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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, Feburary 1993



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jeanne Schomaker: Principal Garianne Farrish: Bulletin Editor February 1993/Shevat-Adar 5753 Cal Lewis: President Robyn Galbraith: Administrator Julie Gruber: Preschool Director Purim Carnival Fast Approaching Starting with a special Friday night Purim dinner, March 5th, the celebrations begin! Sunday, March 7th, is the Purim Carnival! Please mark your calendars for the most joyous event of the year! The whole community is invited, so bring your children, your parents, and your friends to the Religious School's major fundraiser. A parade at 11 a.m. will open a day of fun with game booths, food booths, and raffles. Raffle prizes include ?'"Nintendo and Superl^intendo Games '"A Cellular Phone '"A Mink Teddy Bear Athletic Lessons from the Green Valley Athletic Club ?"A "Boom Box" '"Gift Baskets ''"Baskin and Robbins Gift Certificate for a Birthday Cake Continued on Page 3 New Member Shabbat Dinner Scheduled for February 26th Schedule of Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist *Friday, February 5th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services: "An Evening of Chassidic Music" Celebrating Jewish Music Season Adult Choir participating. Oneg co-sponsored by: The Sisterhood in honor of Hortense Alper; Cindy and Arthur Spector in honor of their son's, Todd's, Bar Mitzvah; Randi and Lee Friedman in honor of her parents, Claire and Sam Prezant's 50th Anniversary Friday, February 12th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services conducted by Steve Weisman and Bella Feldman Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, February 19th 6:00 p.m. 2nd Grade Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. Family Service Oneg sponsored by the 2nd Families *Friday, February 26th 6:00 p.m. New Member Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by the new members ?Babysitting available in Rrn. 5 The Membership Com?mittee of Congregation Ner Tamid invites all "New Members" and their families to a special Shabbat Dinner on Friday, February 26, 1993, at 6 p.m. in the Temple social hall. Share your ideas on our Congregation with us and join Rabbi Akselrad in a discussion concerning the direction of our Temple. Representatives of the Temple Board will be at this event to meet you and answer questions about Congregation Ner Tamid. Following dinner, the Rabbi will lead us in a Shabbat Service. You are our guest, but you must RSVP by February 23, 1993, to the Temple Office. We look forward to seeing you and your family at this New Member event! Dyane Kohnen* 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Temple Board Cal Lewis President Gerry Gordon V.P. Administration Jay Poster V.P. Ways & Means Dyane Kohnen V.P. Membership Alan Mann V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer V.P. Education Sheldon Rosenberg Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary Paul Cohen Trustee Lois Doctors Trustee Roger Ewan Trustee Dotty Gross Trustee Debbie Levy Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Scott Schreiber Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Rita Malkin Sisterhood Steve Joseph Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Andy Gratz NTTY Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo A. Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Oficio Bar Mitzvah of Todd Spector My name is Todd Spector. I am a student at the Hebrew Academy. I enjoy play?ing football and baseball. My Bar Mitzvah is very important to me. To me, a Bar Mitzvah means becoming a man and hav?ing to take more responsibilities. I am looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah and all of my family that is flying in. Rabbi's Message New Year's come and gone. It is already February and summer lurks just around the comer! Yes, it is time to plan ahead for what should just be the best time your child has ever had...what's that? Summer camp of course! Students at Congregation Ner Tamid have traditionally gone south for the summer to Camp Pearlstein. This camp offers a well-rounded Judaica program complemented by swimming, hiking, sports, day trips, horseback riding and just plain fun. Campers from all around our region attend this wonderful camp, which allows for easy reunions in the future when the older campers see each other at youth group conclaves. I would also like to recommend another camp this year. In fact it is the same camp that I attended, Camp Swig, located in Northern California. Camp Swig is our official U.A.H.C. camp. As such, Rabbi's from around our region help in putting