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    f / LOCATION - LOFGREEN NO. 17 CONSIDERATION INSTRUMENT; WARRA. $7,000 GRANTOR: HERMAN LGFGREEN AND ORBA L.LGFGREEN WARRANTY DEED DATE: APRIL 23, 1915* BOOK 3 -J ,FAGE 367 OF DEEDS TOOELE COUNTY GRANTEE: S .P .L .A .& .S .L .R .R .C o. DESCRIPTION: A recta n gu la r p ie c e o f land ly in g in the NW$ o f Sec. 32* T. (9S«* R® 4 W* , SLB&M., more p a r t ic u la r ly d escrib ed as fo llo w s , t o -ik t ; Beginning at a p o in t in said o f See. JS, whence the NS corn er o f sa id Sec. 32 hears n orth 39° 5&* West 1%7$*5 f e e t ; thence p a r a lle l with the North lin e o f sa id S e ctio n )2 North 89® 3&* l a s t , a d ista n ce o f 200 fe e t to a p o in t whence the 11 CORNER o f the lff| o f s a id S ection 32 bears North 52° 21* £ .1 9 1 0 .9 f e e t ; thence south 0® ea st fo r a d istan ce o f A35.6 fe e t to a p oin tp thence south ©9® 1^* west f o r a d ista n ce o f 200 f e e t ; thence north 0® k6* Went fo r a d ista n ce o f f e e t , to the p la ce o f - beginning, con tain in g 2 a c r e s , tog eth er with c e r ta in sp rin g o r sp rin gs thereon, commonly known and h erea fter r e fe r re d to as*6reen Springs* Said gra n tors hereby reserve unto them selves, th e ir h e ir s , su ccessors and assign s the p erp etu a l, fr e e and f u l l use, b e n e fit and enjoyment o f a l l o f the surplus waters o f the s a id Green Springs ov er and above that which the sa id grantee may from time to time d e s ir e fo x i t s own use , w ith in the lim it s fir e d in th is indenture. The s a id grantee, i t s su ccessors or a s sig n s, s h a ll not use o r perm it to be used, any o f the waters flow in g from sa id Green Springs in the ir r ig a t io n o r reclam ation o f any land, o th er than such q u a n titie s o f water as may be reasonably n ecessary f o r the growing o f such ornamental shade tr e e s , shrubbery , lawns, and in the c u lt iv a t io n o f such depot gardens as sa id grantee may deem ad visa b le t o m aintain a t the S ta tio n o f Lofgreen, Utah; n or s h a ll sa id gran tee, i t s su ccessors or a ssig n s use, p r perm it to be used, any p o r tio n o f such water f o r sh earin g purposes o r anything per­ta in in g th e r e to ; nor s h a ll sa id waters , or any o f the same, be conveyed o u tsid e the yard lim it s o f the Lofgreen S ta tion , a t L o f-green Utah, by pipe l in e , pipe lin e s o r co n d u its, to any o th e r plane on the r a ilr o a d lin e o f the sa id gran tee.