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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 5, 1974






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 2 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000047. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #25 TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 197 ^ Call to order Roll Call Reading of minutes President Baepler1s address to the Senate Corami11ee Reports Appropri at ions (Fund, transfer re commendat i on) Election Board Activities Investigation Board Agency Account Committee Activities Board Bicentennial Report Financial Aid - Marlene Sonju - Chairman Old Bus ines s Activities contract - Buckminster Fuller Election of three senate representatives to CSUW survey committee John Tofano Rick Aniello Carl Collins Eugene Belin Election for vacant senior senate seat - Carla Spence New Business Nomination for Search Committee for Academic Vice President President Dan Wade Nominations for Union Board Marren-L. Becker-B. G-aiia&sn Nomination of President Pro-Tempore Nomination for Election Board -D. Barnett-L„ Becker-B. Cnl 1. > >• -> n Submission of By-laws and amendments Aniollo--R. Cuellar Other Business In format ion Blood Drive Ad j ourrment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS SENATE MEETIKG #2 5 TUESDAY, MARCH 1971* I. The meeting -was called to order at 5'.20 p.m. II. Roll call was taken III. Minutes "lotion by Carl Collins to accept the minutes Seconded by Steve Hammel Motion passed 10 yes 1 no IV. Motion by Steve Hammel to bring the contract on Euckmitister Fuller up on the agenda. Seconded by Val Buhecker Motion passed unanimously. Danny Barnett yielded the floor to Ken Hanlon. Mr. Hanlon stated that it would be difficult to cancel Mr. Fuller now, as he already has reservations here. This was not his main reasons but because he is a multi -talented man and people outside of the arts will be interested in him. The floor was then yielded to Thomas Holder the chairman of the Art Dept. The Chair asked where the portable geodesic dome is coming from. Mr. Holder pointed out that the dome belongs to him and will be put up by himself and his staff. Motion by John Tofano that the contract be accepted. Seconded by Doug Jeffery. Rick Cuellar pointed out that a good amount of student funds will be put into this and would like the senators to consider this. Dick Torres pointed out that Mr. Fuller has published 18 books, one to be published and four published about him. He also pointed out that the cost of Buckminster Fuller is the average cost that has been paid for speakers. Call for the question by Dick Torres. Seconded by Danny Barnett. Question passed- 11 yes, 1 no. Vote on motion to accept the contract. Closed ballot requested 11 yes, 1 no, contract passes. Carl Collins asked to be excused. V. President Baepler's address to senate. President Baepler stated that he felt this has been a very good year for CS'JN with the newspaper, the speakers, the arts and crafts fair, the movie program, etc. - those things that as an organized student government participate in. He stated that first of all it is necessary for an institution like UNLV (a metropolitan or commuter school) to have a student government. In s o m e other metropolitan schools they Page? 2 still assess student fuos and simply hire people to plan activities that fit th-2 students desire. Things that are successful arc continued and those that are not successful are cancelled. He submitted that there is a need for student government and in no way do the Board of Regents, the Chancellor or the administration want to control Student Government. At no time would they want to be involved in the suit ability of various activities^ that is left up to Student Government. In the case of funding he stated that the students should control their funds but that methods could be streamlined. Also, in order to insure the autonomy of Student Government, there may need to be a few policy changes so that the accounts can be handled. John Tofano questioned if President Baepler was not just here repres-enting the Board of Regents in the feeling that Student Government should give up the right to use student funds as was done last year for bail money. President Baepler replied that he is not representing the Regents. He stated that the question came up, is it permissable to use state funds for bail. Rick Cuellar stated that in California a voucher was signed by the student stating that they would pay the student fee and the business office would collect the fees and turn them over to the organization. President Baepler stated that he felt there is probably only one policy that might need to be changed and that is the Chancellor is the only one who can sign contracts. Steve Hammcl questioned if President Baepler believed the Regents would authorize someone on this campus to sign contracts and President Baepler replied that he believed that would be possible. Steve Hammel asked to be excused. Val Buhecker requested that President Baepler take