Louise Lorenzi was born on November 14, 1913. Her parents were David Lorenzi and Julia Travese Moore. Her father has been noted as one of the 100 most influential citizens of Las Vegas. Louise married Edgar Fountain in 1936, became a full partner in several business ventures and was very active in the Methodist and First Presbyterian Church.
The Jewish Family Service Agency (JFSA), founded in 1977, provides professional social services to clients in need, including counseling, senior services, adoption, a food pantry, and emergency financial aid. Its focus is on the Jewish community, but the JFSA serves families and individuals regardless of their religion, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. Services are provided in a confidential setting, and many are offered free of charge or on a sliding scale.
Hermina Washington was born December 23, 1957 in Henderson, Nevada. To take advantage of emerging opportunities for African Americans, her parents migrated from Arkansas to Las Vegas, Nevada, joining several extended family members already settled in the city. Growing up during the Civil Rights Movement, Washington was surrounded by strong, inspiring role models, including her grandmother and educators.