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I.b. PROPOSAL and CONTRACT *YXR UPHOLSTERY 1221 S. MAIN ST. US Vegas; Nevada 89104 m> 36^?.79 I9^. TO____Tropicana Hot.gl_________________________________ 3801 Las.-YfigaR B1vd.Rn ,Ijr Vagfla| Q9109________ Dear Sir: _J?·?·?╟÷ propose to furnish aS materials and perform all labor necessary to complete the following: MAIN SHOW ROOM_______________________________________ UM Chairs at $25.00 Each ---------------$27,500.00 49 Booths at $300.00 Each -------------$14.700.00 * 240 foot railing-----------------------Ss.200.00 *112450,00 extra for channel backing booths A $5000.00 Loan advance required ----The above nnntatinn Innlnriac H/-?╜th Iftbor 3M___________________________________________ All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to standard practices for the sum of .Forty--Saven 400.00 Thousand Dollars ( $ ) Payments to be made Shnw^Rnoro Hhaira 100 par week at $25,00 oaoh___________________*-42500.00 _______weekly. Booths and rails on completion.__________________________________ - , -------: - ..........?╜?╟÷ ..... .... ........?╟÷ ?╟÷ - ?╟÷?╟÷ as the work progresses to the value of------------------_--------par cent (--------%) of all work completed. The entire amount of contract to be paid within--Hp&n complet i on_______________days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete die work mentioned in the above proposal, for which....- . . agree to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. ACCEPTED _____________________ Date........................-....' ^ It in Pod?? - THo UTILITY Linn * Form No. 55*037 (H35) Spiral Bound - Duplicate - Form No. 50*250 (1135D)