together a dynamic program at a superb facility. This camp features a strong Judaica program set in the beautiful Saratoga mountains. Like Pearlstein, swimming, hiking, and the like are part of what makes this camp special. But because it is a U.A.H.C. sponsored camp, its facilities are more developed and its program more expansive. Either way, you couldn't choose a better experience for your child. If you want more information about these or other Jewish camps recommended by the Temple, let me know. Also, as most good camps do, these two fill up quickly. So do not delay in sending in your registration. If you think you might be in need of some financial assistance, again speak to me early as there are limited funds available for this purpose as well. Plan ahead; its the best way to insure a wonderful summer that your child will never forget. B'shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Who has Plaque Reservations? We are trying to determine who has reserved plaques for their loved ones on the Menorah Plaque. It is not clear from the existing records for whom these plaques are reserved and where they should be placed on the board. Please call Robyn Galbraith at 733-6292 to help solve the mystery! 1)0 YOU NEED HAGGADAI1S? PASSOVER PLATTS? MATZAH COVERS? MATZAH PLATES? KIDDUSH CUPS? SEE US SUNDAYS BETWEEN 0:15 AN1) 12:15 OR LEAVE YOUR ORDER IN THE OFFICE. Jewish Music Celebration at Services on Feb.5th Come join us for a fun-filled musical evening celebrating the Jewish Music Season. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad will be conducting the Shabbat Service and the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir will present Chassidic music on February 5, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. We will be featuring music from Isadore Freed's Chassidic Servie as well as special selections from various composers. Dr. Freed is a world renown Jewish composer whose melodies are recorded in the Zalmanoff and Idelsohn anthologies of Chassidic music. One of our board members, Jay Poster, will add to the musical festivities by accompanying the choir on his clarinet. This special evening will also be highlighted by the dedication of the Steinway piano generously given to Congregation Ner Tamid by Hortense Alper in memory of her beloved husband, Sam. Please be with us for this moving musical tribute and service. The public is cordially invited to share in this evening with us.? Congregation Ner Tamid 3 * President's Message This month I thought I would talk about the function of a Temple and why, I feel, it's important to insure its survival. A few weeks ago, I was at Temple for a Sunday morning meeting. Bella and Lori were working with some of the younger children and they were learning the song, "I'm Proud to Be a Jew." The children were so enthusiastic and were having such a good time that I knew they truly felt the words of the song. I felt proud that our Temple could have people like Bella and Lori to make the atmosphere at our facility so pleasant and warm. Our Judaism must be a source of pride that we show to the world. We show our pride by practicing our religion and teaching it to our children. Our Temple becomes the place where we learn and share and meet each other. Through its activities, we derive support, cement friendships, and practice the rituals that provide some stability in our daily lives. Temples create and maintain Jews. Our Temple thrives on the participation of its members. Helping to run the Temple by partici?pating on the Board is one way to be involved. The selection process for new board members is now in progress. There will be many positions to be filled in June as this term comes to an end. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact me or the chairperson of the Nominating Committee, Eileen Kollins, and let us know of your interest. I will close by welcoming Debbie Levy to the Board. I hope she enjoys her term-we will enjoy her fresh ideas. Thanks to all of you who keep participating in the SCRIP program; it is a good source of income for our Temple. See you at Temple, Cal M*urim Carnival continued from Page 1 Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the carnival. You may be receiving some in the mail for pre-purchase. Tickets for games sold at the carnival are three for $1. You can buy tickets for the games at the Temple ahead of time, four for $1, on the following three days: Tuesday, February 23rd, Thursday, February 25th, Sunday, February 28th. The Purim BLOOD DRIVE, sponsored by the Social Action Committee and the Brotherhood, will be taking place from noon until 3 A p.m. on the day of the X carnival. The Purim Story The Purim story is in the Book