Promotional photo for a movie showing Peter Lind Hayes (Joseph Conrad Lind, Jr. later known as Peter Lind Hayes) surrounded by women in a classroom. "Copyright 1940. Universal Pictures Co., Inc."
Description provided with image: "North Las Vegas Moose women installed (new officers of Women of the Moose)-6/15/72. Seated, left, are Helen Woodington, Guide; Charlene Stamper, Assistant Guide; Dorothy Blosser, Pianist; Frances Demars, Sentinel; Ethel Myers, Argus. Standing, from left, Helen Shepherd, Treasurer; Mary Ann Williams, Junior Regent; Clara Compton, Senior Regent; Barbara Lefler, Junior. Graduate Regent; Jennie Nasabroad, Chaplain; and Clarice Barnum, Recorder."
Nineteen film transparencies of women preparing food in a garage, probably for a food bank. They may be associated with the Mesquite Club of Las Vegas, Nevada.