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    w p p “Application No... 11249 Certificate Record No.....3.Q.9.?....... Book 1 0 Page......3.Q9..2.. THE STATE OF NEVADA CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATION OF WATER Whereas,- .A, 'M»'- Folder't j_ General- 'Manager.. has presented to the State Engineer of the State of Nevada Proof of Application of Water to Beneficial Usd, from. . . ofOUJ1 d . p o u r C.?. ? ? i , ’ M IN , ' . I ~ (Las Vegas Valiev Artesian Basin.,/Well No. 11)? 1______________ through! w e .l l .,....s .e .t ;.t .X i n g ...b .a .s .i i i ..a n d ...p .i p .e l i n e s ------ for— --------- Municipal Supply and Domestic Use purposes. The point of diversion of water from the source is as follows: IXitS.. ....§.? -Q L iO.B.. .3 .L »... .T .*.... 2.Q.. S. j R; E >f or at r<^:.'v^ich v'the ^ Qbyr)ier: B n n 1 ? . _• , . 1 : . '• ; • t V ? • r • ... M l , 1 • ,y'>, ... • . ' ,g{ f MMB 4- ’:. Section 33- bears S.L350 20* 30M E .,? 1 r6 «3# e t, ____ ? |______? 1 il situated in.,.— ......... C l a r k _______________ County, State o f Nevada. - - ? ' Now Know Y e , That the1 State Engineer, under the provisions of Section....Z^ll..,.:., Chapter.....^............, Statutes of) .............;........;________ 1937 , , ________ _ ________ A---____ 1 ............ ....... jhas determined the date,^source, U M i IM1 I ;;c iZZA m purpose and amount of such appropriation, together with the place to which such water, is appurtenant, as follows: Name of appropriator._____ | l £ _____:______ Post-office address........4 .Q 1 .. S .Q u t}i...2 n .d ...S t.r.e .e .t.,...L a s ...¥ ,e .g a .s .,...M .e ..y a d a .4 ,..... ' C'-ATA~‘ :Xj: '? ' 'A L’S’ Amount of appropriation^,----------------------:— 2 t26 C . f * S ------------------- ------------------------ Period of use, from J a n u a r y 1 ............. e c e m b e r 3 1 o , , of'each year Date of priority of appropriation.'.^ Ma.r.C.h ...l.f ...19.lE5.--------:---------— __ _____ , ^ Description,'..usa.: 1.C —.. ... -..,.... A drilled well. 940 feet de e p , equipped..with 90L feet -of 10,:1/2l inch..A .st.e.el...l.apwe.l.d...c.a.sing.;....t;.o.p'...Qf..'-.'..M-c ? . . '.-/-O';, ’-.f-i, ;vi 11 .? i ..? 1 The....water .Produced., trained:.„intb...a genera 1 .supply at the reser .voir. ..and... then c.e....conyeye.d. .by. ..pipe line ...that:...F§ t h e City of Las .¥.e.gas,;..f.o.llo.'ws..:...M.F^...Ni...S.W.i.>...a.nd...SE.t...^.oti.dn...2.7.; SEi Section 33; all of Sections 34 and 35, T. 20 S., R . 611E ., M.D.B.&M. NL.Sgg.ti.o.n. .3.: and NW£ Section 2. T. 21 S « . R. 61 E . . M.D.B.&M, ~r m The right to water hereby determined is limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, not to exceed the ^amount above specified, and the use is restricted to the place where acquired and to the purpose for which acquired. m In T estimony W h ereof, I .^.ALFRED...^S.ri^lT.'3^..SI'6.TH. ...., State Engineer / \ ? ? ? U “V of Nevada, have hereunto set my hand and the seal of my office, this a u ared /fT&^Zz^LZT-_____