back to his administrators that Student Government is going to come out of this with solutions and that the problems will be overcome. VI. Committee Reports Appropri ations Report to be submitted at the next meeting. Elections Board Mot ion by Val Buhec ker to recess for five minutes to read the rules. Seconded by Danny Barnett Motion passed unanimously. Motion to accept the rules by Val Buhecker Seconded by Rick Cuellar Bill Callahan suggested that no posters be allowed. John Tofano stated that Sec. Ill B regarding the $10 filing fee is discriminating against those students who do not have it and the section should be struck. Page? 3 Danny Barnett replied that this is a safeguard against posters "being loft after the elections. Motion by Terry Marren to change See. V, G to read 1 No candi dat e may purchase advertising in the Yell. ' Seconded "by Danny Barnett Discussion Call for the question by Val Buhecker Seconded by Danny Barnett Question passed - 7 yes 2 no 1 abstain MVoottie ono n fmaaiilns -m ot5 iyoen s 5 no Chair casts vote against motion. Motion by Terry Marren to readjust the limit of advertising in the Yell to $10 for no more than two issues. Seconded by John Tofano Motion reworded to 'no candidate may spend more than $20 for advertis-ing in the Yell. Rick Cueliar stated that you should not restrict any individual from campaigning. Call for the question by John Tofano Seconded by Danny Barnett Question passed unanimously Vote on mot i on to c hange the limit of advert ising to -$20. Motion fails - 3 yes 5 no 2 abstain Dick Torres submitted minutes from the activities board meeting and asked to be cxcused. Call for the question by Rick Anicllo on the election rules. Seconded by Doug Jeffery Question passed - h yes U no 1 abstain Chair casts vote in favor of the question Vote on accepting the election rules as corrected Rules acceptcd - 5 yes lj no Doug Jeffery asked to be excused John Tofano nominate d Pandora Nash for Art s & Letters senat or Mot ion by the Chair to bring Rick Cuellar's nomination to University Senate off the table. Seconded by Val Buhecker Motion passed unanimously Motion by Val Buhecker to accept Rick Cueliar for University Senate Seconded by Danny Barnett Mot ion passed unanimously Page U Motion by Danny Barnett to bring the election of Carla Spence for Senior senator up on the agenda. Seconded by John To fano Motion passed unanimously Hotion by Val Buhecker to vote by acclaimation. Seconded by Danny Barnett Motion passed unanimously Vote on Carla Spence for Senior senator Carla Spence acc ept ed unanimously Rick Cuellar asked to be excused Activities Investigation John Tofano reported that there were still a few things that needed to be done and that there would be a meeting this week. Activities Board Danny Barnett submitted a contract on Corky Gonzales for $1500 plus expenses VII. Old Business Vote on representatives to CSUN Survey Committee John Tofano - accepted unanimously Rick Aniello - accepted 6 yes 1 no Carl Collins -- failed 1 yes 6 no Eugene Belin - accepted unanimously VIII. Hew Business l) Dan Wade spoke to the senators and stated that the senators along with everyone else is responsible for what has happened to Student Government. John Tofano stated that he felt Dan lacked leadership and that he has not been responsible to the senate, administration or the student s. Dan Wade stated that he has asked for help many times but has gotten no reply. He stated that he has been involved in many things. Dan asked that the senate review the Mass Communications Board policy and give him any ideas they have. Dan also stated that the Day Care Center is in financial trouble and that a proposal is being drawn up to present to the regents. Any senators interested in this proposal, give him your ideas. Bill Callahan asked to be excused. Lisa Bekcer asked to be excused. Mot ion by Terry Marren to table this discussion to be the first thing on the agenda for the next meeting. Seconded by John Tofano Mot ion passed unanimously. Page? 5 2) Rick Aniello nominated Ed Hersh for vacant Junior scat. 3) Union 3oard nominations Terry Marren and Bill Call ahan Lisa Beck declines k) Election Board nominations Lisa Becker Bill Callahan Carla Spence 5) John Tofano, Dick Torres and Val Buhecke r submitted amendments and "by-laws (see attached) 6) Terry Marren nominated Lynn Schon for Arts & Letters senat or. IX Other Business Motion "by Val Buhecker to adjourn Seconded by John Tofano Motion passed unanimously Meeting adjourned at 7=05 p.m. AMENDMENT The Cultural Arts Commission - Article VIII, #10, Sec. B. 1) The Cultural Arts Commission shall consist of the following appointed members: a) Two CSUN Senators b ) The student union board chairman or his represent ative will represent the union board and will be the only student union "board member on the cultural arts commission. c) Two students at large from the Art Department. d) Two students at large from the Music Department. e) One student at large from each major ethno-cultural organization on campus that have CSUN recognition. f) One faculty member non-voting from the Fine Arts Department. 