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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    DENVER, COLO. POST g Circ. D. 2.3eg|i>*|.;'362,645 S?·F^S.f953 PORTLAND, ORE. OREGON JfOUSUP* , QircCD. 190,838 - S. 2Q?║|J2*j Often - Marrie^|?Θ╝^p||;^|fitecl in Brief LaPV^psll^rfiibhy LAS, .V^GAS,,.Nev., Sept. 25.?╟÷| l(AP>^- Rita Hayworth and Dick Rai^^_m^m^0ne fourth honey- moon for each- pf them Friday, fol- jlwf ing a brief flashbulb-lit wedding in a g^jpt&g Resort hotel. *'I feelMiki^ttully happy," the|l r^haire% >tbfy$r "said after the, tifeTree-niin^e^ f ceremony. "I am ^arHe?l;^;tlie-ih'iirigl jreally love. &? jfsb&feils J#)'^9t)nderful to be called Jfis. Hayife^V' IIL'^.* ' Tf^^o^e^'l^' and the crooner flte to-^ftw^^teSatuTday andr'later to iPhi^d^phwf^ where the bride- Igljoohi sftap??tS;^lfefeticlub engage-] ment ]S%ri^^hight. -.. VPS i^^WAYS? Our "careers, in fact nofhing, will ever %e^sa|e. us," Rita declared. Shi sa^she'U travel with Hagbes' ofl|$a&-night club tour. Thes? have r^S^-'a house ih Green- wi^i^fflag. Miss Hayworth said she*H'?╜^&8fe(ate between there e^ndj Holly^>6^fqr one mctyie a year. The^^sMony* was performed ~by*| Judg&* ^pTaiifci MacNamee" in the Gold^^iJ'f the Sands hotel..ROu-i lette garnet, and s!!^!RI^ie|^eo%j tinued Whirling in the nearby ca-j sinQm ?√ß ?· Rita^atvyb daughters, Rebecca, 8," by ^||:i^arriage to actot|^psonj Welle^j|n(%Princess Yasmin',*-3%, by exrhuisbahd Aiy Khan,- looked onj froinCa dlivan. The'' bf?║d^L- couple -satfi their "If ?√ßd6's'^fflml|r.. Big tears earned intol Rita-p1 ?║e| at the- yw>rds. The] double-i^g feeremony^^s over before she got her ring onfiDick's f in- ger; sh^uf it on afterward:- Littlel Yasmin ipgrilled, "Mama, I want aj ring, too|" ' JUPGE p&AYED Severa| hundred persons linedj the1"way ^ the couple, arm in arm, walked fmm her quarters in a remote pajipfathe hotel to the ceremony. ||ithered customers of aj barber ||bp* and pin-curled mi trons from a beauty salon look( on from a hallway. The judge, was delayed by cou: business. So Rita and Dick went t< the private office of hotel man Jack! :?·^ttratter*c and each had a drink QHlfeurbOn. a Ifiss Hayworth wore a short- slewed, blue linen dress, a toast- coJoled ttdle and velvet hat and matching gloves. Her bouquet was of orchids and lilies of the valley. Haymes wore a blue pin-stripe suit] with blue tie. c before her marriages to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. haymes' previous wl&es were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne' Marshall and Nora- Flynn "Haymes, ex-wife of Errol Flynn. The crooner got a Ne- Itivorce. Wednesday front Nora, who obtained a California de| cree from him last week. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS^UPPING BUREAU l65aujrcj^St^er^ WEIRTON, W. VA. TIMES Circ D. 4,373 ALLEN^i^N, PA. a ?Θ╝Ahh EitaU Many jHaymes Thursday WtihrnitFYiUs j, L4S,YEGAS,-Nev., Sept. 22 151?╟÷1 vRf^i|pL^yworth, who., married. Aly ^Kaja .amid seeded swimg&igi fpools and internalize drsocietyflilll fwe^I'Diek Haymes in a simple cere- P$rMy Thursday morning. pv'^Se former princess and the ''l&M&pt will be married by a Ne-| 'irapt'judge in a three-minute cere-J : nf^bl^ttendede^nly by their-law- 1 ye#Jp*#r ty?? daughters and the pr$ss&?f- Misss$. Hay Worth said thej etfts|pwill, take place in the Gold Room of the Sa&dsja&tel at 11 a.m. Thimday mormng^y "my.don't need, -aa^.f^igs andi fanc^$elmmings ^this tiiifie," she declared. "It's enou^^i^at I love Dick and he loves* mfe and we're to be married at last after all the difficulties we've had to face." COEUR D'ALENE, IDA. PRESS Cir. D. 4,814 jfflfmgwr_fimx!M^_M ?