of Esther, which is a part of the Hagiographa or Writings, the third section of the Tanach. In brief, the Purim story can be outlined as follows: King Ahashuerus dethrones Queen Vashti. Esther is crowned queen after winning a beauty contest. Mordecai refuses to bow before Haman. Haman seeks to destroy the Jews after his run-in with Mordecai. Mordecai appeals to Esther to save her people. Esther approaches King Ahashuerus and invites him and Haman to a banquet. Mordecai is honored for having saved the King's life. Esther entertains the King and Haman, and invites them to a second banquet. Esther pleads for her people at the second banquet. The King grants Esther's request and condemns Haman to die on the gallows that he built for the Jews. The Jews defend themselves throughout Persia. The holiday of Purim is established. Mordecai advances to a position of importance. --RcbertGoodncn Cantor's Corner Our Adult Choir is gearing up for the special service on February 5 in celebration of Jewish Music Season. We will also be officially dedicating our beautiful Steinway piano, donated in memory of Sam Alper. This service will feature Chassidic music written by several different composers. We will have added musical accompaniment when our own Jay Poster joins us on his clarinet. This will be an evening you won?t want to miss!! The Junior Choir just keeps growing in membership and talent. As the year proceeds, the choir improves with each rehearsal. The children really have a great time singing at each of our Family Shabbat Services. Music is a useful and fun learning tool. Our children ex?perience prayer, holiday and general Judaic knowledge through song. B ?shalom, Bella Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series Congregation Ner Tamid is a proud sponsor of the 1993 Dr. Harry L. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The following schedule will take place in our social hall: Sunday, February 21st "Medical Ethics During the Holocaust," presented by M. Michael Thaler, M.D. Dr. Michael Thaler will address the subject of medical ethics during the Holocaust. Dr. Thaler is a Holocaust Survivor Continued on Page 6* 4 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Religious School News January flew by with a lot of exciting things happening. The teachers had a very stimulating In- Service led by Steve Weissman. Thank you Steve for a very informative session. Marty Kravitz came in and spoke to our Eighth and Ninth Graders. Thank you Marty for sharing your valuable information with us. Our Fourth Grade dinner and Shabbat Service was outstanding. Many thanks to all the Parents who helped make it successful. Also, kudos to Melissa Glovinsky and Jody Coleman for putting together such a dynamic event. And a special thank-you to Brian Siegel for helping out. We would very much like to welcome new staff member Sindy Steinberg. She is currently the NTTY advisor and she will be teaching beginning Hebrew on Thursdays. We all look forward to working with her. Her background in the public school classrooms will certainly be an asset here at CNT. Our Purim Carnival plans are very exciting. We are all looking forward to the "Best One Yet" on March seventh. Many of us will be setting up Saturday night, March sixth. The NTTY kids will be decorating and we can always use help in setting up the booths. Any one wishing to help, please contact Jeanne Schomaker at the Religious School Office. Don't forget our two ongoing fundraisers, the delicious Barton's Passover Candy sale and our Raffle Tickets for the Purim Carnival. We have some very exciting prizes: Sega Genesis SuperNintendo Computer games Boom box Cellular phone Mink teddy bear Gift Baskets to name a few. Remember, you do not have to be present to win, but you do have to buy a raffle ticket. See you at the Purim Carnival! Jeanne Schomaker Principal A A A A A A A A A A A A ^ ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ?s *s : no : * SCHOOL ? * FEBRUARY 14, ? * (in Celebration of ? * Presidents* Day) ? * ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Las Vegas Hebrew High Bulletin: What Is Your Teen Doing this Thursday Night? Las Vegas Hebrew High is now in its second successful year, open to any Jewish student in Grades 8 through 12, regardless of that student?s Jewish educational background. Congregation Ner Tamid, along with the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and other area synagogues, is sponsoring this outstanding learning exchange. Classes being offered include: Comparative Judaism, American Jewish History, Holidays and Traditions, Hebrew, BioEthics, Beginning Talmud, Comparative Religion, Cults and Missionaries, and many others. Las Vegas Hebrew