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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 1, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000078. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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Senate Meeting Number 27 April 1, 1975 AGENDA I Call to Order II Roll Call III Approval of the Minutes IV Committee Reports A Election Board B S.L.A.C. C Special Amendment Committee V Old Business A Senate Seat Elections B Chamber Singers (Matching Organization Funds Request) VI New Business A Presidential Nominations B Submit Student Union Operating Print-out (2/7/75) C Submit Estimated Budget INFORMATION A Magazine Poll B Next Senate Meeting April 29, 1975 SENATE MEETING #27 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1975 I. Meeting was called to order by Joe Karaffa at 5:10 p.m. II. Roll call was taken III. Minutes Motion by Curtis Haggard to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as is. Seconded by A1 Kingham Motion carries IV. Committee Reports A. Election Board Dennis Casteel, member of the Election Board, stated the Election Board met on April 1, and officially certified the Primary Election. Mr. Casteel stated Joe Karaffa won in the Primary Election by 54% of the vote so he is officially the new CSUN President upon installation, Rafael Lara and Curtis Haggard will run in the General Election for Vice President and Ray Carrillo and Jeff Baird will run for Treasurer in the General Election. B . S . L.A.C . A1 Kingham, Chairman of S.L.A.C., reported the committee did not meet since the last Senate Meeting, however, with the help of Dave Elkins and Mike Navarro, committee members, three resolutions were drawn up for the Senate's approval. 1. The Students of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas hereby give this resolution in support of the passage of the bill giving the right to consume alcholic beverages to persons 18 years of age. 2. The Students of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas hereby give this resolution in support of the bill which would decriminalize the personal use of marijuna, reducing its use from a felony to a citation similar to that of the Oregon Plan. 3. The Students of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas hereby give this resolution in support of the State of Nevada joining the WICHE Program to financially aid Nevada students to study law outside the state resulting from Nevad's lack of such facility and or program. Lengthy discussion Motion by A1 Kingham to approve all three resolutions. Seconded by Ray Carrillo D i s cussi on Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion defeated Motion by John Carrillo to vote seperately on the three resolutions. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries Discussion on Resolution #1 Call for the question by Dave Elkins Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion carries Approval of Resolution #1 Motion carries, 14 yes, 4 no, 0 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to approve Resolution #1 by acclamation Seconded by A1 Kingham Motion defeated Discussion on Resolution #2 Motion by Eugene Belin to amend the Resolution to read: "The CSUN Senate hereby give this resolution in support of the bill which would decriminalize the personal use of marijuna, reducing it's use from a felony to a citation similar to that of the Oregon Plan. Seconded by Marie Shea Motion defeated Call for the question by Curtis Haggard Seconded by A1 Kingham Motion carries Approval of Resolution #2 Motion carries Motion by Rafael Lara to approve Resolution #2 by acclamation Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion defeated Discussion on Resolution #3 Motion by Graeme Cavey to amend the Resolution to read: "The Students of the UNLV hereby give this resolution in support of the State of Nevad joining the WICHE Program, to financially aid Nevada students to study law outside the State resulting from Nevada's lack of such facility and or program, but in no was does this diminish the desire to have a Law School facility on the UNLV campus. Seconded by Curtis Haggard -2- Discussion Call for the question by Marie Shea Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion carries Motion to amend Resolution #3 Motion defeated, 7 yes, 7 no, Chair voted no Approval of Resolution #3 Motion carries A1 Kingham proposed Resolution #4: The Students of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas hereby give this resolution in support of a Law School located on the University of Nevada at Las Vegas Campus. Discussion on Resolution #4 Motion by A1 Kingham to approve Resolution #4. Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion carries Motion by Curtis Haggard to approve Resolutions #3 and #4 by acclamation. Seconded by Alan Gubler Motion carries unanimously Motion by A1 Kingham to rescind the S.L.A.C. Guidelines which were approved during Senate Meeting #26 dated 3/20/75. Seconded by Dave Elkins The Chair stated it would take a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Senate to rescind a motion. Motion before the floor carries, 16 yes, 2 abstain C. Special Amendment Committee Marie Shea presented two amendments, 1) Nominating Authority Alternatives and 2) Amendments to the CSUN Constitution submitted by Joe Karaffa and Jude Gary. Motion by Rafael Lara to move into informal discussion Seconded by A1 Kingham Motion carries Lengthy discussion on the Ndminating Authority Alternatives. Motion by Curtis Haggard to end informal discussion. Seconded by Al Kingham Motion carries Motion by Eugene Belin to approve by ballot one of the three choices under the Nominating Authority Alternatives. Seconded by Marie Shea -3- Discussion Call for the question by Curtis Haggard Seconded by Ron Arnoldsen Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries, 9 yes, 6 no The Chair requested the Senators vote by ballot for #1, #2 or #3 (Neither of the above). A 2/3 vote was required on one of them in order for it to pass. Tabulation of ballot vote: #1 - 6 yes ) #2 - 2 yes ) All three failed. #3 - 8 yes ) Motion by Marie Shea to reconsider proposed Amendment #2, amending it by excluding "and the Editor of the newspaper." Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries, 14 yes, 2 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to approve Amendment #2, Nominating Authority Alternatives, Article V, Section 1, Paragraph E, amending by stricking "and the Editor of the newspaper." and inserting "and/or the senate shall be empowered to offer nominations for said vacancies." Seconded by Rosalynn Ramey Dis cuss ion Call for the question by Marie Shea Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries Motion to approve Amendment #2 carries unanimously Discussion on Amendments to the CSUN Constitution. Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article IV, Section 4, Paragraph A, changing the general election from April to March. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Dis cussion Motion withdrawn by Marie Shea Second withdrawn by Curtis Haggard (Ron Arnoldsen was excused) Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article IV, Section 4, Paragraphs A and B, anddArticle IV, Section 5, Paragraphs A and B, Amendments to the CSUN Constitution. Seconded by Eugene Belin (A1 Kingham was excused) Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Sean McVey Motion passes Main motion before the floor passes, 14 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article V, Section 1, Paragraph D of Amendments to the CSUN Constitution. Seconded by Eugene Belin Dis cuss ion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Alan Gubler Mo tion carries Main motion before the floor passes, 11 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article V, Section 3, Paragraph E and Article VI, Sections 1 and 2. Seconded by Eugene Belin Motion passes, 13 yes, 3 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article VII, Section 5, Paragraphs F and L, contingent upon approving Paragraph R. Seconded by Eugene Belin Motion passes, 15 yes, 1 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article VII, Section 10, Paragraph A, Subsection 2, Items b and f; and Paragraph B, Subsection 2, Item d of Amendments to CSUN Constitution. Seconded by Eugene Belin Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Scott Marcus Motion carries Main motion before the floor passes, 14 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain Motion by Marie Shea to accept Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph C of Amendments to CSUN Constitution. Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion passes, 14 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain Miss Shea thanked the Senate for their patience. Ray Carrillo resubmitted his proposed amendment which was defeated at the last Senate Meeting. V . Old Bus ines s A. Senate Seat Elections Brad Peterson, nominee for Sophmore Class was introduced and asked questions by the Senate. -5- Motion by Curtis Haggard to accept Brad Peterson. Seconded by Sean McVey Motion carries B. Chamber Singers Matching Organizations Request (Herlinda Salazar was excused) The Chair informed the Senate the Chamber Singers changed the date on their previous requested Matching Organizations Fund for their trip to the Northern part of the state. Motion by Dave Elkins to appropriate $500 from Matching Organization Funds for the Chamber Singers. Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion passes Motion by Rafael Lara to recess until 5 PM April 2, 1975. Motion fails for lack of second. VI. New Business A. Presidential Nominations The Chair waived the floor to Val Buhecker at which time he made the following nominations: 1. Election Board - Sharon Wagner Cindy Balmer Sean McVey Richard Gutierrez The Chair requested the Senate meet April 3, 1975 at 1 PM to approve the above nominations in order for the Elections Board to be functioning during the General Election. B. Student Union Operating Print-Out (2/7/75) The Chair submitted the Student Union Operating Print-Out through 2/7/75 for the Senate's information. C. Submit By-Law Eugene Belin submitted a By-Law to the By-Law Committee. D. Proposed Resolution on YELL Budget Motion by Rafael Lara to establish a referrendum stating; Delete Student Fees by $1.00 and charge all students, including Part-Time Students, $2.00 to be given to the YELL to cover operating expenses. This money to be administered by an independent Publications Board, with the stipulation this money not be distributed until there is an independent Publications Board. Seconded by Marie Shea Discussion -6- Motion by Rafael Lara to table until the April 3 meeting. Seconded by Rosalynn Ramey Motion carries E. Senate Stipends Motion by Sean McVey to raise the Senator's wages to $15 from the present $7.50. Seconded John Carrillo Discussion Motion by Val Buhecker to amend that Senators not be permitted to work more than 15 hours per week without Senate approval. Motion fails for lack of a second. Further discussion Call for the question by Dave Elkins Seconded by Richard Gutierrez Roll call vote requested by Val Buhecker. The Chair read from the CSUN Constitution, Article IX, Section 2: "The Senate, by a 2/3 vote of the total voting membership, may increase salaries. Any Senate approved salary increase shall expire at the end of the officials term of office." The Chair further stated 2/3 of the total voting Senate membership was not present, therefore, this motion could not be voted on at this time. F. Submit Estimated Budget The Chair submitted the Estimated Budget for CSUN for the 1975/76 shcool year. Sean McVey, Richard Gutierrez and Ray Carrillo were excused. Quorum was broken. