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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    December 12, 1955 Mr. A1 Freeman Freeman Company 44-9 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, California Dear Mr. Freeman: Thank you for your letter of December 7. The Charlton folder we sent you will be mailed to 5,000 leading furniture dealers throughout the country. The mailing will cover all the important metropolitan areas in every state. The folder we sent you is a layout of the actual mailing piece. You will note we are featuring the Sands Hotel on the cover and six photographs taken at the Sands on the inside. You can readily see that the hotel will get terrific publicity from this mailing, which will reach top-bracket, free-spending people. We also plan to advertise this in Retailing Daily, a trade publication which reaches more than 30,000 active dealers in the home furnishers line. The Sands Hotel will get a big plug in this advertisement. We also intend to have posters in our Chicago, New York, and San Francisco show rooms advertising the Sands Hotel Trip. Time is short and we would like very much to conclude an agreement whereby in return for this publicity, the Sands Hotel would recip- rocate by contributing the five day stay at the hotel for two, which would include room, meals, and two excursion trips. Also, we could use at least a dozen posters in our three show rooms which will be seen by an estimated 5,500 dealers. I would certainly appreciate it a great deal if you would give us your decision as quickly as possible. Sincerely yours, NHMijz cc:Mr. Joseph Spound