2) It will be the sole responsibility of the Cultural Arts Commission to obtain, schedule, administer and publicize all CSUN sponsored functions in the performing arts as well as entertainment and social event s. a) To be responsible for acq.uinting the student body with the cultural opportunities available to them on and off the campus and for stimulating their interest In such opportunities. b) To establish and maintain a student discount policy which shall procure discount rates for all UNLV students to off campus events in the performing arts. 3) The Cultural Arts Commission shall be required to submit to the CSUN senate a budget for the year's activities and a monthly statement of expenditures and revenues. U) The Cultural Arts Commission must submit to the senate for its approval an operating policy. 5) The Cultural Arts Commission may establish sub-committees, the Chairman of which shall be a Cultural Arts Commission member. AMENDMENT The Student Welfare Commission - ARticle VIII, #10, Section E. 1) The Student Welfare Commission shall consist of the following appointed members: a) Two CSUN senators b) Five CSUN students at large c ) One graduate student d) One faculty member e) One administrative official 2) The student welfare commission shall be responsible for organizing and promoting those activities geared to the advancement of student welfare at UNLV. 3) Among the goals of the commission are: a) To represent the Consolidated Students on all matters of educational policy and academic affairs to the Board of Regents. b) Uncovering and acting upon student problems at UNLV. c) Bringing the students relation with the University faculty, administration, alumni, and regents to a more personal and stimulating level. ) The Commission shall have the authority to delegate an investigatory committee to research any problem which deals with the student welfare. 5) The Student Welfare Commission shall assume the responsibility of coordinating and researching all matters involving student problems, student grievances, or student academic discrepencies. 6) The Commission shall be prepared to report on their progress to the CSUN senate upon request. BY-LAW / Financial Policy -(.Article VIII, #10, Sec. D, #5 1) Philosophy governing evalualtion of budget requests a) The relation of a "budget with the total co-curricular activity program will be considered, b ) An estimation of active and spectator students will be made for every program for which funds have been requested. c) Successful, traditional events will be supported. d) New activities will be supported on a trial "basis. e) The availability of re-usable capital goods will be considered. f) Records of past expenditures, student participation, and the expected benefits of the programs or activity will be reviewed. 2) Funds may be withheld or withdrawn from any program to which participation is restricted on the basis of race, creed, or religion, and/or national origin. 3) Departmental orpain nations which have demonstrated an ability to organize and provide services to their members will be entitled to student funds. a) Only one departmental organisation per major field will be re c ogni zed. b) Funds will be allocated only if the programs of the departmental groups are open to the general campus community. c) Allocation for departmental groups will be made on a 2:1 matching fund basis. (2 for departments, 1 for CSUN). d) Subsidation for travel will not be granted to departmental groups unless such expenditures are shown to benefit the general student body. We the students of UNLV "by the authority of the President of the University and the Chancellor of this campus, do hereby provide for the promotion, maintanance, welfare, and regulation of student matters as are delegated by them to student government, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution. Constitution of the Consolidated Students Preamble University of Nevada Las Vegas pfiopoied By-law Moaa CamuniccLtion6 BoaAd Budget To ateuAz a. i\cua degiee independence, CSUN thall guarantee the "MC o m m u n i c a t i o n s BoaAd" at leau>t one dollaA a.nd fa^ty cents ($7.50) oi eveAy ^ouAteen dottiui CSUN bee ($74.00) collected In the SpfUng and Tall Svne&tvu. Thu money uUtt be uted to {und the oAganA unden the boaAd. fAopo-izd. By-law MASS COMMUNICATIONS BOARD A. Objective 0 CSUN Ah a l l eAtabliAh'"Mass Communications Board" to: (a) Support and encourage a fate, and responsible preSA on campus; (b) establish guidelines, when necessary, far the regulation Atudent organs o^ mass communication; (c) adjudicate disputes and complaints arising firom the activities these organs; Id} Ae.pA2Ae.nt thm in budgetary and major peAAonel matte/ts. B. Organization The. voting membership ol the board shall be composed ofi the following peASonA •• a. Three CSUN students appointed by the President with senate approval. b. Two UNLV students selected by students at the regular spring electiona. c. The editor (6) or