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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 1999



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    Congregation Ner Tarpid Tan u n?np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong August 1999 - Vol. XVIII No. 8 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Drew Levy President Neal Schuster Student Rabbi ______________19 Av - 19 Elul 5759 Monty E. Willey Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Melanie Gorman Program Director CNT Welcomes New Student Rabbi, Neal Schuster Please join us for a special service of uuelcome on Friday, August 27 ot 7:30pm. Our new Student Rabbi, Neal Schuster will be on the Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from our President 3 Notes From our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News & CNT Preschool 4 August B?nai Mitzvah 6 Executive Director?s Spotlight 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 8 Birthdays/Anniversaries 14 Bibutes 15 hrzeits & In Memorium 20 (the Bulletin is published monthly) Bimah with Rabbi Akselrad. Mr. Schuster will do the sermon that night and present himself to CNT for the first time. Saturday, August 28, he will lead the Torah Study at 10:00am. Mr. Schuster will be with us for High Holydays as well as 17 selected weekends throughout the year. He will be do?ing many things at CNT including Saturday Morning Minyon & Torah Study, adult education, and teach?ing in the religious school. Neal Schuster was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. He has an undergraduate degree in Busi?ness Administration from the University of UUashington, and he spent four years in business with one of his brothers. He then spent a year living in Israel where he studied, traveled, and improved his Hebrew. Mr. Schuster has held various positions in the Jewish community, ranging from religious school teacher, to Pacific Northwest NFTY Director, to NFTV LUest Coast Israel Programs Director, to Program Director for the UUestside JCC in Los Angeles. During the past year, he has served as an intern for the Berit Mila Program of Reform Judaism, and as the student rabbi for Congregation B'nai Israel in Butte, Montana. Mr. Schuster is a student at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. He is truly looking forward to coming to Las Vegas and to our congregation. LUe are proud to welcome Neal Schuster to our congregation and to our com?munity and look forward to learn?ing from him and assisting in his personal growth as a rabbinical student. Don't miss these oppor?tunities to meet our new Student Rabbi! MEiubERship Counts! WhAT MAl<ES CNT A SpECiAl plACE TO bElONq? Is iT t1-|E VARiETy of PROGRAMS? Is iT tIhE bEAUTiful TeM- plE wIhere we Iiave tItose PRO- CjRAM S? Is iT tIhE dEcliCATEd, EfficiENT, ANd CARiNq STAff? Is iT ThE VOluNTEERS? TIhE ANSWER is SiM' pis. TIte Iheart ANd soIe of Con- qREqATioN Ner TAMid are tTie MEMBERS. EACk ANd EVERy MEMbER bRiNqS SOMETkiNq TO TkE CONqRE' qATiON. EACk ANd EVERy MEMbER COUNTS ANd MAl(ES A diffERENCE AT CNT. TkAT is wky CoNqREqATioN Ner TAMid is suck a spEciAl pIace to bdoNq. TkAT is wky you should ENCOURAqE yOUR NON-MEMbER fRiENds TO TAkE A STEP TOWARds bECOMiNq A MEMbER. PlEASE iNViTE yOUR fRiENds ANd fAMily TO TWO VERy SpECiAl UpCOMiNq pROqRAMS TkAT could ckANqE TkEiR lives foREVER. On AuqusT 13, CNT will kAVE an Ice Cream SuNdAE ANd Prospec- TivE MEMbER SkAbbAT. On AuqusT 27, CNT will kosT ids annuaI Invhe A FRiENd SAbbATk. BoTk pROqRAMS pROVidE TkE OppORTUNb Ty fOR NON'MEMbERS TO COME ANd MEET CNT's BOARd of DIRECTORS ANd STAff. BoTk pROVidE TkE OppORTUNiTy TO ATTENd CNT's SpE- ciAl SkAbbAT Services, ANd boTk PROVidE TkE OppORTUNiTy TO EAT, SckMOOZE, ANd kAVE fuNl PRE'SER' vies qET ToqETkERS bEqiN at 6:45 ON boTk NiqHTS; SERViCES bEqiN AT 7:30 ANd are followEd by icE cream ANd fuNI Don't Iet youR fRiENds Miss OUT ON ThESE OppORTUNiTiES TO bECOME PART of TkE CNT fAMily! c/t Special rplticc TJo JieloiK/Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman