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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 13, 1977






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000148. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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SENATE MEETING //10 September 13, 1977 I. Call to Order The tenth meeting of the CSUN Senate was called to order at 4:11 in Lounge 203 of the Student Union Building by the Chairman, Ken Holt. II. Roll Call Roll was taken by the CSUN Secretary. Members present: absent excused: absent unexcused: Richard Simms Peggy Burnham Greg McKinley Rob Nielsen Bob Biale DeAnn Turpen Ingrid Ilegedus Keith Terry Scott Hoover Gene Russo Bobby Lawson Jerry Gatch Dave Bergen Chuck White Marshal Willick Mike Verchick Cindy Vannucci Young Dave Cavalieri Iris McCowan III. Approval of Minutes Keith Terry moved to table until the next meeting, seconded by Gene Russo. Motion to table passes. IV. Open Discussion A. Executive Board Announcements 1. Scott Lorenz stated that a discount on Aladdin events was forthcoming. This would amount to $1 off the regular price of events. He added that there is a chance that a ticket outlet might be located on campus. 2. Statue Scott informed the Senate about the acquisition of a Rebel statue for the campus. Two sketches have been submitted and the consensus of the administration is to go with the minute-man likeness. Cost of the statue will be $25,000, and it will be constructed of Polymarble with reinforced areas of steel rods. The artist who is doing the statue is Montyne, and he has done numerous statues around the community including those at Caesar's Palace. Greg McKinley moved for a vote of confidence on the Statue, seconded by Keith Terry. Discussion was held on the location of the statue. Keith Terry called for the question. Passes. Main motion passes unanimously. 3. Survey Committee Scott asked for more volunteers for this committee, as those who had applied seem to have too many previous committments. Those interested should contact him after the meeting. 4. Arts and Letters Ken announced that there was now a vacancy in Arts and Letters as Jackie Spektor resigned. She will be transferring to Minnesota. Ken expressed the Senate's appreciation for the work she has done on the Senate. 5. Budget John stated that the corrections have been made on the CSUN Budget and that a corrected copy would be given to each of the Senators as soon as it is retyped. Marshal moved to remove the motion to approve from the table. Seconded by Rob Nielsen. Marshal Willick moved to approve the CSUN Budget for the School year of 1977-78. Seconded by Jerry Gatch. Motion passes with one abstention. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Greg McKinley, acting in the Chairman's absence, submitted the contract for the Laser Light Show. B. Union Board Gene Russo reviewed what had been done on the renovation of the snack bar. He added that he would have a copy of the Saga contract that was discussed at previous meetings in the Senators' boxes for the next meeting. Marshal Willick moved that a letter of disapproval of Saga be drafted by the Senate and submitted at the next meeting for the Senate's approval. Seconded by Jerry Gatch. Motion passes with two abstentions. C. Intermurals Gary Wood was unable to attend the meeting. Floor was opened to discussion on the Intermural operating policy. Marshal Willick made a motion that the operating policy be tabled until the necessary corrections were made. Seconded by Mike Verchick. Motion passes. D. Appropriations Committee Motion by Jerry Gatch to approve the operating policy for the Appropriations Committee, seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion passes with one abstention. E. Radio Station Scott reminded the Senate that the Radio Board was in the process of hiring a station manager and hopes to have one hired by November. He stated that it will be located on the third floor of the Student Union. Con-sultants for the station will be Hammett and Edison. Mike Verchick moved for a 15 minute recess. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion passes, meeting recessed. VI. Old Business Meeting called back to order at 5:15 p.m. A. Senate Nominations 1. Math and Science. a. Joe Matvay and Stacy Groshan Jerry Gatch moved to vote by secret ballot. Vote passed in favor of Joe Matvay, and he takes his seat. 2. University College 1. Judy Sawyer Judy Sawyer is approved and she takes her seat. B. Marshal Willick moved that the Senate move to weekly meetings now for the rest of the Senate year. Seconded by Greg McKinley. Jerry Gatch called for the question. Motion passes to vote immediately. Motion to have weekly meetings passes with 8 in favor, 4 opposed, and two abstentions. C. Jerry Gatch moved that the stipends for senators be increased from $15 to $25. Point of order from the chair that 2/3 of the total membership is required for passage of this motion. Mr. Gatch withdrew his motion with the condition that it be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. VII. New Business The chair turned the meeting over to the President Pro Tempore due to a prior appointment. Gene Russo takes the gavel. Floor is opened for Senate nominations. Greg McKinley nominated Cindy Kiser for Hotel College Bob Biale nominated Elaine Mendonca for Freshman Senator Keith Terry nominated Steve Marwin for Allied Health Scott Hoover nominated Dawn DuCharme for Freshman Senator Bobby Lawson nominated Rick Gutierrez and Bobby Sheppard for Arts and Letters. DeAnn Turpen excused. All nominations will be voted on at the next meeting. B. Marshal moves to amend the Activities Board Operating Policy in the following areas: 1. Expenditures that the chairman can make without Board approval from $100 to $50. 2. Quorum shall consist of 50 percent instead of 40 percent. 3. List of all complimentary tickets shall be turned in to the Senate monthly. Motion dies for lack of a second. The Parliamentarian and the President Pro Tempore rule that no further business can be transacted since we no longer have quorum. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjoured at September 20, 1977, 5:45 due to lack of quorum. Next meeting will be at 4 p.m. in the Conference Room.