High began its second semester on January 7 and continues through May 20, 1993. Classes meet Thursday evenings from 6 to 8:30 p.m. We want a better life for our teenagers now and a strong Jewish community for them and all of us in the future. Won't you join us? For more information on Las Vegas Hebrew High or any of its activities, please call Director Cheryl Weisberg through the Federation or at 898-1640. pC/ Saturday, March 20 Las Vegas Hebrew High will be sponsoring a community-wide dance for all Jewish teens in Las Vegas (Grades 8-12). More information to follow. Reform Judaism's 1st EVER NATIONAL COLLEGE CONVENTION! March 11-14, 1993 Clarion Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio Join hundreds of college students from across North America for 3 unforgettable days of: - Jewish Challenges-Jewish Choices, Exploring critical isues in our lives and on our campuses - Meeting the leading thinkers, movers and shakers of Reform Judaism - Friendship, song and togetherness For applications and more information, contact: UAHC College Education Department P.O. Box 443, Bowen Road, Warwick, New York, 10990, (914) 987-6300 Sponsored by: The UAHC College Dept, and the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion If one of your children has a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 1994 and you did not receive a letter regarding the scheduling of the date, please call Judy in the Temple Office at 733-6292. \0 Winter Office: As an affiliate of the Reform Movement, Camp Swig is committed to Reform Jewish education in a living context. No, it is not too early to plan for your child's enriching experiences for the Summer of '93!? Congregation Ner Tamid 5 * T.N.T. During our General Meeting January 1993, covered First, r February Sunday, the 7th / 12:00-2:00 p.m. / March \ Pizza Party / / Tuesday, the 16th \ Pistol Pete's I j 6:30-7:00 p.m. > \ E. Tropicana Y General meeting / a we on 5, We lot of information, formalized our Telephone Committee. The members of that committee are: James Karlin, Robyn Schwartz, and Matt Unger. They will be instrumental in getting out information to all of the T.N.T. members this year. We also introduced our Sleep-Over Committee. Abbie Spoor, President of T.N.T., will be the Chairperson. The other members of the committee are: Brian Frankl, Jason Smylie, David Schomaker, and Kevin Walton. As you know, our sleep-over will be in April. If any parents, or other members of the Congregation are interested in acting as chaperones that evening, or during any other T.N.T. event, your involvement is welcomed1. Another important part of our meeting was to establish a B'nai Mitzvah Gift Committee. T.N.T. has already purchased the gifts for the B'nai Mitzvahs, and the committee members attend the service and make the presentation on behalf of T.N.T. The members of this committee will serve through May. They are: Doug Chenin, Brian Frankl, Howard Lehmer, David Schomaker, Robyn Schwartz, Abbie Spoor, and Joey Unger. We will ask for new volunteers to help with our summer and fall presentations. If you know you will be attending a certain B'nai Mitzvah during the year and can present the gift, please let us know as soon as possible so we can be sure you will get this honor. (Parents, if you have any questions regarding this mitzvah, please do not hesitate to contact Multi-Purpose Room / r April Friday, the 23rd to Saturday, the 24th 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sleep- Over/Elections Social Hall Following Oneg Youth Groups Attention High School Students: N.T.T.Y. WANTS YOU! Debbie or me. Please keep in mind, as we get closer to each date, someone will contact you to go over the details and confirm your child's attendance.) And now on to current events . . . We are having our Pizza Party on February 7, from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. at Pistol Pete's on E. Tropicana. There is a $3.50 charge per person to cover the cost of this event. This will pay for pizza, drinks, and a few tokens. If you would like to send a few extra dollars with your child for additional tokens, please feel free to do so. In order to ensure that we will have enough chaperones, please RSVP no later than Februrary 5, by filling out the form at the bottom of this article and turning it in at the Temple office. Finally, a reminder . . . several of our members have neither submitted their completed applica?tions, nor their dues. It is very important that this last detail be taken care of as soon as possible so every member is accounted for. Thank you, and we'll see you at the Pizza Party! Sheryl Chenin-Webb ?Debbie Seideman May Sunday, the 2nd 2:00-3:00 p.m. Installations Social Hall Family