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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

on has inaugi iciaing this favorit ands Hotel in Las V os ievBinents on records5 \i> i> # Report on TV-Newsreel Publicity '!?/??, Based on the?╜attached figure sheet which we put out with our Anniversary^|te%s releases, we sold NBC" on an- ?½~Mnute V documentary type film on the Sands, as a typical example of Jack Leppet*|'", NBC TV shot thlnfilm on our outline, using following sequl&?╤ft?p%^-; la Copa'Girl ffr^ssing room sequences, ?√ß stage manager coordinating show,, girls" rushing onstage,,^J^j^|jfciQne and McHmgh preparing to go onstage this was pai??½wF*idea to show importance of glamor as magnet for gambling crowds. 2?╟? Casino sequences, using sound with actual dealer's'voices and customers'stalk recordedB .Also,, amount, of money needed to run casino, amount''H$* costs ^feliSfc to operate* each day, with Levinson on jaoney pictures. Jake Freedman used on casino cus t ome r s e quen&kVi0 r 3. Actual show with fan number shot. 4?╜ Exterior shotsWf hotel; also^lii^lttage of all hotels and downtown shotsa 5. Registering in people at Sands. WhiT& film"'S^Tth'^^ehe i'f#Uas Vegas with above sequences, Sands was only hotel useda This went netwc&lc, NBC 48 full stations, 27 independent stations, shown-twice; 1) "Today" show, East Coast/ and 2) West Coast, 7:45 PM, Thursday, Dec 24n Also shown again, on "Panorama" show, West Coast, 11:30 PM, same day. Total network time: 600 minutes prime time, Wmm^ m?½M^ Cogt: Accoxmnodating cameraman, sound man $115. PUBLIC &?║44$fft4$f IL-?╜*tl??w?╜w?╜?╜?╜??i?╜ Al freeman