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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ROUGH DRAFT P Safeway Stores, Inc. Box 3399 Terminal Annex Los Angeles 54, California Gentlemens We are in receipt of your letter of May 12, 1953 with reference to schedule of water rates covering Store #280, located at 1300 East Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, along with your check in the amount of $58.45* Our hilling of May 6, 1953» in the amount of $58.45, covered water service (exclusive of refrigeration) furnished Store #280 for the months of October, 1952 through April, 1953* With further reference to the moneys paid by your company for cooling water for refrigeration machines for period January 1, 1952 to date, which amounts to $1,058, We are carrying this amount in separate refrigeration accounts as follows: Service No. 7904A — $915.40 — Store #280 Service No. 280 — 142.60 — Store #281 The abo ve moneys will remain in this separate account pending decision by the Public Service Commission resulting from a public hearing held at the City Hall, Las yegas, Nevada, on April 27, 1953« Upon receipt of this decision, we will comply with any ruling set forth by the Commission, which may result in a refund of all moneys / paid for charges for cooling water for refrigeration machines or an adjustment in' rates, at which time your company will be notified of the decision made by Public Service Commission. I am attaching Bill Collectible in the amount of $45.85 to cover water sfervi oe (exclusive of cooling water for refrigeration) furnished Store #281, located at 122 South 2nd Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, for the period of October, 1952 through April, 1953* Trusting this letter has clarified the situation, I remain Eno. Yours very truly,