director U) ojJ student organA ofi communication funded by CSUN. The non-voting membership ojj the board shall be compoAed o{ the fallowing persons : a. A professional working journalist named to the board by a vote ofi -the Loa Vegas chapter Sigma Delta Chi. b. The university1 A Director oI Public Information Services. c. A faculty member to be selected by vote o& the UNLV UniveAAity Senate. C. Officers and Meeting a 7. The Moaa Comunications Board Ahalt have a chairman, vice chairman and secretary. OHicers shall be elected at the Iinst meeting each academic year, and shall be eligible lor re-election. Thetshall vote only in the case olu a tie. C. h/ a •i Yr» an 1. The board Ahall meet at least twice during each semester, and at such times as the chairman may call a meeting. p. Duties and Responsibilities J. The Mom ConmunicatioyiA Board Ahall establish policy guidelines lor cxunpus organs under its jurisdiction, when necessary. A quare/n oI all voting members ol the board &k&&& is needed to establish any policy. 2. The board shall review applications far the positionis} of editor or dir- ; ector and shall make thier recommendation to the CSUN President to present to the Aenate far approval. 3. The board must approvtL the establishment any additional student publi-cation or organ befare presenting such proposal to the senate. -k AMENDMENT TO THE C. S.K.N. CONSTITUTION To dulztz OLKtlclz VII, i>zztion F, Mo. I To submit undzn. a>itic,lz VII, taction 5, R: The -signing oh contracts to which C. S.U.N, is a pafttg, may be approved at the, matting whzfiz said contract is s ubmittzd. By-Law to the C.S.U.N. Constitution, AA t i c . l t VII All <Lx.ptnditu>izi>, wkzthtK they afio. accumulative, on. not, ovtn. $50 0.00 must ka.vt Stnatt approval. However, this shall not be subject to atiticlz VII, stction F, thz C.S.U.W. Constitution. MASS COMMUNICATIONS BOARD UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS A. Objectives 1. The Mass Communications Board is a body established by the Nevada Board of Regents to: (a) support arid encourage i a free and responsible press on campus; (b) establish 1 guidelines when necessary, for the regulation of student 1 organs of mass communication financed through the university | publication fee; (c) adjudicate disputes and complaints 1 arising from the activities of these organs; (d) appoint I and dismiss editors and directors, establish their salaries and approve their compensation of staff members; (e) allocate on an annual basis the operating budget for each campus organ ^ of communication financed by the Student Publications Fee. i 2. Nothing in this document is meant to change or undermine traditional guarantees of free speech and free press; decisions of the Board relative to its organs are expected to be taken in the spirit of free speech and free press as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The MCB shall follow the general concepts outlined in the following communications codes: a. The Code of Ethics for Journalism b. The Canons of Journalism c. The Communications Act of 1934 d. The Nevada Open Meeting Laws B. Organization vt - 1. The Mass Communications Board is a separate agency of the student body of UNLV, apart from CSUN. 2. Voting membership of the board shall be composed of the following persons: a. The president of the CSUN or his designate; the term of office shall be congruent with the tegular term of office for the CSUN president. b. A CSUN Senator elected by a majority vote of the Senate; the term of office shall begin June 1st and extend through the last day of May of the following year. c. The editor(s) and director(s) of all student organs of communication funded by the Student Publications Fee; the term of office shall begin June 1st and extend through the last day of May of the following year. d. A professional working journalist named to the MCB by the president of the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi or his designate; the term of office shall be indefinite. e. The university's Director of Public Information Services or his designate; the term of office shall be indefinite. f. A faculty member elected by a majority vote of the University Senate; the term of office shall begin June 1st and extend through the last day of May of the following year. g. A UNLV student elected by the students at the regular spring campus elections; the one-year term of office shall be consistent with the term of office of other elected CSUN officers. h. One staff member from each student organ of commun-ication elected to the board by a majority of the student staff members of that communication organ. 3. Non-voting ex-officio members shall include: a. The Dean of Students or his designate; the term of office shall be indefinite. C. Officers and Meetings 1. The Mass Communications Board shall have a chairman, vice chairman and secretary. Any board member may hold these offices. Officers shall be elected by the board at the first meeting of each academic year, and shall be eligible for re-election. The chairman shall vote only in case of a , tie. 2. The board shall meet the first Wednesday of every month September through May and at such additional times as the chairman may call a meeting. 