Letter written by the Director of Nevada's Division of Public Health Engineering to Senator McCarran informing of sewerage problems in Reno and the Nevada statutes regulating metering of water in larger Nevada towns like Las Vegas and Reno.
Since the city was expanding its sewer system, it was a good time to renegotiate their contract to get all the water run off from the city sewer system for irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch. Written in pencil at top of page "174-2." Letter has two date stamps "A.S.H. Jul 24 1929" and "L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co. Law Department Jul 24 1929."
Though the deed from Stewart makes no mention of water rights, it was McNamee's opinion that the water was part of the land and went with it.
Laying a sewer line in Boulder City.
Transcribed Notes: Written on back: 10-12-31
Pittman's sewer outlet near town.
Exposed sewer about 500 feet upstream from outlet, showing open joints and uneven grade and alignment.
Ditch into which sewer empties about 15 feet downstream from sewer outlet.
Outlet of 4'' concrete sanitary sewer in Pittman.
Transcribed Notes: Notes from attached sheet: Outlet of 4 inch concrete sanitary sewer which probably starts in the vicinity of Midway Casino and collects from the westerly corner of Midway. Pipe is 4 inches diameter laid on uneven grade and alignment, with open joints.
Permit for the water company to lay down and maintain water lines to supply residents of Las Vegas with water. The permit also gives the company access to the streets, alleys, avenues, and highways in Las Vegas to lay water lines. Application for the permit is linked below. Contract Audit No. 7641