Black and white image of Maude Swartwood, a cousin of Earl Rockwell who was visiting Las Vegas from New York, in a group photo with three others. Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Postcards with Gambling Scenes. A postcard illustrating Michelangelo da Caravaggio playing poker with Der Falschspieler on the front. The back shows intricate typography in German.
A postcard illustrating a man trumpeting a horn with the deuce of hearts in front of him n.d. The caption reads, "What the deuce? Just to remind you and lest you forget, It seems quite a deuce-ed long time since we met".
Identification given with photograph: "Grandma Anderson (Mary Annice McWhorter; Mrs. James)." Ramsey New Lisbon Wisconsin is credited as the photograph's creator.