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depth o f trench and the nature o f the excavated m ateria l encountered; but in any case the maximum c le a r width o f trench s h a ll be not more than two f e e t g rea ter than the pipe diameter. The trench, unless otherwise s p e c ifie d , s h a ll have a f l a t bottom conforming to the grade to which the pipe is to be la id . The pipe s h a ll be la id upon sound s o i l cut true and even, so that the b a rre l o f the pipe w i l l have a bearing fo r i t s f u l l len gth . When the bottom uncovered at sub-grade is s o ft and in the opinion o f the Engineer, cannot support the p ip e, a fu rth e r depth and/or w idth sh a ll be excavated and r e f i l l e d to pipe foundation grade, or other approved means s h a ll be adopted to assure a firm foundation fo r the pipe, fo r which Contractor s h a ll be allow ed an extra fo r m aterial requ ired to b a c k fill to grade. B arricades, Guards and S afety Provision s To p ro tect persons from in ju ry and to avoid property damage, adequate b arricad es, construction sign s, torch es, red lanterns and guard r a i l s as requ ired s h a ll be placed and maintained during the progress o f the con struction work and u n til i t is safe f o r t r a f f i c to use the trenched highway. V/henever req u ired , watchmen s h a ll be provided to prevent accid en ts. Rules and reg u la tio n s o f the lo c a l a u th o ritie s resp ectin g s a fe ty p rovision s s h a ll be observed. Property P ro te c tio n T rees, fe n c e s , p o les, and a l l other property s h a ll be p rotected unless t h e ir removal is authorized; and any property damaged s h a ll be s a t is fa c t o r ily resto red by the C ontractor. Pipe Laying The sp igot s h a ll be centered in the b e ll, the pipe shoved in to p o s itio n , and brought in to true alignment; i t s h a ll be secured there w ith earth c a r e fu lly tamped under and on each side o f i t , excep tin g at the b e ll h o les. Care s h a ll be taken to prevent d ir t from en terin g the jo in t space. At times when pipe la y in g is not in progress, the open ends o f pipe s h a ll be clo sed by approved means, and no trench water s h a ll be perm itted to en ter the pipe. C utting o f pipe sh a ll be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe. Unless otherwise d ir e c te d , pipe sh a ll be la id w ith b e ll ends fa c in g in the d ir e c tio n o f la y in g ; and f o r lin e s on an - 2 -