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Copy Las Vegas - May 20, 1942 Mr. W. M. Jeffers, President, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Referring to your letter May l?th, file 199, regarding physical check by Auditing Department of Las Vegas Water ser vices* The count of services was made by a representative of the Accounting Department and the Assistant Agent from my office and the revised rates were placed in effect immediately on completion of check May 1st. We check the town by sub-divisions thoroughly each Spring and Pall, and I believe between 85 and 90# of these additions were made since the tremendous mushrooming of the town started with the beginning of the Magnesium Plant last November. In our last sub-division check in December 1941 we picked up 68 houses not previously shown on our books. Since the housing situation has become so acute here, practically every block has one or two small houses erected on rear of lot, and since the owner usually makes no application for such new service but simply connects it onto the service line to front house, the only way we have of getting these in our accounts is by constantly checking them. Of the additional services picked up by the April 1942 check, there were 137 cabins, rated at $151.50. Since notifying our customers of the revised rates, quite a number of them have called at the office and complained that there is no water connection in their cabins, that they are used only for sleeping and they do not feel it is right to be charged for something they are not receiving. I will discuss this with the Auditor. Also, $100 per month was accounted for by vacancy allowances we made in hotels and auto courts, on the same basis, as authorized by the Public Service Commissions' rate schedule. I will also handle this with the Auditor. Thirty-six trailers were picked up in the Auditor's check We have no prdvision in our rate schedule to cover trailers, as this is a new sanitary hazard brought on by the Magnesium Plant, but we have arbitrarily placed a rate of $1 each on these, when they stay in one place long enough for us to collect a month's bill 214 extra toilets were picked up for a total of $79.85. We have not previously searched for extra toilets in our periodical checks, but this is entirely proper that they should be included in our rates, Inasmuch as flat rate charges are based on the number of facilities served. The same is true of extra baths, of which 105 were found, total $53.70.