╟÷NEA Telephoto Rita Hayworth, wearing blue jeans, !?╜?╜, _?╟? [Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev., under watch ful eyes of Dep. Sheriff BillJ9S^?╜' (left) and Bev Perkins, Sands' security guard. The actress received two letters threatening her and her daughter, Yasmin. 3V2, with death if she did not agree to reconciliation with Aiy Khan, her former husband and YasmitfjLJtflmmm** TAKING NO CHANCES relaxes on grounds o| - GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. HERALD ^C,Circ. D. 57.3-94- S. 67,305 Simple Wedding Is Planned By Rita and Dick LAS VEd&S, .Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film jstar Rita Hayworth ,anda crooner -|Dick Haymes today : pmnned a "simple wedding" with television land newsreel cameras grinding jaway^jjlpi' ! Thenythey''ll settle downVlpS to what they hope will be a sedate life as suburbanites in Greenwich, .'Conn. I The ceremony Thursday -^flE^ifp. ?√ßheld in the Gold Room ctf-kjh&j Sands Hotel with only nine guests I mm0i0P^I&rifS^s and camera [men Iwere told thdft could attend; I T^^^^-Jfe^^d beauty sighed happaj? that she.and Haymej$y*'ar|e ifinalSpg'etting ^ married afler so man^ffifficulties." i -^nlP j Amc|p* their recent troubles have beeiS:f|iy'attempt by, the govern- meni-^0 deport Haymes, ?· citizen jof j^^^aJtina, and death threats I against Miss Hayworth^a yoi^^fest daughter,, three^ Yasmin. y ':^g-J^a' ..a l "We want a simple wedding,*.' Miss Hayworth said firmlM-i "*Riifi one^^oo important to i$l|H?? elut| ter !'up.k with a lot of unnS^essar| f rills git's enough that WalpWe each :; other." i ,-,-.- r;T|;. But the< wedding, unlil^^fe.'final ! clinl^'in the movie thVjg^^ won't | see ^ji|h^k-their heada^lj^'^olv^'. Mf^s Hayworth, Yasfioin, and her 1 oth?╜'.daughter; Rebecca,,18, still| : are*ro3eti a projective gfuard and j iHay&tfes' l^icutties v#^^^|fe Im'- Imi^ftwbrip^ife'rtmeilt .|^B^,in t<??l I tt-'.i^i-Jie.Rita'^ fburti^ wedding and* Ilaymes'g third. ' The couple glahs^lo honeymoon a.t"the Sands ^v'er the weekend^jj travel fo Philadelphia, where H a y m e s fctpens a night club. -i,CHt^j(ement, leaving the crooner^s gTa^ers to handle his case before: the government in hearings whichwr e g u,m e iMonday; ..- -' C -a'- - .?√ß?√ß; herj WHEN SHE WEDS HAYj??^aHURSDAY |j, . No Frills Thi$jrime tor Rita SEP 23195^| NO FRILLS THIS TIME ANDERSON, S. C. MAIL Circ. D. 4,976 ^ SEP -il 1953 Rita, Dick Pkk ftp license Today LAS VEGAS, Nev.. Sept. 23??- (5??)-Dick H^^eSjj^Qoner?√ß?√ß$&& has had plenty of teofi1^'Qi'^a| wives and Uncle ^am, takes out a marriage license "w^ Jwith Rita Hayworth, a gal w*i? I feats had her share of j^^nd trouble. Haymes an^^fec^lrcGpiorous screen star pid&aU|ig^|jWed- ding license at 3 p. m.' That is Nora Won't Stand In Way Of Dick And Rita Marrying HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ (INS) ~ Recalcitrant Norma Eddington Flynn Haymes said today she platis' fe sign a waiver removing cw?? '3k$f?· obstacle to.the marriage Thursday: of Singer Dick Haymes anftk41^me-jj haired Rittr; HaywortfejrarHM""1 ^^ Nora Haymes advised. ,Jfgr,.0|?i:r.| husband, whom she divorced-M^\\ Friday in Los Angeljeiii^tlj^t:^!^ will not stand in his way any longer. She said she will n< her formal "go ahead" to the marriage today. ^i-a??! In Las Vegas, Hayj^Ss, sa^|| "It was sweet ofS^bri ffim but we were sur0'.;>Mjjle would, are so happy." *CJ^F . The document that Nora ; notorize today is a waiver ofyB^ contest to Haymes1. Nevadaeg4%J vorce, which frees him immediat-.] ely and permits* him to marry anffi on% Anytime after theg4ecreec|||' granted. Nora had threatened to holdfufsf signing of the waiw .be^u^^.