Barbara Raben

Barbara (Shulman) Raben (1945- ) is a leader in the Las Vegas, Nevada Jewish community. She moved to Las Vegas in 1991 and was a member of Temple Beth Sholom before joining Midbar Kodesh Temple shortly after its establishment in 1995. Raben became involved with the Southern Nevada Chapter of Hadassah in 2003 when she participated in the Hadassah Leadership Academy program. She later served as President of the Chapter. She is also involved with the Jewish Family Service Agency of Clark County, Nevada. Raben began her service on the Agency's Board as a Liaison to the Food Pantry, then served as Secretary, and in 2014 took over as President of the Board. From 2014 to 2015 she also served as Interim Executive Director. Raben owned a candy making business called The Candy Factory in Los Angeles, California from 1981 to 1991. After moving to Las Vegas, she reopened The Candy Factory there from 1998 to 2001.
Raben, Barbara. Interview, 2015 February 24. OH-02278. Transcript. Oral History Research Center, Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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