwald ]12 x b y b L'-ay-lah meen kohl beeh-chah-tah v'-shee-rah-tah, Treblinka K lTU t Xv:m v i K nTr TQ :l ^: n \ Toosh-b'-chah-tah v'-neh-cheh-mah-tah Vilna / K ^ y s Dah-ah-mee-rahn b'-ahl-mah Bergen-Belsen ?IpK '.T1DKT V'-ee-m'-roo: Ah-mayn. Mauthausen - 15 - /K'fali? Kill KWbli^ K I T Y'hay sh'-lah-mah rah-bah meen sh'mei-yah Dachau w h y ? " n i v'-chai-yeem ah-lay-noo Minsk ^ i O t Z P v'-ahl kohl Yees-rah-ayl, Warsaw . " i pK '-l^DpKl v'-ee-m'-roo: Ah-mayn. Riga and Stutthof Beyond all the praises, songs, and adorations that we can utter is the Holy One, the Blessed One, whom yet we glorify, honor, and exalt. And let us say: Amen. For us and for all Israel, may the blessing of peace and the promise of life come true, and let us say: Amen. / T Ot l - l f a: j l t nt?7'y Oh-seh shah-lohm beem-roh-mahv, D l ^ UT? T WV V! " K i n Hoo yah-ah-seh shah-lohm / t ?Kl t ? 7 ' ' b y \ w h y Ah-lay-noo v'-ahl kohl Yees-rah-ayl, ?? t : ? T - : i" T .]7?K - m p K I V'-ee-m'-roo: Ah-mayn. May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens, cause peace to reign among us, all Israel, and all the world, and let us say: Amen. Introduction of Guest Speaker: Elliot Karp, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Guest Speaker: Rabbi Abraham Cooper Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center " Title ???" - 1 6 - Original poem and performance by Officer Harry Fagel We read together; Through the pain we have endured as a people, we understand that there is never any excuse for genocide. Yet, hatred and persecution exist in our world. Together, may we find the courage to resist ignorance. Together, may we find the courage to resist evil. Together, may we find the courage to fight for those who need our help ... so that "never again " truly means "never again. " With Hope for the Future. We Light 18 Candles . . . As these candles are being lit by children, grandchildren, and great-grand- children of survivors, we listen to an early version of the song of hope for the Jewish people, Hatikvah, "The Hope," being sung by individuals rescued from Bergen-Belsen Camp. After we listen, together, we will then sing Hatikvah, the national anthem for the State of Israel. Created as a safe haven for Jews after the great tragedy we remember tonight, we sing Hatikvah tonight with the hope that each of us can help create a world where all people are safe within their homes and that no more innocent people will have to suffer. / T O O ? n n 1 ? ^ T i y Kohl o h d b a h - l a y - v a h v p ' - n e e - m a h , ,rppin "HliT U/m Neh-fehsh Y ' - h o o - d e e hoh-mee-yah, , n n H p T T W T I K D ^ Ool-fah-ah-tay m e e z - r a h c h kah-dee-mah, T ? IT T: : XV>E\X I ^ Y 1 ? "py Ei-yeen l ' - t z e e - y o h n t z o h - f e e - y a h . - 17- /UTYDn TTQK K-t ?? tI: ? T : T 7 Ohd loh ahv-dah teek-vah-tay-noo, / D ^ K (m) n p n n Hah-teek-vah (baht) sh'-noht ahl-pei-yeem, ^ ^ " I K I I ^ a n DV F f r i f ? Lee-h'-yoht ahm chohf-shee b'-ahr-tzay-noo, .D^ttjVTI "ji'V H * Eh-rehtz Tzee-yohn Vee-roo-shah-lei-yeem. Translation: So long as still within the inmost heart a Jewish spirit sings, so long as the eye looks eastward, gazing toward Zion, our hope is not lost - the hope of two thousand years: to be a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem. Closing Benediction: Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Chair of Yom Hashoa Observance Immediately following this evening's Yom Hashoah Observance you are invited into the social hall for light refreshments and the opportunity to visit a special Yom Hashoah Exhibit created by students of Bryan Kessler from High School. Students were challenged to use a variety of medium to address the topic, " ...." The exhibit will remain at Congregation Ner Tamid through . Afterwards the exhibit will be on display at . -18 - Special "Thank You's" for their assistance with tonight's program ... - To the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas for its financial support of this program To all of the synagogues which co-sponsored this evening's program: - Adat Ari El, Las Vegas Congregation Ner Tamid, Henderson Midbar Kodesh Temple, Henderson Temple Beth Am, Las Vegas Temple Beth Sholom, Las Vegas Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar, Las Vegas Valley Outreach Synagogue, Henderson To the members of the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada: - President: Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad, Congregation Ner Tamid Treasurer: Rabbi Felipe Goodman, Temple Beth Sholom - Members: Rabbi Herschel Brooks, Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar Rabbi Hillel Cohn, Adat Ari El Rabbi Mel Hecht, Temple Beth Am Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Valley Outreach Synagogue Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn, Midbar Kodesh Temple To the Holocaust Survivors Group of Southern Nevada for their support of and participation in this commemoration each year. . . with special thanks to Anita and Henry Schuster for all of their advice and support To Edythe and Gil Yarchever for their continued support of Holocaust education in southern Nevada To all cantors, cantorial soloists, and musicians this evening for sharing their talents To the Men's Club of Congregation Ner Tamid for ushering this evening and for donating the Yom HaShoah candles of remembrance To the staff of Congregation Ner Tamid for their assistance with this program, with particular thanks to Nancy Weinberger and Roberta Unger To King David Memorial Chapel and Cemetery for their continued support of this program: - Ken Knauss, President, Palm Mortuaries and Memorial Parks - Allen Brewster, Founder and Chairman, King David Memorial Chapel and Cemetery - Jay Poster, Founder and Manager, King David Memorial Chapel and Cemetery - And... to ALL of the volunteers who have assisted with this special program. - 19- DaviJ Y MEMORIAL CHAPEL & CEMETERY SOUTHERN NEVADA'S ONLY FUNERAL CHAPEL U CEMETEWf jEKXt/S/MSLKDEDlCATED TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Never Forget! Never Again! ^ r D DID* W May their memory be a blessing. RIJHI Allr.BwTwt F?.^riLOii,mnin. 2697 East Eldorado W * Lai Vegas, NV 89120 ? Phone: 464-8570 ? Fax: 464-8579