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. lloostroock CS UN Secretary Nominating Authority Alternatives Article V, section 1, paragraph E now states: The president shall appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty committees. The president shall nominate the members of all CSUN senate standing and ad hoc committees and appoint the chairman of the Moyer Student Union Board, Activities, and Election Boards. All nominations and appointments outlined in this paragraph must have senate approval. Two revisions have been submitted. 1. The president shall paooint the members to Joint Student Faculty committees. The president and senate shall have the power to nominate the members of all CSUN standing and ad hoc committees. The president shall appoint the chairman of the Moyer Student Union, Activities, and Elections Boards. All nominations and appointments outlined in this paragraph must have senate approval. 2. The president shall appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty committees. The president shall nominate the members of all CSUN senate standing committees; but should seats remain vacant on any standing committee for a period exceeding two consecutive regular senate meetings, both the president and senate shall be empowered to offer nominations for said vacancies. The president shall appoint the chairmen of the Moyer Student Union, Activities, and Elections Boards, and the editor of the newspaper. All nominations and appointments outlined in this papagraph must have senate approval. (Along with this revision would go the amendments to Article VII, section 5> paragraph L, giving the senate the power to nominate members of ad hoc committees.) AMENDMENTS TO THE CSUN CONSTITUTION Article IV Time of Elections A. The general election for Executive officers, Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Senators shall be held on any two consecutive days of instruction during the second week of instruction in March. (This changes the date from April to March) B. The general election for College Senators and Freshman Senators shall be held on any two consecutive days of instruction during the first week of instruction in October. (This changes the date from the second week in October) 5. Installation of Officers: A. The Executive Officers, Senior, Junior and Sophomore Senators shall be installed one (1) week subsequent to date of election. (This changes the current 3 week period to 1 week) B. College and Freshman Senators shall be installed at the first meeting of the Senate subsequent to the date of the election, provided that such election has been certified; otherwise as soon thereafter as certification has been made. (This changes "second" senate meeting to "first") Article V 1. Presidents D. The president shall be required to submit to the senate a balanced budget for the administrative officers, CSUN Activities Board, CSUN Publications, and any other board or committee which requires funding from the CSUN senate within one month after his installation. ("To the senate" is added, "balanced" submitted for "complete", and "two months" changed to "one") 3. Treasurer E. The treasurer shall submit to the senate a year-end audit performed by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (Certified Public Accountant is changed to UNLV) Article VI Finance 1. The president, vice-president, and the treasurer shall be the only authorized officers empowered to disburse funds. All requests for disbursement of funds shall require two of the three executive officer^' signatures. (This changes "checks" to "requests for disbursements of funds") 2. The president, vice-president, and the treasurer shall be bonded in an amount commensurate with the revenues of CSUN. Such bonding shall be provided by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (The second sentence is added) Article VII 5. Powers and Responsibilities F. The senate may not approve the following business until the regular senate session following the date of the introduction into the senate of this business. 2. DELETE (The signing of contracts of which CSUN is a party.) AND ADD: R. The senate may approve contracts on the date of submission to the senate provided that the committee submitting the contract has a representative present and the CSUN treasurer has been given a copy of the contract twenty-four hours in advance of the senate meeting and the treasurer is also present at the senate meeting to speak on the funds available for the contract. If any of the above stipulations are not followed then the contract cannot be approved or disapproved until the next regularly scheduled senate meeting following the date of introduction into the CSUN senate. L. The senate shall have the power to form any standing committees and shall have the power to nominate members to all senate Ad Hoc committees. (See: Alternative Executive Nominating Authority Amendments) 10. Permanent Standing Committees of the Senate Section A, subsection 2 b. Four voting CSUN students that hold no elected office. (Changed from 2) f. one voting alumnae association representative. (Changed from non-voting) B. CSUN Activities Board 2-D The Director of Student Activities as a non-voting member. (D now reads:"0ne graduate student nonvoting as an advisor.") Article IV 1. Elected Officers C. No CSUN member may hold more than one elected office (ADD) within CSUN. Factor E Data Sheet EVALUATION: Oood Fair Unsatisfactory No Comment Activities TELL Executive Officers Senate Organizations Council \ p' PLEASE PRINT Name: Class: Major: Organisation (If Senate, give college or class): Title: Most important issues involved in: Things needing change: J Parson you feel has most benefitted students: Reasons: