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Statement in support of the Equal Rights Amendment, February 26, 1975


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E I L E E N B. BROOKMAN C O M M I T T E E S A S S E M B L Y M A N C L A R K C O U N T Y D I S T R I C T N O . 9 V I C E C H A I R M A N W A Y S A N D M E A N S 1 9 0 0 C O C H R A N STREET L A S VEGAS, N E V A D A S 9 1 04 MEMBER L E G I S L A T I V E F U N C T I O N S I N T E R I M F I N A N C E C H A I R M A N , C L A R K C O U N T Y A S S E M B L Y D E L E G A T I O N Nevada Legislature FIFTY-EIGHTH SESSION LEGISLATIVE BUILDING CAFSON CITY, NEVADA 89701 February 26, 3.9 75 My vote in support of the ERA was based on a Poll. The Poll showed that 56 percent in favor of EPA and 40 per-cent opposed. I felt that I hod to be. responsive to my constituents;. By voting against the EPA I would have acted contrary to all the polls and the wants and the wishes of the people who elected me. We are now nearing our fortieth day, and there are many bills to be considered and very important Legislation that we are facing, and decisions to be made affecting each and every one of us. With this in mind I would like you to know, individually that I am here with an"open mind " to listen, to discuss with you personally, and to read your letters, and try to find the answers for you in the remaining weeks, or months, such as it may be. It would please me if you would let me know how you fee1 on the issues at hand, and I shall try my utmost to please you by doing what I think is fair and just in considering any and all the remaining legislation. Thank you for the weeks that are now behind us, arid thank you in advance for bringing me your problems. Each of us needs help in resolving the many serious issues that we now face. Kindest personal regards, E;leen B. Brookman Assemblyman - Clark Co. EBB/vp