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    N^sLECJH??KffiLPE C|rc. D. 22,515 m - S?·fc??19^.g SPRINGFIELD, ILL. STATE REGISTER Circ. D.-24,888 SEP, 23.1953 11 TC*||??Ml?Θ╝MP greets Yasmin, Wu~ and Rebecear 8- M her I-as Vegas suite; after their jhurried flight fropi Los Angeles. The children were flown to their mother after R\ta ireeeived letters tnreatemng ner witn Domiy harm and Yasmin with death Unless the child )Was returned to her father, Moslem Prince Aiy Khan.?╟÷AP Wirephoto. RITA, CHILDREN UNDER GUARD LAS VE G AS, Nev.?╟÷(UP)?╟÷ Rita Hayworth.. and her two daughters were kept under heavy guard today as the FBI investigated threats 'to kill' three year old Princess Yasmin if the child \i?? not returned to Moslem Prince Aiy Khan. Yasmin and Rebecca, 8,t; the actress' child by her,former husband, Orson Welles, were flown here under j guard \ last' night to be with their mother/ "Who is waiting to marry" crooner Dick Haymes. ^?j?½J Five husky body^uatfds from a private detective agency put the children 'oh 'an airlines plane in Los Angeles last night and three .accompanied them on, the flight here. >^wsi >j$H^ MORE BODY gtf^rds, accompanied by Haymes, met the plane when it landed here, and when the children arrived' at the ?║gg4?║ TTntpT where their mother' is sfaymg, shifts' of Clark County ?√ßsheriffs deputies took up a close watch outside the star's rooms. The children had-been guarded at Miss -Hayworth's West Los Angeles home since the threats were received. - ?√ß:^j^l ^EJveactress, whc$$$|& remained \^^~^^^kiiihj?╜w>^?╜p ariSns in the arms l>F~hef'"S^rSsr^s awakened by hew^foMliQtogra- phers' flash buibsf^an^?, exclaimed: JftJafl!^^ "OOOOH, I Sip^crfsr ofl moons." Rebecca immediately asked herj mother if the hotel had a swimming -pool. fl^K^ Wants'Simple Wedding/ Says | |Rita Hayworth I Las Vegas, Nev.. Sept. 23 (UP) ?╟÷ iFilm"" star Rita Hayworth and I crooner Dick Haymes' today jj planned a "simple wedding" with television an* ^newsreel cameras grinding away. ?╟≤ Then they'll settle down as to | what they hope will be a sedate life as surbanites in Greenwich, Conn. The ceremony tomorrow will be I |heldgb\ the gold room of the Sands I hotejKWith only nine guests invited, I but news and cameramen were told they could attend. The red haired beauty sighed j] happily that she and Haymes "are j final% getting gfi||rried after so | manj^iffiQ&lties." Amlmg their recent ^roubles have j been an attempt by the govern- ment to 'deoprt. Haymes, a citizen 1 of Argentina, and death threats against Mi.iV:'_Ha?\yori:h - and -her youngest, daughter, '3-year-old Yasmin. "We waniv-a^. simple wedding," Miss Hay\\-or% said firmly. ' "This one is too in^oftant to itie-.t-p clutter up withua lota'of unnecessary frills. 'It's enough tha^ ;^e Jove each other."' H^- But the wedding, unlike-.the final clinch in the movie thrillers, won't see all of their headach^^Myed. Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her other daughter, Rebecca, 8,- still are under . protective guard and Haymes'' difficulties with the immigration department remain to be ironed out. It will be Rita's fourth wedding and Haymes' ,tf|ird.' The couple plans to honeymoon at the^jSaads. over the weekend and then travel to Philadelphia,: where, Haymes opens a night club engagement, leaving the crooner's lawyers to handle, his case before the government in hearings which resume Monday. gj&ifg |^[ay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING 3UREAU i 65; Chui^fLStreet - New York I CHARL|)Sr^; ILL. S8E-'-&?√ß<=?╟≤ D>^|75 103 I GUYMON, OKLA. HERALD Circ. 3D., 2,864 - S., 2,864 SEf&O 1953 RITA'S WE4ETH CLEARED FOR HAYMES WEDDING LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 19?╟÷UP ?╟÷Crooner Dick Haymes announced Saturday he has feigned a pre-nup- tiltl^lct with ^Stdftal^l^^^dfe-, clarjjyjgthat all of rh'Cr*dwn earnings and holdings would be protected "for life" from any1 debts or obligations he might incur as her husband. Haymes, who has announced he ?╟≤tiii|?║Qds, marrying the actress when W^tain^ a Nevada divorce from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes, who received her own California decree Friday, said'^the reciprocal ' agreement was tlrawn up at his own order. 'I have ordered this pact drawn Rita, Dick Plan 'Simple Wedding' I- :fii?╜Uy??i?╜M?╜Jimtf*v {m ?╟÷ Film star ?