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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Review Journal 6*“28**>30 BEVERLY GREEN L a s V e g a s , N ev « Beverly Green Flat Is Rejected Rejecting the proposed plat of ! Beverly Green subdivision last ’ night, the regional planning j commission established a policy of refusing to consider partial plats where only small portion is bound by the recorded map. The subdivision in question, proposed by Harry and Louis i Mack, comprises 40 acres and j lies along Oake; boulevard just off South Ffith street. The plat as presented to the commission encompasses the entire 40 acres but only three blocks, lying on opposite sides of the tract are proposed to be subdivided and developed at the present time.; The rest would re­main acreage. -r.---------0-----?---- Competitive enterprise is gen­erally better able than govern­ment to Improve, develop and expand a new and growing in­dustry. ' ? " ‘r „ —Assistant, Secretary of Com­merce Thomas Blalsdell. /?-7,