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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    O F F IC E O F TH E S T A T E E N T O M O L O G IS T Arietta (EnmmtsHtmt nf Agnmltur? mb Bortinxltur? P. 0, Box #2006 Phoenix, Arizona Friday November l|th 19 h9 Las Vegas Land & Water Company U22 West 6th Street Los Angeles lU, California Attn: Mr. W. H. Johnson, Secretary Gentlemen: This acknowledges your letter under date of October 31st requesting information concerning proper irrigation procedure. Your nurserymen are correct in informing you that shrubbery should not be sprinkled during the day when the sun is shining hot. It almost always results in burning the plants. Irrigation in a dry country such as this and Los Vegas should be done preferably late in the evening or very early in the morning. However, for bulletins on the subject, I would suggest that you write the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, attention of Dr. Paul S. Burgess, Dean, College of Agriculture, and Director, Agricultural Experiment Station. Very truly yours, J. L. E. Lauderdale State Entomologist JLEL:reo