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Archival Collections

Identifier Title Collection Dates Extent
OH-01156 Darrell Luce oral history interview 2003 September 28, 2003 October 06 6 digital_files (0.231 GB) MP3
OH-01158 John Luckman oral history interview 1978 March 20 2 digital_files (0.065 GB) MP3
OH-01159 Patricia Ludwick oral history interview 1976 March 30 1 digital_files (0.029 GB) MP3
OH-01161 Sister Marie Daniel Lundy oral history interview 1985 October 29 2 digital_files (0.121 GB) MP3
OH-01162 Eular Lunsford oral history interview 1981 March 15 2 digital_files (0.081 GB) MP3
OH-01163 Arthur C. Lurie oral history interview 1986 April 25 9 digital_files (0.154 GB) MP3, JPG, PDF/A
OH-01164 Cliff Luzier oral history interview 1974 May 27 1 digital_files (0.053) MP3
OH-01165 Mary R. Lyles oral history interview 1978 March 18 1 digital_files (0.024 GB) MP3
OH-01166 Ann Lynch oral history interview 2008 May 27 2 digital_files (0.101 GB) MP3, PDF
OH-00277 Patricia Bryan oral history interview 1979 February 20 3 digital_files (0.0792 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00257 John Brooks oral history interview 1979 February 28 3 digital_files (0.0694 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00258 Marion Brooks oral history interview 1975 February 24 5 digital_files (0.113 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00259 Alice Brown oral history interview 2005 October 19 9 digital_files (0.433 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00260 Alice Cowles Brown oral history interview 1981 March 31 3 digital_files (0.0566 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00261 Bernard Lee Brown oral history interview 1979 February 27 3 digital_files (0.0827 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00262 Teresita Constancio oral history interview 2012-09-04 10 digital_files (0.057 GB) MP3
OH-00263 Debbie Conway oral history interview 2013 March 13 44 digital_files (0.195 GB) MP3, JPG, PDF/A
OH-00265 Harry Brown oral history interview 1975 March 13 3 digital_files (0.0421 GB) MP3, PDF/A
OH-00267 Joel Coombs oral history interview 2014 February 22 9 digital_files (0.0955 GB) MP3, JPG, PDF/A
OH-00268 Robert Brown oral history interview 1981 February 23 3 digital_files (0.080 GB) MP3, PDF/A