^ was angry that Hay*fl?║s and Ritarati- nounced their htarflage gplans before she could geVJ||r divorce. She later decided: . I aSI "I wouldn't do anything to hurt | Dick. He's in en^Mk trouble." I By* "enough tro|JP|?f she refer- !red mainly to tt# government's ] move to deport him. Arguments ! are to take place in federal court | in Los Angeles today on the i ques^ of Haymes' attorneys for who impaneling of a special con- '., stitutional court to hear the de- 'portation proceedings. ''_^it_W^: The attorneys claim that a treaty between the United .States and ! Haymes' native Argentina entitle him to such a court. j With Nora's waiver signed, the plans now call for Haymes to Jb| I a Nevada divorce on Wednesday land to marry Rita the next day. I The wedding will take plaJljnn J the Gold Room at the jjfaqriff witb B only e, jew friends present ?╟÷-_a1ar, far cry from the Arabian :hights type of affair when Rita married jAly Khan at the Moslem prince's fabulous Chateau be L'Horizon in the South of France. ^ LAS t?½^!^, Nev. (IP) ?╟÷- Ui^^0$^e^'mii tittpK. pla^e dn the]men, added that'-some 20 reMffejl Id room^of^ tTspSahls Hotel atjers will be invited fto wat(^tlfe! xm\h wawamxur-n \-/ - mi.?╟÷.. She'will wear a hat flown Hayworth, who married Aiy Kh^n?½^ room of th|cgands sJtfotei awerL> wm uc m,,^.^.,,, neie from Los Angeles, since she amid scented swimmingM^l^i^flla. in. Thurs<|a3JC,?|a?╜^^S Vwedding, ^Afterwards ^bem^f it arrived, without one. The pair will interh|pDnal society^,g%il!,gwed wWe don't need any frills and down to lunch'and eoc^aits W^b honeymoonv at ,Lake Mead and Dick H^ags in a simple cere-fancy trimtom^ this tiim," she reporters in ;the^ame tooty*'^l $MpPb$*,. rajpuntains, accompanied mony Thursday morning; dec>red. "Jt'.s enough that I love|realize how important a fair and|.by her two daughters. Haymes anc The former" Prince?s nnd 1he|Dick and feejioves, ii\e~ aac we'relfriendly prpss can be.,to somebodyiMiss Hayworth will' fly to'-'Wto, crooner 7 v$&< J)e ^kmed by a%3fi?·3fe^r^ He cm^^^jiy J^iil-. ?√ß^atSiiWsiJiJSi-'^ ~i??.-.??*t)aBw??hil^^ ^feep-r^e^explained. ^^S^^^.^c.i^eip^ia^^i^ging date' ?√ß,'p^-l!3mttaa^ H*^-**^*vMiss Hayworth wjijl weg^jAflwi^i Haymes expects ' tto'^Jjfe' bit ffefteh|line%K^&g?no6h dress /wB|^^K| Nevada divo^.'''^o^,N.(E^a^^rme?· rwill be inarrie^ Nevada judge ?╟≤f^^v^ee-minute|d|fia^ "prpmnnv atj^ide^|apyfby theirjSHfW and The ^actress, who has lawyers, her two ?√ß daughters aircn g-^PSj^| the press. Miss Hayworth said1 played tJa^Hwad-seek with news-1 was described as a " \'i^dc^rne!&k-lWednesaay. TiMfis;;^pN:% Circ. D^p,OI3 SEP sjgjp*$ j Ex-Wife Snarls Haymes'Plans I | ^p We4,;RiW HOLLYWOOdJJ^^- Sin^|| Dick Haymes' plans ti^rnarry c6^. beautlous Rita Haj^vbrth Thiir^ day were snarled today by. his.||i I wife, Nora JEddin?║^jpym??fcMj j She refused, to sig&jp waiver for ia Nevada divorce^^)Ji3llenable him to re-in^^..r^i|^?╜a^i| ^ Mrs. Haymes,' m^^tprd wife^ Igot an unconteste4''^^^fqrnj|j jdivorce yesterday Wtilk %j year to become ifn^f^She has^ promised to give Hayhiesaa wiaiyse^ ttor his Nevada divnrce,ry>:bu|l Ichanged her mind at the last- ^moment. I Without it, Haymes will have tffl ?√ßserve her by publication and that?? ?√ßwill take 30 days. I??^m I When one of Haymes'attorneys; lapproached her in the* courtroom'. tvith the waiver she dumbfounded ?√ß ]him with: I really can't say whethef I'1T? sign or not." * * *> Her attorney said, "She wants to think it oyet." a^^^a.a ^__ ^^^t* ?