3. All deliberations of the board shall be subject to Roberts Rules of Order as interpreted by the chairman. All meetings shall be open to the public, except that the discussion of personnel matters shall be closed unless the person or persons to be discussed request otherwise. 4. Board members must be informed of all meetings at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. . . - 2 - D. Duties and Responsibilities / 1. The Mass Communications Board shall establish policy guide-lines for campus organs under its jurisdiction, when necessary* 2. The board shall appoint each April by majority vote of members present and voting all student editors and directors i of the organs under its jurisdiction and shall assume the 'j position at the conclusion of the academic year. The MCB 1 shall establish procedures for receiving nominations for the \ posts involved and forwarding recommendations to the board | for action. When an editorship or director post is vacant, the chairman shall appoint an acting editor or station manager to fill the post until the board makes a permanent appointment All editors and directors shall maintain enrollment during * the fall and spring semesters at UNLV while serving in the position. 3. The board may suspend or remove from office by 2/3 vote of members present and voting any editor or director who, after a hearing by the board, is found to have violated the policy guidelines established for the operation of the organ involved. The editor or director whose tenure is in question shall not have the right to a vote on the matter. 4. The board must approve the establishment of any additional student publications or broadcasting station financed by the student publications fee. 5. The board may establish additional bylaws, rules and regulations to implement this document as it sees fit. 6. No complaint involving a student publication or student broadcasting station shall be feard by the board until the complainant has first attempted to resolve the complaint with the editor-in-chief of the publication, or with the manager of the station. Only if the matter cannot be resolved at this level will the board accept and hear the complaint. E• Appeal from board action The actions taken by the MCB under this document may be appealed to the Board of Regents. F. Amendment Procedure Any amendment to this document shall require a 2/3 vote of all members present and voting. G. Minutes and Reports Minutes of the board go to the President of the university, the CSUN president, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Students, and to the members of the board. t - 3 - H. Finances 1» Each communication organ must submit a proposed budget outlining expenditures and revenues for the following academic year at a date established by the Board of Regents. 2. Each publication or broadcast station budget must be approved by -a majority vote of the MCB. 3. A two-thirds majority vote is required to amend or rescind a communication organ's budget after it has gone into effect. I. QuLrem "" j A ^uorem for the board shall be defined as one more than half of all eligible voting members. No action may be taken without a quorem present. V'• - 4 - \ MASS COMMUNICATIONS BOARD UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS This document is intended to serve as a general guideline for the Mass Communications Board in administering and supervising the editor of any student publication. Nothing in this document is intended to change or undermine traditional guarantees of free press and free speech as defined by the United States Constitution. DUTIES AND POLICY GUIDELINES FOR THE EDITOR 1. The editor shall apportion the annual operating budget of his publication and shall make editorial judgments that do not conflict with the budgetary limitations established by the MCB. > 2. Shall submit a report to the MCB chairperson prior to each monthly meeting of the board stating the general conditions of the publication, offering criticisms, outlining problems and strengths and reporting progress. 3. Shall see that all errors in fact are corrected in the issue immediately following the discovery of such errors. 4. Shall dismiss staff members whose actions are considered to be detrimental to the publications. 5. The editor shall not knowingly violate federal, state and local laws concerning copyright, libel/ slander and postal regulations. 6. The editor shall follow and adhere to the university student conduct code. 7. The editor shall be responsible for the appointment of a working staff, including a business manager. 8. The editor shall assume the ultimate responsibility for the financial solvency of the publication, including advertising revenues and the payment of all bills. 9. The editor of the campus newspaper shall publish and. circulate on a regular basis at least once each week during the academic year. . . V