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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    On motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the action of President and Asst. Secretary Bachman in executing Contract Audit No. 31328-1, dated August 9, 1946, between McNeil Construction Company, called "Contractor”, and LVL&WCo., called "Owner", covering preparation of plans and specifications and construction of a one-story warehouse and office building, approximately 260 ft. long by 170 ft. 9-1/2 inches wide, and approximately 22,176 sq. ft. of asphaltic concrete paving in parking area, located upon this Company's property fronting on Leonis Blvd., west of Alcoa Ave., Vernon, Calif.; consideration $265,260; provided, however, if labor rates and material prices, or sub-contractors' bids, are increased over those in effect as of June 30, 1946, then Owner to pay Contractor an additional amount equal to such increases; be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. Following Authority for Expenditure Request, approved by the President, was submitted for ratification: A.F.E. No. 13 (W.O. #560), issued July 25, 1946; Vernon, Calif.; construct 171* x 260' warehouse and office building and pave along westerly side of build­ing and construct 364 ft. of spur track to serve Frieidaire Sales Corporation at Leonis Blvd. and Alcoa Ave. Total estimated expenditure, 5)298,440, chargeable to Warehouses, Packing Houses and Equipment- Calif. Vifhereupon, on motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the action of President in approving the aforementioned A.F.E. Request, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. % -4-