╟≤ T HAYMES gALREADY had a J long list of tj^oes, chief among ;them the goveirtiment's pending j deportation order against him. Haymes expected to get a' Nevada divorce next-Wednesday and ;to marry Rita the next day in the GoM Room at thi|^ids HoteMn JL*i:gVegas. ' ??un j '^ISbra told the iiid||B yesterday |thaTHaymes was "abusive" when drinking and "was very jealous of ime." But she described him as a "real wonderful guy." The court approved a property I settlement under which she re- - ceives $8,000 cash, a car and $100 a week until she remarries. , Dick and Rita today in Las ?╟≤ Vegas signed a p??e-marital pact |in. which each gave up forever J any claim on the'xither's money Ior property. The pact was drawn ?√ßup by Rita's lawyer, Bartley | Crum. ?y|fflreSw" ' just one ftour after he gets a divorce from Nora ?╟≤ Eddington Flynn Haymes. The Argentine^febrn singer and the actress Wjp^Jbe married Thursday at 11 a-.^pn ,ibe Gold l-oom oi the Sands hotel, where both have been Quests" for some time. It will be/narriage No. 4 for Dotfl.;^V> The couple spent a quiet night on the eve o% Haymes' divorce action. Theyate dihner together in Miss Hayworth's room while her tvjfo. youhg daughters, Rebecca, offspring of Orson Welles, and Yasmine, daughter of Prince Aiy Kahn, had their dinner in the hotel dining roorn.- A friend saM that Miss Hayworth's stay l^re has been cott" firietj ipostly to her room. She has ^e 4.n here to be n e a r Hayme^while he establis&MJhis six-weej|^|esidehce requir?╜ffor a Nevagaaj^^orce. The^ie^feg will be a simple one,gWRptrasted ttf b,|e^S|ivish Frene^gedding % thpiSi&slem |>princ^fit^i949. ; Federal Judge Frank Mac- Naiftee will perform the brief rite^^^the hotel roohi. Jack Entrattelr, co-owner of the ^an^^will be the only attendant. I^abnly invited.guests are eight-business and legal associates of the couple. The press, ais&Mvited, will outnumber the gue^ three to one. "tyrant a ^wedding with no frills this tithe," Rita ?╟≤ said. "After "all, X'tq. getting Dick and that's all -that matters.**: ?S$'"lr Shje,. ^ciei^to for two hoi|rs Tue'sd^ a"^?╟? the third Mrjs. Haymes signed the waiver that enabled the singer to get his divorce today. Otherwise, he would have had to wait another 30 days bei^re marrying Rita. Hon%ymo^|^lans must wait resumption ^rnl: a deportation hearl^, ststftelf last mohth and scheduled to resuaie next Monday in Los Angeles. U. S. im- migration authorities hold that I^PMien Hashes forfeited his right to remain in the JJnited States whengror an impulse, he visited Rita in Honolulu. LA JUNTA, COLO. TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT Circ. D. 3,562 SEP 1 9 1953 Haymes Signs Pact 1 Freeing Rita Of I Any His Obligations || LAS VEGA&JSfiK.,* ^t 19?╟÷^UP \, ?╟÷Crocpei? Dick I^yiriesfl^iouHBed ' Satur^iy he ha.s signed a pre-nup- '?√ßtiala'j^fewith Rita Hayworth de- clalrinlf'^at all of her own earnings ^|p holdings would be prp- tfpte<fe'^pr life" from any debts or j olfflmtions he might incur as her hpsifnd. Ha^rv^, who has announced he ,.?╜,,. s^nyjng the actress; ^#eh a Nevada divorejpj iijfom lington Flynn Hg^j|eSjl 'ved her own California paty, said the reciprocal ^^sg;|&rawn up at his ordered tfti$cpact drawn ect Rita from any claim jC^gai'a^^^ r%@ rjp. clared'il5 intend stand on my own f||j||feet and "&^4<??r&^ all my t|^^Kes whetm^te^yfbe 9j6n- Haymes said the agreement was drafe^^^by the j^^^starfs attor-^ nei^, WJsifell GruiiS^nd signed by hims?╜Proi' Rita late Friday night at the Sands Hotel, here.