August 6 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood August 7 Adam Weiss BarMitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Weiss Family Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10:00am August 13 Sundae Shabbat 6:45pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood August 14 Sydney Yuman Bat Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Yuman Family August 20 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood August 21 Evan Kaner Bar Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Kaner Family Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10:00am August 27 Invite a Friend Shabbat 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood. August 28 Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10:00am Conqreqa rioN Ner TAMid The heat of the summer will soon give way to the change of seasons, the cooler weather, and then it's back to school again. As the Bible notes, "For everything there is a season..." In many respects our lives are governed by the change of seasons. Fall is a time for planting-for forging new relationships, and new beginnings. The winter is a time of reflection, and the spring a time for renewal and reawaken?ing. The summer, especially, in Las Vegas, seems to be a time of hibernation, when things slow down a bit and people recharge their batteries. If this observation is so, then it is time to greet the Fall with some new beginnings: the theme, of course, of our High Holydays which come "early" (early, late, but never on time). But we do ourselves a disservice if we simply allow the seasons to change without any reflection at all. Too often resolutions made are broken...but not out of goodwill or intent. Simply because there is a lack of will or perhaps even courage to change. Judaism allows the month prior to the High Holydays to be a month of reflection. Traditionally the shofar is blown each morning as a wake up call not simply to "repentance"...but more accu?rately to change itself. And so for us, this period of time is one also of gentle but hopefully passion?ate introspection. What is it about our lives that we would like to change? And what is it about our relationships that we would like to improve? Who are we? And who do we hope to become? These are important, ever asking questions that we must ponder each year lest we stagnate in lives that lose direction ana purpose. Involvement in the Temple for many has been a resolution often unheeded. This year we will go to Temple more. This year we will observe more Jewish traditions. This year we will take more classes at the Temple. This year we will join a committee. Well, my friends "this year" has arrived. And there is no time like the present to make good on our commitments and to recognize that reflective change is a good thing. The Temple offers a variety of "entry points" for those at a loss as to how to begin. For some it might be a basic Judaism class. For others a Torah study group. For others simply attendir^ services more often will suffi^B And for many, feeling a part of Temple will mean joining a committee and giving of ones time. Whatever your desire, whatever your level of commitment I invite you to become involved. Our Program Director, Melanie Gorman, is excellent at getting people involved and I invite you to give ner a call at the Temple or to give me a call so that we can help you find the perfect place for your talents. B'shalom, Sanford 2). SUfeCrad i-9----------------------------9? Yiddish Lesson for August DiHik - Cheap, inexpensive Bist meshugeh? - Are you crazy ? Bobkes - Small things/triflings Bubee - Friendly term for anybody you like Auqust 1999 Temple Board Members d E rew Levy Stuart Blumenfeld Scott Stolberg Howard Layfer Ira Spector Judy Cornett Lynn Sasso Sylvia B eller David Stahl Ruth Urban Mel Hallerman Rita Goldstein Frances Klamian Jacky Rosen Leon Marco Jere' Davis Esther Saltzman Sharna Blumenfeld Mindy Unger-Wadkin Sandy Stolberg Steve Joseph Stuart Kallick David Lieberman Sandy Pittle Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins .Jichael Cherry !