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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Jk% 2*08 Angeles, May 23, 1922* Mr. C. 2*. Smith, Secretary, las Vegas land & Water C©., City. XHiox Sir: Your letter of even date and returning herewith communication from Vice President Braehen of May 16, relative t© 3ale to Mr. 0. C. Boggs of an area comprising the equivalent of thirty-two lots outs ids of las Vegas Towns ite, for a considera­tion of 51,600.00, or at the rate of fSQ.00 per lot, which jjS|| has been consented to by the Ibceoutive Committee of the LMsSL BP: I have executed and return herewith, for necessary attention and disposition, deed which you have had prepared to cover this transaction. Print enclosed with your letter is also returned. Yours truly,