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    File Clumber 125. % I Mir« H. Hawgood, Chief Engineer, Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt o f your favor o f the 31st in s t, requesting information as to the legal requirements o f appropriating water in C alifornia and Nevada, and in reply thereto beg to state; CALIFORNIA. The law as to the appropriation o f water in C alifornia is found in Section 1415 o f the c iv i l Code, and is as follow s: "1415. Notice of appropriation. A person desiring to appropri ate water must p ost_a n o tice , in w riting, in a conspicuous place at the point o f intended diyarsion, stating therein: 1. That he claims the water there flowing to the extent o f (giving the number) inches, measured under a four-inch pressure; mse 2. The purposes for 'which he claims i t , and the place o f intended he means by which he intends to divert i f . and the size of posted. After filin g such copy fo r record, the place o f intended d i­version or the place of intended use or the means by which it is intended to divert the water, may be changed bv the person posting said n otice or h is assigns, i f others are not injured by such provision applies to notices already file d as well* a a fter filed.® age. This .s to n otices here-you w ill notefby th is that it is necessaiy not only to post n o tice s, but within ten days to record copy o f notice with the County Recorder where loca tion is situated. section 1416 S reads as follows: . m1 a416. Work on water rights. Within sixty days after the notice is posted, the claimant must commence the excavation or construc­tio n o f the works in which he intends to divert the water, or the survey road or t r a il building, necessarily incident thereto, and mgsfrosecute *