Members invited light nosh provided (cake and punch) | My children) will be attending the T.N.T. Pizza Party on February 7th! I Name Name. I Name_ Name This event is open to T.N.T. members only! ?Best wishes to Debbie and Joel Karasik, who were married January 17th. Ner Tamid Temple Youth (NTTY) has some exciting activities coming up, and we want you to be a part of the fun! During the month of January, NTTY has been busy planning for our Creative Shabbat Service on Friday, January 29. Billy Tiep, Religious Vice President, has been hard at work planning the service entitled Plight of the Children, which focuses on the importance of nurturing our most important natural resource: children. We are excited to announce that NTTY will be hosting the SWFTY Spring Conclave, April 15 through the 18, 1993. Our congregation will be hosting approximately 150 youth leaders for a fun and educational weekend. The chairperson for the event is Judy Kollins, who is already hard at work with the plans. Read the next bulletin for more information. February's events will include a Social Action Program dealing with hot topics that affect our youth of today, a beautiful Havdalah service followed by a surprise social event, a religious study weekend in Tempe, Arizona, and of course, Conclave Planning goes on. We would like you to be a part of the fun and excitement that is NTTY. If you are in one of the Grades 9 through 12 and would like more information, please call: Andy Gratz (President) 898-3593 or Sindy Steinberg (Advisor) 458-9242 M.T.T.Y. Information: Turn to Page 6^ 6 P AH A ro A 'itiA M Mar Tam I /I ? These lectures are free and open to the public. Ms. Cindy Milmeister, Chairperson of the 1993 Series, suggests that these topics might be of great interest to young adults and they are encouraged to attend. For further information, call Beverly Eisen at the Jewish Federation office, 732-0556. M.T.T.Y. On Sunday, February 21st, MTTY (Grades 4 and 5) will be having its outing at the "Discovery Zone? located at 4180 S. Rainbow (near Flamingo). Have your child bring a bag lunch because we will be eating lunch at the Temple first, and then leave for the "Zone" at around 1 p.m. Our play time is from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Your child MUST be picked up at the Discovery Zone at 3 p.m. sharp. The cost per child is $2.50. If they want any snack or drink, please send extra money with them. PLEASE let me know by Monday, February 15th, whether or not your child is going. I must have an accurate head count! CALL 896-4350 Millie Next Tot Shabbat ? is Marcli 27tli. q Look for more information ? and sign-up coupon in the ^ March issue of the bulletin. Outreach Holds Special Gathering at Rahbi's Home On Sunday, February 28th from 4 to 6 p.m., Outreach will be hosting a special get-together at the Rabbi's home. Members of Outreach will have a chance to have a lively informal discussion with Rabbi Akselrad about Jewish issues and special concerns to inter-faith families. Outreach is a program sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid and Jewish Family Services and is open to the entire community. The purpose of Outreach is to integrate inter-faith families into Congregational life. If you are interested in attending this special program please RSVP NO LATER than February 19th to Judy the Rabbi's secretary (733-6292). Upon reserving your place you will be given directions to the Rabbi's home. Shalom! From Preschool Preschool is going great this semester. We have 17 children and seem to get new students all the time. We want to thank everyone who donated toys, books, or puzzles to the Preschool. We really appreciate all donations. Below is our class picture for the 1992-93 school year. We wanted to share it with the whole Congregation. Come and visit us anytime! See you next month. Julie, Dotty, and Leah? Congregation Ner Tamid 7 * The Easiest Way to Support Our Congregation Did you know that if 200 families (that's less than one half of our membership) bought $100 worth of SCRIP every month, our Congregation would earn $12,000 per year? This sum would prevent our membership dues from increasing at such rates as seen in recent years! SCRIP is a painless way to buy your groceries and support the Congregation at the same time! DO YOU EAT? Where do you buy SCRIP? WHICH STORES WILL ACCEPT SCRIP? At the Temple Office Monday through Friday, 9-4, If you buy your food at: DO YOU BUY YOUR FOOD AT THE GROCERY STORE? On Sundays between 9 and 12:15, and VON?S SMITH?S LUCKY?S or ALBERTSON'S If so, please consider picking up SCRIP at the Temple on a regular basis. Just use your food money to buy SCRIP. r Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai and'Board of Trustee Meetings. YOU are a perfect match for SCRIP! If you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, please enclose your check with this order form. Thank you. Congregation Ner Tamid SCRIP Program, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 You do not need to use this coupon to buy SCRIP. This is just for your convenience. Name_______________________ Address__________________ City_____________________Zip. Phone__________________ Date Ordered________________ Date Needed________________ Amount Received_____________ Store Denomination_________TOTAL Lucky Qbs OlOs O20s _____ Vons 05s O 10s O20s ______ Smiths Q5s Q 10s O20s _ Albrtsn Qss t_) 10s O20s Signature L J* 8 Congregation Ner Tamid ? Thanks to everyone for your well-wishes, gifts, and flowers for the opening of our new office. Please come in and visit us soon. Linda and Ken Schnitzer Last Chance! "This Year In Jerusalem" Trip to Israel, June 6-18, 1993 Rabbi Sanford Akselrad is leading interested congregants in a tour of the Holy Land. You will stay in first class hotels in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. A night will also be spent in Tiberius at the Sea of Galilee. This is your opportunity to see all of the places you always dreamed of. Ken Schnitzer is making the expert arrangements for this spectacular trip. Space is filling up quickly, so if you are interested, this is the time to act! Please call 733-6292 to make your reservations. SHALOM! Sisterhood Wants You ! ! 2 . . . Before Prices Increase The prices of the plaques on the Chai Plaque have been raised, effective February 15, 1993. The plaques that cost $100 will now cost $200, $150 will now cost $225, $200 will now cost $250, and $250 will now cost $300. Please call Robyn Galbraith at 733-6292 for more information. The most asked question is WHAT DOES YOUR SISTERHOOD DO? Sisterhood is an auxiliary of the Temple that helps with fundraising, provides certain extras for our youth and our religious school and prepares our Oneg Shabbat every Friday evening. Sisterhood also provides an organization of women who believe in the Jewish cause to feel comfortable and find comraderie. Now is the time for you to JOIN and become a member of our Sisterhood. Our annual dues are $25 per year. So don't delay. Get involved and express your joy and pride upon being a part of Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood. Checks should be made payable to: CNT Sisterhood 2761 E. Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 ATT: MAXINE GRATZ ji j ! Thank you to Rudy Gold for J |! regularly bringing the postage !| |f meter to the post office. j| || Thank you to Sue Einhom for the || ||' creating the visual effects on the l> bulletin board in the hall across -'ll from the office. J i I li-au??c?ss??v??:?v???:??v J| Temple Wish List 1. IBM-compatible computers 2. Floor Scrubber 3. Fire-proof file cabinets 4. Letter-quality printer for Religious School Office 5. Water softener system 6. Refrigerator for our Temple staff 7. Racks for banquet tables Please fill out this information, cut out and send it in with your dues. We want to make sure that we have all the correct information so we may contact you and encourage your active participation in our organization. Thanks again for your support. Maxine Gratz VP Membership CNT Sisterhood 898-3592 I-? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? - I CNT Sisterhood Membership Application Name: ________________________________________ I Address:_______________________________________ City:_______ State:____ Zip:_____ ? Telephone:_____________________________________ Interests: ______________________________________ I How can you help sisterhood? Check enclosed____ amount $_______($25 per year) I I I I? Congregation Ner Tamid 9 * Auxiliaries and Committees Golden Chai Seniors President's Message Everyone questions what it is to be Jewish and a Senior Citizen. To Be Jewish: It is important to support our community Jewish organizations because we know they are our best means of self-preservation! The organizations preserve, protect, and maintain our identity as a people. There is a quote from Samson Hersch that says it all: "Join a community by which, alone, your work can be made eternal in results." Today, I am setting out on a Journey of Community Jewish Service by presiding as President of Golden Chai Seniors. I know the road will be smooth! To grow old gracefully is to add years to life by keeping interest alive, service active, mind and body brimming with endeavor. The different chapters in life bring their own wisdom. I hope I can serve as Golden Chai President as a mature Jew aided by these Jewish Senior actively pursuing their Golden Years. 