√ßRita' Ha'yworth and crooner pick Haymes today plarini&H a! "simple wedding" with television and newsreel cameras grinding away. -aXl^ UThen they'll settle down as-to what they hope i will be a ' sedate life as suburbanites in Greenwich, Conn. The ceremony Thursday will be jheld in the Gojld Room of the pand$a Hotel with only nine guests liTr^ffSB, but news and camera men [were told they could attend, i I, The red - haired beauty sighed (happily; that she and Haymes "are finally getting married after so many difficulties. "Jtm^ v | Among their, recent troubles have ] [been an- attempt by the ^efrg j j ment to deport Haymes, a citizen jlof Argentina, and death threats \ against,-M&5& Hayworth and llr 1 youngest daughter, three-year - old Yasmin. | "We want a simple wedding," jMiss Haywaftfch said firmly. "This one is too important to me to clutter up with a lot of unnecessary frills. It's enough that we love each other." But the wedding, unlike th^tfinal clinch in the movie thrillers, won't see all of their headaches Stuped. Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, anther other daughter, Rebecca, 8, still are under protective guard and Haymes' difficulties with the Immigration Department remain to be ironed out. It will be dftita's fourth wedding and Haymes' third. The couple j plans to honeymoon at the Sands over the week-end and then travel to Philadelphia, where Haymes (opens a night club engagement, leaving the crooner's lawyers to Ihandle his case before the govern- jment in hearings which resum* jMonday. up to proteet^Rita fro^ffhy clainlk whatsoever agaifiat'vta^'* he declared. "I stana .on my bwn'twbgfeet; and' take care of aBw my troubles whe&er;th?·j*be money, legal 6fT$5?so%ai difficdt!^|;." Haymes said the agreement was drawn up by-the film star V|*bi> * ney, Bartley Crum, and '?√ß himself and Rita late FridJ^^ght at the ?║ands aHotell here.; > CAMBRIDGE, OHIO JEFFERSONIAN Circ. D. 13,427 SEP 24^988 {Fourth Time For teoth and Nervous Wt4S VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Rita I Hayworth and Dick Haymes, ner- lyous as beginners, make it four [apiece today when they exchange Iwedding!'*f$w& amid the clfe&tng I of dice and whirl of roulette [wheels jn; a gambling hotel. I While a gay mob of tourists [ play their chips in a casino down I stairs, the flame-haired movie j beauty and the crooner will say I their "I do's" ina the press con I ference room: of the plush *4ag4j4g?║ Hotel.-: - _,?╟÷- LOS ANGELES, CALIF. NEWS Cir?╜p. 209,165 - S. 191,159* SEP 22 195% 877.Milton Berle and Ruth Cos- { grove are .denying rumors they will get married in a few days. . The reason Rita Hayworth te'and Dick Haymes want to get married so quickly Is that he has a hearing on the 28th, and t is due to open at the Philly I Laftih Casino. She'll p^ghably: give up her Caliiornia hotfie ai# they'll live in Connecticut, with. The Sands in Las Veg^jyas a permaheiit: address. ' BILL.Y gECKSTINE'S ex-\|ife I will get 10 Tper cent of his earnings... Frieiids are wondefe^: whether tftal ring on ;p|^^?? Mathews' finger came 4$f^P Billy Rosed..A bridge expert walks around his midtown terrace in the nude. ^'^L/j?·4J<r^ Jack :Benny turned down his Palace appearance. (Too busy with TV.. .The shakeup's started on the l3id Caes^r-Imogene Coca show, with some writers leaving,. .Model Olga Nicholas was picked by ?·dpr photography expert Mike Lavelle as the most colorgenic gal around. ^"eten'tg-^Merle Oberon and J|pr. Rex Ross seci??|y wed in PJjannes recently?..iA foreign J ambassador was taken for 60 Gs j in a village card game?╟÷in the { back of a mortuary. J . Circ.-D. 27,024 SEP 2.3-1953 kita and Dick To Have I Knle' TV Wedding | Dick Haymes, today tj^^ott Sw^f^ grindinsl $_Wet3Mmfe\ g?╜##^ Sd camera men SPRINGFIELD, ILL. STATE JOURNAL Circ. D. 52,303 SEP 24 1953 Haymes Gets Divorce; To Wed Rita Hayworth Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 23 (H<S) ?╟÷Crooner Dick Haymes obtained a Nevada divorce decree from Nora Eddington on mental cruelty charges today and 15 minutes later obtained a license to marry screen star Rita Hayworth. Rita and the Argentine born singer plan a cozy "simple" wedding at 11 a. m. tomorrow in the gold rnn?Σ≤ nf tfiA Sands hot.e] .^tn be witnessesd by a "handful, of relatives and intimates and some three members' of the press. Dick^told^ Judge Frank Gregory, vising from Carson City, that in the'''Svaning'gmonths of his marriage to Nora' he lost weight, could not sl?╜||j ^.aftd was in Sad physical shape-flpeeau's'e she -.was "indiffer ent to marital obligations." He ^Bta^f'^Urther that Nora onetime, ||ife of Errol Flynn, re fused^^EtTaccompany him on his singing '.'^nlg-agements around the | counff^p-andr that "we'just drew farth^f'apart, until there was no; marriage 3M'^ Rita sho^^ up at the courthouse to consbie Dick and to obtain the wedding license as soon ' as the crooner was awarded his degree. , Nora, .obtained a California in- terlocutpry- divorce ?√ß- decree last weekdg'' ?√ßRixM:-repeated at the -courthouse that her'wedding tomorrow will be the simplest of all her marital ceremonies.