Six photos of a dance sequence in one of Donn Arden's productions. Two photos are taken in the dressing room, showing girls being made up by a make-up artist.
Postcards with Gambling Scenes. A postcard illustrating Michelangelo da Caravaggio playing poker with Der Falschspieler on the front. The back shows intricate typography in German.
A postcard illustrating a man trumpeting a horn with the deuce of hearts in front of him n.d. The caption reads, "What the deuce? Just to remind you and lest you forget, It seems quite a deuce-ed long time since we met".
A postcard illustrating an ace of hearts playing card with a man holding a woman next to a table with poker chips and playing cards in the center ca. 1910-1919. The caption reads, "Game of Poker: Kitty gets it all".