'f Sisterhood This month's Sisterhood Program will be a game night. Look for a flyer in the mail for all the exciting details. I want to thank Sophie Pisetsky, Carol Brimhall, and Carol Schnoll for all their help at the New Year's Eve Party. It was a great success! Over 100 people attended. Next year, we will need Cashman Field! Make your reservations early. If you aren't a member of Sisterhood, please join us! See Page 8, or call Maxine Gratz at 898-3592 for more information. Shalom, Your Sisterhood President, Rita Moses Malkin Your new Board for 1993 consists of these grand volunteers: Ronae Fink George Lipshaw Joyce Levin Sylvia Jacobs Claire Cohen Charles Gold Genevieve Gold Helen Zliser Alma Bemay Rose Dunn Fran Lipshaw Estelle Miller Bemie Snitzer Max Blumenfeld Arthur Cohen Lottie Palis President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Publicity Membership Sunshine Telephone Games Catering Catering Hospitality Table With your friendship and support and activity we can continue to flourish and grow. Todah Rabah Ronae Fink President 1 Brotherhood News ?|| 1. The next Brotherhood Meeting J will be Thursday, February 11, 1993, 7 p.m., at the Temple. iLv? :?.???????>???:?v j| 2. All new Temple members have a free membership to the Brotherhood for the first year. 3. Still available are half-price Dining Club booklets at $19.95. 4. Also available is the Entertainment Book at $30.00. Call the Temple for orders. 5. BE PREPARED: Spring and our Putting Tournament will be here soon. Further information to follow. Allan Nathanson Ways and Means Social Action Committee The Social Action Committee is pleased to announce their upcoming activities for 1993. We will continue to support the Weekend Emergency Assistance Program with the Lutheran and Methodist Social Ministries. We are asking congregants to bring in soaps, shampoos, toothbrushes, combs, etc., and especially DISPOSABLE DIAPERS for the month of February. Many of the people who came for food packages asked for diapers for their children and none were available. Providing them with diapers would be a much needed mitzvah. Toiletries and women's and children's clothing are always needed for the Shadetree Shelter as well. We are pursuing having a Black-Jewish dialogue. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact me or Nadine Cracraft by leaving a message at the Temple office. During the Purim Carnival we will co-sponsor a BLOOD DRIVE with the Temple Brotherhood from noon until 3:00 p.m. We are also going to collect children's books at this time. Please ask your youngsters to bring a book in during the month of March to be given to families with few or no reading materials for their children. If you are planning ahead, be sure to bring in your chometz to the Temple prior to Passover. This will be distributed to the needy. We are also encouraging any Havurot or families having home seders to invite a non- Jewish family to join them. This would be a wonderful way to spread understanding of our holiday to the Christian community. We may perform a model seder for a Christian study group if we are requested to do so. Thank you again to all of the members of the Congregation who consistently support our mitzvah projects throughout the year. Eileen Kollins Chairperson? 1 0 ? Sisterhood Tributes A Suggestion: To Joni Akselrad May you have a Refuah Shleymah From Shirley Kravitz and Family To Joni Akselrad Hope you're feeling better and wish you continued good health From Rita and Herman Malkin To The Nitzkin Family Our sincere sympathy in the loss of your beloved father From Rita and Herman Malkin To Bernice May Congratulations on the birth of your new grandchild From Rita and Herman Malkin To Elliott Krane Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery From Judy and Arthur Liebert To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boehm and Family Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of Aunt Hannah From The Rosenthals Hera, Marty, and Craig To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schnitzer Mazel Tov on the new location of Your Travel Place From Eileen, Judy, Lisa, and Mike Kollins To Joni Akselrad Thinking of you and glad you're feeling better From Audrey, Joel, Matt, and Justin To Lois Doctors Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday and sorry we couldn't be with you From Audrey and Joel Mishalow A way to memorialize a loved one would be to purchase a plaque to be displayed on the beautiful Menorah in the lobby of the Temple of Congregation Ner Tamid. If you are interested, please get in touch with Robyn Galbraith, the Temple's administrator, at 733-6292. We would be honored to help preserve the memory of a b