>r. Bernard Farrow UGENE KlRSHBAUM* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education VP Member Activities VP Social Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee-Youth Trustee-Library Trustee-Bulletin Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden Chai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio * Deceased (Do you have, a famiCy memSer or friend who is hospitafized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT Well the time has finally arrived. After months of waiting and worry?ing, not knowing what to fully expect, my term as president of the Board of Directors of Congregation Ner Tamid has officially begun. I?m excited, I?m scared, and I?m honored. Honored to be given the opportunity to lead OUR congregation into the next century. Having just completed our 25th year in existence, the next 25 years will be even greater. Congregation Ner Ta?mid is in position to be THE temple in Southern Nevada. THE temple lead?ing the Jewish population of South?ern Nevada to bigger and better things. Including our Rabbi, we have a wealth of knowledgeable leaders amongst our membership, who are actively involved in many Jewish activities and movements, not only locally but nationally. I commend each one of you for your continued commitment on our behalf. I want to personally thank Sob Unger for all his guidance, leadership and time he has given to CNT over the past three years as our president. His efforts and dedication in serving the congregation is unmatched. His accomplishments will not be forgot?ten, just added to, as he has set the groundwork for our continued suc?cess. Thank you to David Mendelson and Jon Sparer, whose terms as board members have expired. We could not have done it without your time, energy and dedication. I only hope your experience was as good for you as it was for the temple. A big welcome and congratulations to our newest board members, Stew?art Blumenfeld, VP-Administration, Howard Layfer, VP-Membership, Judy Cornett, VP-Education & Youth and Leon Marco, trustee. You are joining a board of directors dedicated to keeping our synagogue ?A Special Place to Belong?. We all welcome you with open arms. Thank you to those board members who will continue serving on the board in the same position or a new position. Your dedication is truly appreciated by this new president. We have a number of exciting projects and programs ahead of us. The start of our satellite religious school in the Henderson area is very important for our growth, as is the search for a new Cantor. Both of these projects, as well as many others, have been started and our board will be respon?sible for making sure they are com- leted or continued. The High olydays will soon be upon us and we, as a board, must be ready to prepare our congregation for these religious times. Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on September 10th and Yom Nippur begins on September 19th. Another event to look forward to is the 65th UAHC Biennial Convention, in December of this year, in Orlando. This is the time when reform Jews from all over the country get togeth?er to learn and share for the better?ment of our movement. These exciting times as well as many others are ahead of us and I am glad you are on the board. Again, thank you to the congregation for having faith in me and giving me this wonderful opportunity. My fa?ther, may he rest in peace, used to try and warn me against getting involved in a temple board and its leadership, as he had a very unpleasant and unfulfilling experience on a temple board years ago. But, based on my experiences so far and what the future holds for CNT, I am quickly Kroving his words of caution wrong. !e have the greatest congregants and board members in Las Vegas who want to keep Congregation Ner Tamid ?A Special Place to Belong?. We, the leadership and board of directors of CNT are here for you, the members. Our door is always open and willing to hear what you have to say, whatever the situation is. No situa?tion is too big or too small. Let us know what the temple can do for you. Drew c i (Special rf)lace TJo flelom/ AtqusT 1999Summer is weII uNdERWAy ANd iT seems AS if This ENTiRE yEAR flAS flAsftEd bE- fORE My EyES. So Much hAS hAppENEd siNCE My Last ARTicls, iNcludiNq a VARi- AblE TURNiNq poiNT iN boTh My fAMily ANd CAREER liVES. ThE ENTiRE CONCjRE' qATiON WAS SENT A lETTER iN JUNE STAT' iNq My iNTENTiON TO REduCE My WORkloAd to pARMiME houRS. This dscisiON WAS bASEd ON A WONdERful SiMchA, AS My husbANd MichAEl ANd I ARE EXpECTiNq ANOThER child iN jANUARy of 2000. AfTER OVER A dECAdE of SERViCE TO This CoNqREqATioN, iT is My true wish to STAy iNVOlvEd, iN whATEVER CApACiTy ThE RAbbi, ThE boARd ANd I CAN AqREE UPON. PlEASE bE ASSUREd ThAT I Will REMAiN AVAiUblE foR youR SiMchAs's ThROuqh' OUT This TRANSiTiON, hoWEVER, I Will bE TAkiNq MATERNiTy lEAVE foR A fEW MONThs ANd will hAVE TO Miss SOME SpECiAl occAsiONS. This dscisioN was a vERy difficuh ONE TO MAkE, buT My hEART ANd soul hAVE Ud ME TO MAkE This U f E chANqE. For ThosE of you who are SAyiNq A qoodbyE to me, pIease doN'd I AM lookiNq foRWARd TO ThE MONThs AhEAd ANd My CONTiNUEd pARTicipATiON iN ThE lifE of My EXTENdsd fAMily, Con- qREqATiON NeR TAMid ANd iT's MEMbERS. ?Betta School News Begin Again and Again August is a busy month. The heat stays with us as our children go off to school. We return from a restful vacation only to find we have so much to do. Washing, cleaning and shopping for school clothing, and getting ready for school makes us feel as if we need another vacation! The process of learning Hebrew his?tory and about our extraordinary culture will begin again, Sunday, August 29 when religious school resumes. Hopefully you have pre-registered for the 5760 (1999-2000) school year. Registration will take place on the first day of school between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. if you still need to register. The day will begin with a short kick off assem?bly in the sanctuary for both stu?dents and parents. Students will then proceed to class and a spe?cial first day program pertaining to the upcoming holidays. ^ 4 \ CoNQRECjATiON N e R TAMid Speaking of holidays, don't forget that we have a special service and programs for our youth on Rosh Hasnanah and Yom Kippur. In order to make our craft projects we will need paper towel rolls, Crys?tal Light and Pringles (tall) con?tainers with lids. The High Holydays are not the only time to begin again. Everyday we are lucky enough to have a new day we can think of it as a new oppor?tunity. We can love, we can help others, we can make amends with old friends or make new friends. We can teach someone and we can learn. Encourage someone else, even yourself, to learn more starting TODAY. See you at school, see you at CNT, Sunday, August 29 at 9:15 a.m. Shalom, Joc/Q? ?Jtkefyp CNT Installs New 3oard President, Drew Levy On June 13, 1999, at our annual meeting. Judge Michael Cherry in?stalled the new Board of Direc?tors. Drew Levy was installed as the new President of the Board of Directors. Drew has been on the Board of Directors for over 5 years as a Trustee, and then as Vice President-Administration. He worked on the sanctuary building committee as well as var?ious other committees and work groups. Drew was born and raised in Las Vegas. He has been in the real estate business since 1979. For the past 10 years, he has been a partner in Levy Realty Company. Drew and his family have been part of the CNT family for over & years. Mazel tov on your new position. Drew! Rabbi Akselrad congratulates the presidents: Stephen Joseph, Broth?erhood President, Sandy Stoiberg, Sisterhood President, and Drew Levy, Board of Directors President AuqusT1999 CNT PRESCHOOL e lilting sound of little voices will once again fill the halls of CNT. The second year of our Preschool is about to begin. August 23rd will be the first day of classes looking forward excitement and students aged 2 children will We are to a year of fun