Six photos of a dance sequence in one of Donn Arden's productions. Two photos are taken in the dressing room, showing girls being made up by a make-up artist.
Postcards with Gambling Scenes. A postcard illustrating Michelangelo da Caravaggio playing poker with Der Falschspieler on the front. The back shows intricate typography in German.
A postcard illustrating a man trumpeting a horn with the deuce of hearts in front of him n.d. The caption reads, "What the deuce? Just to remind you and lest you forget, It seems quite a deuce-ed long time since we met".
A postcard illustrating an ace of hearts playing card with a man holding a woman next to a table with poker chips and playing cards in the center ca. 1910-1919. The caption reads, "Game of Poker: Kitty gets it all".
Black and white image of a barge used to transfer trucks and heavy materials across the Colorado River during the construction phase of the Boulder Canyon Project, better known as Hoover Dam. This specific barge is equipped with a double drum hoist. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.