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I agree.of the boundaries of the land above referred to consisting of a power line shown by green line between points AA and SB* a power, telephone and telemeter line shown by green line between points CC and GO, pipe lines shown by red lines and a pumping station shown at point HH upon Exhibit "A” and all appurtenances thereto. IK WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has executed this Bill of Sale by its officers thereunto duly authorised j this IS day of 3u*y * 1953* UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY By s/ A. 1. Stoddard ^ -----L------ President Attest * s/ L. 3. Bachman ( SEAL) Assistant secretary Apprao/v eds . a1s. tBoe nFnoertmt*, General Solicitor Apprao/v eCd. asF, tBoo nEgxaercdutt,i onA!sst. West. Gen. Counsel Apprao/v edW!. H. Hulslzer, Gen. Mgr. . of„ _P ropert..ies Registered^ Mayhall^ fop General Auditor