with our 1\2 to five. The be studying Hebrew, Judaica, Prauers and Holidays, as well as secular subjects (numbers, letters, shapes, colors, pre- reading, and math skills). Our youngsters have a computer class in our own computer lab, and music as part of our innovative curriculum. We have a dynamic well trained staff of educators with many years of experience. We will have three classes and each class will have a teacher and a teaching assistant. We have beautifully decorated classrooms and a well rounded curriculum, low student\teacher ratio and an excellent staff of professionals. I am looking forward to a banner year here at the preschool. If you nave any questions about the school or would like more information, call me here at the school office. (733-6292). Space is very limited and one of our classes is already full. We want to save a space for your child or grandchild. The summer will be over, and it will be time to make plans for your child's education needs for the school year. This is the time in their lives when they can absorb a great deal of material and their personalities are formed. Let them learn and play in our safe warm loving environment. Lois Bergman Below: Class of 1999 Graduation / CNT's first graduating class Top Left: Butterfly Release Party Top Right: Havin' Fun Above: Practicing for a Play CNTS Annual Invite A Friend Service Do you have some friends that are looking for a synagogue? A place to educate their children? A place to interact with other Jews in the community? Bring them to services on August 27, for CNTs annual Invite A Friend Sabbath. Prospective members will meet in the library at 6:45p.m. to learn more about our congregation. If you are a member, please bring a friend. If you are not a member, but are looking for A SpecialPlace To Belong, please ask your CNT friends to bring you along. Come discover what makes Congregation Ner Tamid so very special. f Religious School Starts Sunday August pF"? m Register now to 4? avoid the \V rush on Opening Da y! rrv.^. ---------------------------------------------- <y? Special ^fyiuee TJo ^Belong AuqusT1999SIiaIom! My name is AdAM Weiss. I'm ENTERiNq tIhE Eiqluli qRAdE at BecIser MiddlE School. I was boRN iN MarI- boRO, N.J. ANd MovEd to Las Veqas five years Aqo. I ENjoy plAyiNq ThE quiTAR, bAsebAll, skATEboARdiNq ANd hANqiNq out wiTh My fRiENds. It would bE My plEASURE if you would joiN ME, AloNq wiTh My fAMily ANd fRiENds wheN I'm CAlUd to ThE BiMAh ANd becoME a Bar MiTZVAh ON SATURdAy MORNiNq AuqUST 7, 1999. My name is SydNEy MichElU Yuman. I will bE ThiRTEEN yEARS old on July TWENTy-fifTh. I qo to school at ThE MEAdows School ANd iN ThE faII I will be iN The EiqhTh qRAdE. I Also STudy dANCE, jAZZ, TAP, bAllET ANd hip hop. In My SPARE TiME I likE TO REAd ANd plAN pARTiES. PlEASE joiN ME AS I CeIe- bRATE My Bat MiTZVAh on AuqusT 14Th. Hi, My name is Evan Kaner. I will be celebRATiNq My Bar MiTZVAh on AuqusT 21, 1999. I AM CURRENTly A STudENT AT ThE MEAdows School whERE I am qoiNq iNTO The SEVENTh qRAdE. I ENjoy bAS' kETbAll, qolf, foOTbAll, liSTENiNq TO Mu?sic, wATchiNq TV ANd qoiNq to The MOViES. ReIaTWES ARE TRAVEliNq TO MV Bar MiTZVAh Irom CAlifoRNiA, MASS^fc chusETTS, Toronto ANd CoNNEcricuwP^ I hopE TO SEE you ThERE. High Holiday Children's Services Each year, Congregation Ner Tamid offers our young people a unique experience, a youtn service for the High Holidays. Services begin and end with the adult morning services. Sorry parents, these services are only for children. They are not for adults looking for a shorter service or a lighter discussion. We have child care for the potty-trained to five year olds. Children in child care will have a shortened service. