94.1 The cub drinks. Photo identified as "Little fella is not used to prohibition, 'yeh'". ; 94.2 Jazz, in Portland, Oregon. August 1927. ; 94.3 Bear cub taking a drink of something. Photo identified as "Little Fella, Sunday Ranch". ; 94.4 Oneiga Gorge, Columbia River highway. ; 94.5 Photo of a bear drinking out of a bottle. ; 94.6 Multinomah Falls.
96.1 Horse Tail Falls, Columbia River highway. ; 96.2 Martha Morrison Hunsaker, sister. Sis graduation. ; 96.3 Archie, Wilkie, Jazz and Larry in Oregon City, Oregon, 1927. ; 96.4 Unidentified woman. ; 96.5 Six unidentified people in Roseburg, Oregon, 1927. ; 96.6 The Nillsmeth (sp? & Ore. Lats (sp?); 96.7 Roseburg Oregon 1927