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which the Commission feels is a fair and equitable return on a rate base of $1,197,220, the Company is entitled to a rate increase of 20$ over and above that already granted and in effect. Increase as found is as listed herewith. 5 - COMBINED WATER FACILITIES Las Vegas Land & Water Co.; Los Angeles 85 Salt Lake Railroad Co. and Union Pacific Railroad Co. -1951- To Show Effect of I&S 127 Increase Plus 20$ Increase Revenues 1. Flat rate Sales to General Consumers 2. Miscellaneous Municipal Sales 3- Miscellaneous Operating Revenues U. Total Operating Revenues Ua. I&S 127 10$ increase for Total Year Ub. 20$ Increase 5 • Total Revenue Operating Expenses: 6. Operation & Maintenance 7- Supervision 8. Management Expense 9• Depreciation 10. Taxes - Property 11. Total Production Co. Operating Exp. 12. $ to Water Company 98-10$ For Distribution Company 13- Maintenance of Distribution lU. Administrative Salaries 15. Other General Office Salaries 16. General Office Supplies and Exp. 17. Law Expense 18. Other Miscellaneous General Exp. 19- Retirement Expense 20. Taxes: State, County and City 21. Regulatory Commission Expense 22. Total Distribution Operating Expense 23. Total Operating Expense 2b. Profit before Income Taxes 25• Income Tax 26. Net Income U3,600.35 5.572.7U 3.075-39 iU,2i^.oo 860.00 67.353.U8 U6,96o.75 16,519.19 15.U73.55 6,022.72 3.999-iU 13.715.U2 ll,U3l.lf7 23.237.6o 2Uo,7l8.lU 12,327.61*. 6,752.65 259,798.U3 17,528.30^ 55,U65.35 ^ 332,792.08' 66,073.3U 137,359-8U g03,U33.l8 “129,358790 61,766.63 67,592.27 6 - That the land used and useful for water production amounts to 2l*-0 acres and has a value of ip2l*.,000.