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade will have a wonderful service conducted by our student Rabbi, Neal Shuster, with music bu Billy Tiep in the Rose and Fred Fleekop Beit Tefillah. Students will participate during the service and can enjoy a craft session and discussion group. Snacks will be provided to help make the morning pleasant. If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact Jackie at 733-6292. CONQREQA TiON N e r TAM id * * w Catting fttt young Couples C9fT is forming a young couples group. If you are Between tfie ages of 21 and35, and are interested, tFiere will Be an organizational meeting on August 19, 1999. ?The meeting wdl tale place in our library from 7:00 - 8:30p.m. iPlease call733-6292 and aslfor ?Melanie to MAdP By August 16. AuqusT 1999 /4s we approach the High Holyday services this year, we remember our first 25 years of commitment. We remember those whose vi?sion got us to this point and Kept us motivated to keep a Reform congrega?tion alive in Las Vegas. We have come a long way during that period. We thank everyone. The sun was truly shining on us. We look forward to con?tinuing that strength and commitment. Enclosed is an informational pamphlet covering the High Holyday services for this year. We again will offer two ser?vices for the evenings. This year the family ser?vice will begin at 6:00pm. The regular (late) service will begin at 8:15pm. Again, please do not arrive for the regular ser?vice too early (see the en?closed pamphlet). We had a little over crowding at the Yom Kippur regular ser?vice due to people coming in too early. Thanks for your patience, please bring it witn you again this year. As we prepare for the High Holydays for 5760, we must look over our commit?ment. The office will be sending out High Holiday tickets around the 8th of August to those members in good standing. If you do not receive your ticket, please call me so we can see what the problem might be. Our Congre?gation policy is that a member must be current on all financial commit?ments to receive their tickets. I have sent out numerous letters to those who might need a little reminder that they may be behind. Our Board has made a com?mitment that no one is denied membership for financial reasons. Finan?cial arrangements in most cases have been made, if there continues to be a financial issue, please let me know. What has kept us alive has been the interest of people in Reform Juda?ism. Find a special area of interest that you can get involved with. Par?ticipate in any or all of the exciting educational, spiritual or social areas that Congregation Ner Tamid has to offer. If you need any help call the staff, we can help you find a place where you can fit in. Monty On June 15, 1999, at fa's annuaI meet^ iNq, CoNqREQATioN Ner TAMid AWARdEd AdAM WEiss tIhe SIhomer ToraIh AwARd. AdAM's pROud PARENTS, YVONNE ANd Harvey WEiss were iN ATTENdANCE as WeII AS MANY MEIVlbERS of tHe CONqRE'? qATiON. AdAM pARTicipATEd iN tIhe ReH" qious School PRoqRAM ENTfalEd TCIS, ThANk G'd fa's ShAbbAT. In This pRO' qRAM, EACh STudENT RECEiVES A CARd which is holE'puNchEd by a bROThER' hood REPRESENTATIVE EAch OME ThE STU' dENT ATTENds A ShAbbAT SERViCE. AdAM WEiSS ATTENdEd MORE SERViCES ThAN ANy OThER STudENT. He RECEiVEd A plAQUE ANd will hAVE ThE hoNOR of CARRyiNq A ToRAh duRiNq tIie Hiqh HolydAy SERviCES. Next ume you see AdAM, bE SURE TO wish hiM A hEARTy mazeI tov! RAbbi AksElRAd ANd JacIOe FlEEkop PRESENT AdAM Wf/SS U//>// ThE SIiomer ToraIi AwARd Auqust 1999 ----------------------------------------------- ( I (Special r()luce Qfo- Jtelom/ ^ 7AUXILIARIES & iiiiiiiiiii Sisterfiood Xcws iiiiiiiiiii As I siT u/RhiNq This artIcIe, I am ThiMk- iNq Ab0UT ThE COMilNq YEAR f0R SiSTER" hood Ai\d qROw more Exciisd. We hAVE A WONdERful NEW bOARd of diRECTORS who ARE WORkiNq hARd TO MAkE This COMiNq YEAR ThE bEST EVER. SiSTER- hood flAS MANY TERRifiC EVENTS plANNEd, SO WATCh ThE bullETiNS TO COME fOR MORE iNfoRMATiON. RiqhT NOW WE ARE iN ThE MidST Of OUR MEMbERship CAM- pAiqN. If you hAVEN'T YET SENT iN yOUR duES (Thsy are ONly $50.00, or $50.00 fOR A MiTZVAh MemIjEr), plEASE do so as soon as possiblE. Our boARd MEETiNqS ARE ThE SECONd WsdNESdAy of ThE MONTh AT 7:15pM, ANd ARE OpEN TO All MEMbERS whEThER ON ThE boARd OR NOT. PlEASE joiN US AT A MEETiNq ANd see why you should qET iNvolvEd. ThERE ARE MANY AREAS