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    HOTS: Study o f the water lines now serving stock yards indicates that some o f the piping charged in W©4121 is not in p la ce, but as none has been retired from the aocount, to ta l amount is included in this study. Work Order 4868, completed August 15, 1924 Water lin e from water tank located Labor Matl. Total 76.5* B i^ it at 0+90.4, track #17, to serve stock pens #75 to 98 in o l. M r. H . L . Adamson, Sheet B o . 2 2 . Excavation - common o .y . 40 $44.80 $1.34 B ackfill c .y . 40 13.44 .40 6* G .I. pipe with a ll necessary fittin g s in p la ce, l i n . f t . 441 264*60 642.75 508 f t . o f 3" Gr.I. pipe 20 tf» ft 2§* « ft 46 If It l|* * « 38 It II 4* w «t with a ll necessary fittin g s complete in p la ce, l i n . f t . 614 352.63 503.51 Interest during construction 3.65 $1,827.12 (16) Engineering $24.30 $ .51 $ 24.81 U) Work Order 5194. completed October 23. 1924 Installed hog sprinklers in chutes 105 f t . o f l'l* W .I. pipe and 80 f t . o f 3/4* W .I. p ipe, with a ll necessary fittin g s in p la ce, l in . f t . 185 $53.02 $30.12 # 83.14 (16) Work Order 5864. completed .March 10. 1926 Installed 940 f t . o f new 2* water lin e to watering trough in stock yards #13 to 22 in o l., #47 to 54 i n c l ., #55 to 66 i n c l ., and 74 in c l. Excavation c .y . 3 $29.79 $ .90 B ack fill c .y . 3 Hew 2M Galv. iron pipe ineluding 3.57 .10 fittin g s , l i n . f t . 940 40.52 281.65 Interest during construction 4.44 $ 360.97 (16) Engineering $ 3.76 $ .15 $ 3.91 (1) Work Order #5959. completed January 15. 1926 Lay 2161* o f S .a . 5" W.I. pipe water line from 16" main to stock yards, replacing 2200 * o f 4 " W .I. pipe lin e . Remove old pipe lin e and rearrange existing lin e . Engineering $43.57 $ 43.57 (1)