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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (as of April 11, 1956) SANDS HOTEL Press, Radio and TV Guest List 1956 Tournament of Champions Name yk Arthur Be Titta ?√ß > Dave Shaw x* &ranfcdli&nelli/ Jones Osborn iff!Jack Lauck 0^ Hank Kusserow George Herrick (^- Hal Wood J. G* O'Brien fjf'hrt Rosenbaum -?╟÷Leo Turocher ?·***<*&I Ed Levitt Badge No* Arrival No. of Persons v399N?╟÷ VApril_28th,?╟÷ 449-403 394 180 173 172 171 167 218 213 202 366 23rd 28th 25th Press Card (For Maals at D*X*) 208-129-130 211 ?╟÷^-212------------ 249-136 23rd 23rd 26th 24th 25th 24th 24th 26th 2 2 2 2 256 257 258-132 262-134 283 288-135 299 166-167 Affiliation "BBS-TV- A Movietone News KFI '\Arifcona-RbptiBiie~ T uma Sun NEA Service San Francisco News San Diego Tribune United Press Philadelphia Inquirer San Francisco Chronicle Special Guest ?√ßms-?╟÷ Richmond Independent y