whERE WE COuld USE youR taIents! SpEAkiNq of taIents, CONqRATulATiONS TO ThE TAlENTEd MAxiNE MoliNsky fOR RECEiviNq ThE Leo WUner Creat lj\dy AWARd AT ThE ANNUAl SiSTERhood Donor DInner, which was hEld at tIte Willows Restaurant at MacDonaM RANCh. ANOThER AWARd pRESENTEd AT our Donor DiNNER was ThE Miss MiTz^ VAh AwARd, This WAS pRESENTEd TO LoRElEi WojNicz ANd Mary Zone, ThESE TWO WOMEN fmd ThE MOST doNOR CREdiT For This past year foR aII ThE woRk ANd TiME ThEy spENd hElpiNq iN sisTERhood. SiNCE My IaST ARTiclE WE hAd our eIec- TioNS AloNq wiTh a j'eweIry show. ThANk you to Pam LeIIoucIte who doNATEd bAck 10% of hER saIes of ThAT NiqflT. All ThROUqh ThE YEAR WE IhAVE MANy pEOplE who doNATE TiME, MONEy, iTEMS NEEdE(J, ANd ThEiRSElvES. Look foR A SpECiAl ThANk you TO ThESE WONdERful pEOpU iN NEXT MONThs bullETiN. ShAloM & ThANks foR aII youR SUPPORT, Sandy Golden Chai ColdEN ChAi hAd a WONdERful June ANd July. We hAd WONdERful entertainment ANd lARqE CROwds AT EACh MEETiNq. We hAd severaI visiTORS From out of town. CarI PiTTlE RAN ThE MEETiNqS whilE I WAS RECOVERiNq fROM SURqERy. ThE kiTchEN staFF did a qREAT job ANd Mib ErES pROVEd hE CAN SEll chANCES lil<E NO ONE ElsE. We CEbbRATEd MilliE & Marty ZElkiN's 50T,< ANNivERSARy. We look foRWARd to a WONdERful AuqusT whEN we will CEbbRATE Anne & Art CohEN's 68'11 WEddiNq Anniversary. Our ENTERTAiNMENT is qETTiNq bETTER ANd bETTER ANd BiNqO will bE STARTiNq up AqAiN soon. BRiNq youR qAMES ts tIhe MEETiNqs. Keep cool. ShAloM, Sandy Tittle Youi* IBrotlierlioofll Advisor ?We?re Not the Same Brotherhood of Our Fathers? was our theme this past year. We proved this by addressing subjects like Men?s Flealth and Stress, issues that in the past were swept under the carpet because these were problems that were there but not to be discussed until they were met face to face. We brought families together with our Sporting Events and succeeded in bring young new blood out of the woodwork and on to our board. Our Golf Tournament is taking form, as is on our calendar for the coming year. This past year marked a milestone for our organiza?tion as we were acknowledge by the National Federation of Temple Broth?erhoods as being way ahead of the norm with our temple programming. The Congregation?s continuing sup?port for our entertainment ?99 Book and Yom Flashoah was nothing short ^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w ^ 8 CoNQRECjA TiON N e R TAM id of terrific even with growing competi?tion. The Brotherhood continues to handle the ushering for the High Holy Day Service as well as other events. We assist with the Purim, Chanukah and all other temple celebrations. What of the New Year, well our new board has been elected and all that young blood I spoke of has been posi?tioned to create a year of excite?ment. New subjects that not only interest the men of our congregation but our ladies too, will be addressed. Men?s Health Issues will continue to come out of the closet and we invite everyone to join us to get a better understanding of us, the weaker sex! Our past success with our Financial Seminar has paved the way for a clos?er look at what we can do to insure security for our future. We will invite knowledgeable speakers to educate us so that those that need assis?tance will have to look no further. We are planning more family outings and Father Child events so we can get that much closer with our children. This summer you will have an oppor?tunity to reserve your Entertainment Book 2000 early so you will be ready to take advantage of all those two for one bargains. My board and I are looking to the future as we have a lot of new blood but we always need more. Your participation is what makes us the success that we are. I promise, getting involve and partici?pating in the building process of this newly energized Men?s Club will be more rewarding than you can imagine. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those people that made this year the success it was. Have a won?derful summer and look in your mail?box for your Men?s Club Calendar o? Events for the coming year. Stephen Joseph brotherhood President AuqusT 1999 THE REFORM MOVEMENT ? PLAYS A CENTRAL ROLE IN THE AMERICAN ZIONIST MOVEMENT As a result of ARZA/WORLD UNION, North America's over?whelming victory at the World Zi?onist elections during the summer of 1997, where American voters gave ARZA/WORLD UNION, North America almost 50% of the total vote, the Reform movement is playing a preeminent role in the American Zionist Movement (AZM). Delegates to the recent AZM con?gress in Washington D.C. elected Norman Qchwartz as Chairman of the AZM and Calvin Greenbaum as Vice President of the AZM. Both these men are valued members of the ARZA/WORLD UNION, North America board and are champions of the Reform movement's Zionist cause. Norman Schwartz is a past ARZA President as well as an of?ficer on the UAHC board. Calvin Greenbaum served as President of ^tf>e New York ARZA region. The ^?ection solidifies the Reform move- Tnent's powerful voice within the AZM ana ensures that the Reform platform of Zionism based on the principles of democracy and reli?gious pluralism will be central to the AZM's agenda. Join ARZA/WORLD UNION, North America, your representative to the American Zionist Movement, a cru?cial forum for discussion of reli?gious rights and equitable funding for Progressive/Reform institutions in Israel. Contact your ARZA/ WORLD UNION, North America chapter chairperson, your syna?gogue, or our main offices in New York at (212) G50-4280 for more information. SOCIAL ACTION One of the Social Action Committee's ongoing projects is to keep in touch with our college students. We send them New Year's greetings, Hannukah and Passover packages, and Birthday cards. Also reading material is periodically sent from UAHC in New York. To make sure uour professional-to-be is on our mailing list, please fill out the following form and send it to the temple office. Name _____________________________ Birthdate ___________________________ College ____________________________ Phone# ____________________________ Year in School ___________________ Address ________ ______ E-mail Address ?Brotherhood and Sisterhood Boards Instated CONQREQA TiON Ner Tam id's NEwly IlSSTAllEd BRorhERhood BoARd: AUan N A T h A N S O N , Jerry Davis, HowARd LAyfER, MikE MeIano, ANd Steve Jo' SEpk CONQREQA TiON Ner TAMid's NEwly iNSTAllEd SisTERhood BoARd: jANis RouNds, ArIene Farrow, Joy Ruby, BarBara Nathan, Yvonne Weiss, Donna WilUy, Loretta HollANdER, DEb' biE HaIIerman, ANd SANdy Srol' bERq c Jl rS p K -ia AuqusT 1999 l r( ) l iu e r)Telonq The member activities committee needs your help! The committee is responsible for planning the CNT so?cial programs, work?ing on Congregant of the Year, and working with the Havurahs. If you are interested in working on the mem?ber activities commit?tee, please call Lynn Sasso at 263-1940. fell and Kvell Mazel Tov to Jordana and (Michael Geeser on the birth of their first child, Hannah Cele, born May 26. TWIM5! Congratualtions to Tom and Gerri Perna on the birth of their twins, Ellen and Travis, born July 1 Congratulations to Eileen and Marc Garber on the birth of their daughter Elizabeth, born July 10 CONQREQA TION NER I AM id Rabbi Akselrad and Jackie Fleerop Will Teach At CAJE Conference CNT Proudly Sends Two Teens to CAJE CNT will be sending Rabbi Akselrad and Jackie Fleekop to attend and teach at the 24th annual Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education. Rabbi Akselrad will be teaching a very important and informative class to supplementary school principals from across the globe. Supplemen?tary schools are religious schools which students attend in addition to their secular education. The session offered by Rabbi Akselrad will explore how to develop a successful religious school with little financial means. His experience about this topic was learned first hand when he came to CNT, a small congregation in Las Vegas almost 12 years ago. He helped establish a strong foundation for this small congregation which has since gro