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    outstanding shares of capital stook of the corporation. Chairman thereupon deolared that 493 shares, or a majority of the authorised and outstanding shares of oapital stook of said corporation* were present and represented at the meeting. The following proceedings were then had and business transactedi Minutes of annual stockholders* meeting held on Hovember 14* 1937 were read and approved. On motion duly made* seconded and carried by unanimous vote of all stockholders present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting. Sections 1 and 3 of Article 17 of the by-laws were amended to read as follows, to-viti "Election of Officers - Term Section 1. At the first regular meeting of the Board o f Directors after the annual election, the Board shall elect from its mem­bers a President, and shall also elect two Vice- Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor and cuoh other officers as the Board of Directors shall determine. The officers so elected shall hold their offices for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified, any vacancy occurring in any of the above offices may be filled tor the unexpired term by the Board of Directors. Vice- Section 3. In the absence of the President Presidents from his office or during his disability* the Vice-President® shall perform the duties of the President. They shall have the general charge and oversight of the business of the Company under the direction of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the President, and sub­ject to ouch rules and restrictions as they may prescribe. They shall also discharge euch other duties as may be imposed by the Board of Directors Chairman then announced that the next order of business would be the election of six Directors of the corporation, to act for the ensuing year*. Thereupon, the following person© were nominated to serve as such Directors? C. ft, Gray A. §* Haleted F. H. Knickerbocker C. C. Barry Waiter fc Bracken E* L, Adamson which nomination was duly seconded. There being no further nominations, a ballot was taken end Inspector having computed the votes east, reported that 498 shares of stock, being all the stock present in person or represented by proxy, had been cast