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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas ** April 29# 195^ W 23-1-110 Mr. E. S. Bennett - Los Angeles cos Mr. Wm. Beinhar&t Please note attached newspaper clipping from Las Vegas Sun on April 29, 1954, which Indicates that forty-four building permits were issued by the City for new homes in the Charleston Heights Tract* These permits were issued to Frontier Builders for Charleston Heights, Incorporated. Your letter of March 19th, file 4966-11-283 and file 123-1-Las Vegas, indicates that in view of the denial by the Public Service Commission of our petition for rehearing in the so-called Becker case, it will be in order for me to go ahead and m&ke the necessary arrangements for water service to the Charleston Heights Subdivision* My file Indicates that no formal application was ever made for water service to this Subdivision and that no Sub­division map has ever been furnished this office. In view of this situation I have taken no action towards submission of a project for water lines to serve this Subdivision since I have felt no action on my part was required until such time as the Subdivider makes the application and furnishes me with the data required for the preparation of an estimate* Attachment LRMl-ejp L. H* Maag