The Phi Lambda Alpha Initiation; Left to right: Dr. Ralph Roske, President; Tina Jane Shaffer, Allied Health; Pamela J. Anderson, President Phi Lambda Alpha, 1971-72; Kenneth Bolos, President-elect Phi Lambda Alpha, 1972-73.
The Phi Lambda Alpha Initiation; Left to right: Dr. Ralph Roske, President; Larry Lyn Williams, freshman; Jan Louise Villaire, freshman; Melodee Schaffer, freshman.
Signing the Phi Lambda Alpha Charter, 11-18-75, left to right: Dr. Donald Baepler, UNLV President; Judy Lynne Curtis, Vice President: Dallas W. Norton, Founder of Phi Lambda Alpha.
Phi Lambda Alpha Initiation Team, 11-19-75. L-R: Dr. Jack McCauslin, Phi Kappa Phi President; Judy Lynne Curtis, Vice President of Phi Lambda Alpha; Susan Moron, Treasurer of Phi Lambda Alpha.